December 11, 2007
Italians Top Lovers !!-
Some Things Never Change!!!!! :)
the Travel Social Network, said they carried out a study, and polled 10,000
"well traveled" women:
BEST Lover
Rankings showed
WORST Lovers were
the "selfish" Germans, also known for their poor dress
sense and strange sense of humour, who beat the
"quick to finish" Swedish guys. Men from
Other countries who didn't fare well in the poll included
Scotsmen Too Loud In Bed Say Women
December 10, 2007
SCOTTISH men are
among the world's worst lovers because they are "too loud", say
They took the
sixth spot in the world sex league in which the smooth Italians came out
"on top".
The poll of
10,000 women travellers agreed the
"selfish" Germans, also known for their poor dress sense and strange
sense of humour, were the worst of the lot.
They beat the
"quick to finish" Swedish guys into second place.
Men from
Welsh men were fifth, while the English crept in at 10th place because they
were too fat.
The poll, carried
out by global social networking site WAYN.com, asked women from 50 countries to
rate nations on their ability in the sack and give reasons for their answers.
Other countries who didn't fare well in the poll included
The Russians
didn't escape the women's attention and were branded too hairy.
Peter Ward,
co-founder of WAYN.com, the Travel Social Network, said they carried out the
study to celebrate hitting 10million members.
He said: "It
seems that our members are well travelled lovers and
we found the responses quite eye-opening.
"Who would
have thought the world would decide that the Welsh were better lovers than the
Swedes? "
He added:
"We'd like to remind anyone due to go travelling
not to judge potential new lovers too harshly. It does take two to tango."
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