Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Italian Solution to AIG $450 Million Bonuses: "Coglioni Quadrati"


The Italian translation literally means "C'mon grow some Testicles" ("squared testicles"). These AIG Executives were largely involved in the Derivatives, and Credit Default Swaps, that were "Voodoo" financing. AIG justifies the Bonuses to retain the "Best and Brightest", when in Reality they were the "Worst and Dimmest", that CAUSED AIG demise. Then again a number of these Exes took the Retention Bonuses and LEFT. To Where one can not tell since there are THOUSANDS of Stock Broker Execs looking for Jobs after their Firms Failed or Downsized !!!!. 

AIG: Creative Ideas to Quash the Bonuses 
Seeking Alpha 
By: Babak
March 17, 2009 

The insistence of AIG to pay $450 million in bonuses dominated the news Monday. There are a few things that can unite Republicans, Democrats and even libertarians. Well, pretty much every sentient carbon based life form in the US is seething.

So how can the Obama administration prevent AIG from awarding taxpayer funded 'bonuses' to a handful of AIG executives and traders for nuking the global economy?

Before AIG can be held accountable, the US government needs to grow a pair. Or as the Italians call it coglioni quadrati - literally, square balls. Here are just a few humble suggestions for the Obama administration: 

  • use the government’s 80% ownership stake to force executives to “voluntarily” give up the bonuses
  • introduce a very special tax that would target the bonuses - they get paid but they are then taxed 100% right back to the taxpayer
  • buy out remaining 20% - in effect, nationalize it temporarily, then clean house before flipping it
  • “leak” the names of all the executives that are clawing for bonuses
  • give AIG immunity from any lawsuits that may result by withholding bonuses
  • hire some Wall St. type corporate lawyers to find loop-holes
  • as a last resort, or just for shits and giggles, send Dick Cheney’s death squad after the lot of them

  • I'm sure there are other, more creative solutions, so let me know yours.

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