November 09, 2007
have yet to see an article from Tracy Wilkinson (Los Angeles Times, Italy
Reporter) that is Not critical of
must dig deep in the article to ascertain that:
other longtime EU members placed a moratorium
on entry to their countries from the new member states,
Ever since, Romanians have been arriving in
of the Population, responsible for 75% of the serious crimes, and that excludes all the burglaries, robberies, purse
snatchings, pickpockets, muggings, petty thefts, and scams.
BBC reports Four Romanians were expelled on Friday night, with another 12
deportations authorised. If pending legislation
passes, approximately 1,000 more Romanians with Criminal Records are
subject to Deportation.
Judith Sunderland, an Italian-based researcher with Human Rights Watch, has the
unmitigated gall, and unadulterated audacity to condemn
EU countries CLOSED their Doors to Romanians,
Good Deed Ever Goes UnPunished !!!
is particularly disingenuous, and certainly a calculated slanting of the news by
Ms Wilkinson was her FAILURE to MENTION, that all 30 of those being Deported
News mentions in in their Secondary Headline: Italian authorities have started deporting
Romanian immigrants with criminal records.
Another mispeak on Ms Wilkinson
part is that although she states: " Although the decree requires a judge
to sign off on each deportation order, no criminal investigation is
criminal investigation for what??? These are persons with serious Criminal
Italians have been unusually patient with this Crime Wave, BUT when an Italian
Admiral's 47 year old wife was raped, beaten and left in a muddy ditch to
die, and she languished in a coma for several days before succumbing, and a
Romanian Immigrant was arrested and charged with murder. The outcry was
Headline should have read more accurately:
"Overly Receptive
are rounded up for deportation amid a crime wave -- a rare move against
citizens of a fellow EU member state.
By Tracy Wilkinson, Staff Writer
November 9, 2007
Nekifor, a waiter, thinks it's advisable these days
not to tell anyone he's Romanian. Laurentiu Apostal, a construction worker, has watched this last week
as terrified friends packed up and fled
A wave of violent crime blamed largely on foreigners, including the especially
brutal killing of a naval commander's wife, has pushed the center-left Italian
government into deportations that human rights activists say are unprecedented
in European Union history.
The Italian government Nov. 2 enacted an emergency decree that allows local
authorities to swiftly expel foreign nationals from EU countries if they are
deemed a threat to public health or security. So far, about 30 people have been
rounded up and ordered deported, all of them thought to be Romanians and many
of Roma, or Gypsy, background.
Untold numbers have left on their own, afraid of the backlash. And right-wing opp osition leaders are demanding
up to 20,000 expulsions.
Last weekend, numerous cars and trucks with Romanian license plates could be
seen, hauling campers piled high with belongings, headed north on
The decision to begin expulsions drew criticism from EU officials and human
rights groups and fueled divisions within Prime Minister Romano Prodi's governing coalition.
Fears of a witch hunt
Recent arrests of Romanian suspects "must not
lead to a witch hunt of Romanians," said Rene van der
Linden, president of a key continental parliamentary body, the Council of
"The Italian government may well have the right to expel a number of
persons on public safety grounds," he added, "but all decisions must
be subjec t to judicial review and taken on an
individual basis rather than collectively."
Italian officials insist that they are not singling out a nationality but
resolving a law-and-order crisis.
Anti-immigrant sentiment has been on the rise in parts of
But the breaking point came late last month when Giovanna Reggiani,
the 47-year-old wife of a naval commander, was accosted one evening in
Reggiani languished in a coma for several days before
succumbing. A Romany man originally from
The outcry was fierce, and the government acted quickly, approving the
emergency decree and sending police and bulldozers into squalid camps where
Gypsies and some non-Roma Romanians live. One of the first camps razed was home
to the suspect in the Reggiani case.
On the night Reggiani died, a mob of masked men
wielding clubs and knives stabbed and beat four Romanians outside a supermarket
Interior Minister Giuliano Amato argued that the
deportations were necessary to prevent such vigilantism.
"We must prevent this terrible tiger, which is xenophobic rage, the racist
beast, from getting out of control," Amato told La Repubblica
What is unusual about the crackdown is the expulsion by one EU member of
nationals from another.
The person is barred from reentry into
Ever since, Romanians have been arriving in
Although other longtime EU members placed a moratorium on entry to their
countries from the new member states,
"They came to
Walter Veltroni, the mayor of
Immigration is a complex issue for
For the Romanians in
'Just not fair'
"This is just not fair; that's how far racism go es,"
said Nekifor, the waiter, who rattled off a litany of
grievances about what Romanians face, including a lack of access to housing and
abuse from employers who don't pay fair wages.
Many of the alleged culprits in the recent crime wave are Roma, and they
receive little sympathy from the majority of Italians, for whom the image of
the Gypsy is beggar, pickpocket or thief.
It is not unusual to be on a public bus and hear, if a
Gypsy boards, passengers shout out, "Zingaro!"
-- a term for the Roma regarded by some as derogatory
-- as women hold tight their purses.
In chats with a dozen Italians, it was impossible to find a kind word about
"The government should close all the Gypsy camps and send them away from
Gi orgio Bezzecchi, national secretary of Opera Nomadi,
a Roma advocacy group, accused politicians of stirring antipathies for
political gain.
"We have always been persecuted in the past, we still are, and we are the
scapegoat for what happened," he said in a telephone interview from the
northern city of
The Prodi government, in taking the emergency action,
has incurred complaints from leftist parties within its coalition. But louder
protests are coming from the right-wing opposition, demanding a harsher
response. Analysts say that given the public anger, it was crucial for the
government to appear tough in countering crime by foreigners.
Alarmed at the wave of antagonism, Romanian Prime Minister Calin
Tariceanu called on Prodi
this week. They agreed to ask for EU help in integrating immigrants and
controlling immigration.
"No country wants to export criminality," Tariceanu
said. But he also implored the Italians to protect Romanians "who work and
lead an honest life in
Maria De Cristofaro of The Times' Rome Bureau
contributed to this report.
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