Monday, February 09, 2009 
Valentine Speak - Italian Style


Italians are in love with Love and Romance, and no one speaks it better. Here is a Primer for Valentine's Day

Romantic and Sexy Italian Phrases for Your Special Valentine 
By Serenella Leoni 
February 5, 2009
Serenella Leoni
You can take inspiration from the 'country of romance' by learning some sexy Italian phrases to say to your sweetheart on Valentine's Day. This will cost you nothing but a bit of time and effort and will sound sexy as all get out when whispered into your sweetie s ear. 

Italians are in love with love and romance. They revel in the news of any engagement, marriage or birth of a baby. As you stroll through any town in Italy, you will see lovers intertwined and oblivious to anything going on around them. Romance and passion are a necessity for Italians.

This has always been true in Italy: think of Romeo and Juliet, Casanova, Marcello Mastroianni, and Sofia Loren or Raoul Bova and Diane Lane in "Under the Tuscan Sun". Consider the songs of Andrea Bocelli; while the music is beautiful, so much of the emotion has to do with the passionate words he is emoting. What of the many romantic movies filmed in Italy such as Room With a View, Under The Tuscan Sun, Respiro, Summertime  and many, many more? You can be as romantic as any Italian by using a few simple phrases listed below.

What lover would not appreciate hearing romantic phrases expressed with love and passion? This gift is priceless!
Phrases for romance, Italian-style:

Ti amo (tee ah moe):  I love you 
Ti adoro (tee ah door oh):  I adore you
Mi manchi (me mahn kee):  I miss you
Ti penso sempre (tee pen so sehm pray):  I always think about you
Sei sempre nel mio cuore (say sehm pray nell me oh kwo ray):  You are always in my heart
Voglio baciarti (volley oh bah char tee):  I want to kiss you
Baciami! (bah cha me):  Kiss me!
Sei molto bella/bello (say mohl toe bell ah/oh):  You are very beautiful/handsome
Voglio restare sempre con te (volley oh rest ah ray sehm pray con tay):  I want to be with you always
Mi manchi come l'aria che respiro (me mahn kee ko may la ree ah kay res pier oh):  I miss you like the air that I breathe
Io ti appartengo e tu mi appartieni (Ee oh tee ah par ten go eh too me ah par tee en ee):  I belong to you and you belong to me

The phrases above can be preceded by calling your love romantic names such as:

Amore:  Love
Amore mio:  my love
Tesoro:   (literally)  treasure 
Tesoruccio:  little treasure
Cara/Caro:  Dear
Anima Mia:  My soul

Buona Fortuna (Good Luck)!

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