Friday, June 13, 2008

Documentary of Courage of Italians Saving Jews in Italy During WWII



It is important to keep in mind 3 items when Engel Entertainment produces this Documentary:


(!) The Italian Laws of 1937 were actual "Purity Laws" to discourage Italian Soldiers occupying Ethiopia from Intermarriage with Ethiopian women who are more Arabic in their appearance, and of exceptional beauty.  As an After thought it also Required  Italian Jews to sign Loyalty Oaths to Italy, since there was a Strong Zionist feeling, and the Italian Government were concerned that Jews in High Government and Diplomatic positions,were Zionist Sympathizers that would collaborate with England to undermine Italian Interests in the Mediterranean. Obviously the Oath proved effective because a great many Jews refused to sign, and emigrated to England and America.


(2) There were approximately 60,000 Jews In Italy in the 1930s, many of who were Mussolini's early Supporters, Financiers, and Leaders.

While the Italians controlled Italy, NO Italian Jews were bothered unless they were considered,seditious, like other Non Jews.

Once Italy surrendered and joined the Allies, and the the Germans controlled Italy, the Germans rounded up  9,000 German/Austrian/Polish Citizen Refugees, and sent them back to Germany, and 20% perished. Many more would have been sent back ,if it handn't been for the courage of Non Jew Italians who risked their lives to save Jews lives hiding them from the Nazis.


(3) Not only were Neighbors and Strangers involved in the hiding, caring, and feeding of the Jewish Refugees, Convents and Churches were directed by Pope Pius XI to shelter as many as they could. Italian Police would often warn those Jews who were to be arrested, so they might escape. 


For Anyone seeking additional information, although they are many books out there, I would recommend " Did Pius XII Help the Jews?", and  "Yad Vashem has it Wrong" both by 'The Fighting Nun', Sister Margherita Marchione, one of the most recognized scholars on the subject., who can be contacted at:    Sr.Margherita.Marchione@ATT.Net



Documentary on Saving Jews in Italy

New film to tell little- known story of Italian courage


ANSA - New York,

June 10, 2008 


The little known story of Italians who saved Jews during World War II will be the subject of a new documentary film, to be produced by Engel Entertainment, it was announced on Tuesday.

The project, Italy and the Holocaust: the Hidden History, was presented at the Italian consulate here by Vincent Marmorale, who is responsible for matters relating to the Holocaust at the New York State Council of Social Justice.

The presentation of the project, explained Deputy Consul Giovanni Favilli, ''has a double purpose: to announce that a documentary is in preparation in New York on what Italians did during the Holocaust, and to highlight this story which few people are aware of''.

''The consulate is involved because the documentary deals with a part of Italian history which everyone should know about. Although racial laws were adopted in (Fascist) Italy, it is also true that these were not fully enforced,'' he added.

The presen tation of the project included testimony by Jews who are alive today thanks to the help they received from Italians during the war.

''The fact that 80% of the Jews in Italy survived the Holocaust is evidence of the courage Italians demonstrated in helping them,'' Marmorale said.

''The fact that few people in the United States know this story led me to search out Holocaust survivors so they could tell their own story of how they were saved by Italians,'' he added.




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