Sunday, September 28, 2008

Spike Lee's "Miracle at St. Anna" Tortures With Torturous War Movie -10 Reviews



Spike Lee wants to set History Straight????


560 civilian men ,women, and children were massacred at  Sant'Anna di Stazzema among  400 mass killings that were committed by German troops involving the loss of some Italian 15,000 civilians. during the two year Nazi occupation of Italy during WWII in Italy.


Of the 405,399 US Military killed in WWII,  ONLY 773 Blacks were killed in action (That's two tenths of one percent of U.S. total. 90% of the 500,000 Blacks that served, did so in NON Combat Roles, like  Drivers, Cooks, Clerks, Cargo Loaders.


Spike Lee Tortures You With His Torturous War Movie


Radar On Line

By Adam K. Raymond  

September 26, 2009


Poor Spike Lee. Every huge Hollywood director has his huge WWII movie that gets huge praise. Miracle at St. Anna  is not that movie. Unlike Steven Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan  and Clint Eastwood's Letters from Iwo Jima, Miracle at St. Anna  isn't getting lapped up by the reviewing class, typically suckers for the WWII nostalgia. We have a theory why: It's because he's black! Or maybe it's because the movie's too long, too trite, and too simple. Let's see what the reviewers have to say:

"Miracle at St. Anna "  is a bloated, muddled, indistinct, and ill-paced movie (adapted by James McBride from his novel) that makes its 160 minutes seem like a tour of duty for the viewer."-Austin Chronicle

"The impulse here is to say something about the nobility of this movie's intent or to note that Spike Lee is one of our best filmmakers. But the first and most honest thing to say about Miracle at St. Anna  is that it's an awful mess."-San Francisco Chronicle

"Miracle is a botch of the first order, the kind of ham-fisted agitprop that Lee would've made in the late '80s if he'd had the budget for it?though it still would have been more forgivably freewheeling."- Onion AV Club

"Even if you agree that it's well past time that the historical wrongs this film illuminates be finally righted, you can't help but wish they could have been righted with a better film." - Los Angeles Times

"Who knows if Spike Lee accomplished what he was trying to achieve with this excessively long and rambling look at the Buffalo Soldiers of WW2, but if nothing else, Lee can feel some degree of satisfaction knowing he's made a movie about as ineffective and incoherent as Clint Eastwood's Flag of our Fathers." - ComingSoon

"...[T]he real subject is the unsung heroism of black American soldiers during World War II. Given the importance of that subject, the real mystery of Mr. Lee's movie is why it's so diffuse, dispirited, emotionally distanced and dramatically inert."-WSJ

"It's all too much and too little: a history lesson in institutional racism that falls into character clichis, a human drama that gets lost in melodramatic detours, a war movie put together by a fan rather than a filmmaker."- Seattle Post-Intelligencer

"Ultimately, the film is an unsavory blend of the sentimental and melodramatic.... Certainly if Lee wanted to cut the film a bit before its release, he has ample places to begin."- Hollywood Reporter

"Miracle at St. Anna, is the first Hollywood feature to tell the story of the African-American soldiers who fought in the U.S. armed forces during World War II , and as such it's a movie with a monumental mission. Unfortunately, that's more or less the only monumental thing about it. Miracle isn't powerful, it's muddled and diffuse, and the disappointment of the film begins with what a hard time I had finding Spike Lee in it."- Entertainment Weekly

"Unfortunately, instead of presenting the kind of hard-hitting and eye-opening historical drama that might have been expected or hoped for, he has instead given us a bizarre narrative mishmash that tries to simultaneously juggle any number of story points (including a murder mystery, religious miracles, various forms of treachery and a romantic triangle) without demonstrating any noticeable flair for any of them." - eFilmCritic


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