Monday, March
9, 2009
The On, Off, On, Off Sicily Bridge
is On Again
The bridge will be built over a perilous
earthquake fault, but it should be a big boon to the area, and encourage
the building of super roads to Palermo and Rome, etc, which not only provides
jobs, but better roadways promote commerce generally.
Italy Resurrects Bridge to Sicily
ABC News
By Stephanie Kennedy in London
Saturday, Mar 7, 2009
Government has resurrected controversial plans to build a bridge linking
the island of Sicily to the mainland.
The Messina Bridge was put on hold
after Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi lost power in 2006.
Now back in Government, Mr Berlusconi
has revived the plan.
The bridge with a centre span of
3.3 kilometres would be the largest in the world and construction is due
to begin later this year.
The plan is part of a $30 billion
public works program to create new jobs and boost the economy.
Other projects include new urban
rail networks, freeway expansions, prison and school construction, and
a flood barrier system in Venice.
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