Thursday, July 16, 2009
Italian Media and British Tabloids in War of Words


The London Guardian started out blasting Berlusconi as a host of the G-8. and suggested that there was pressure to expel Italy from G-8.

A front page editorial published by Italian, Berlusconi-owned newspaper Il Giornale claiming that Italy has beaten the UK on the world stage in the fields of the economy, politics, industry, crime, fashion, football and tourism.

British newspaper the London Times in return published a satirical article entitled Cool Italia: we salute you. The Times amended the list to include jibes directed at Italians on organised crime, corruption, bottom-pinching, fashion and sense of humour.
It appears as if, None of the G8 members have anything to propose, and hide that behind an attack on Italy. 

The general public doesn't even know what the G-8 are doing or why they are even bothering to spend the travel money, and the press has already clearly told everyone that the G8 is a gas house of 'senior' politicians who promise lots in front of cameras and then don't deliver. So there is no public support.

Berlusconi has decided to place all these pious politicians in a spot where real urgency and potential for human disaster can be felt through their feet and into their stomachs. Not a bad idea at all!!. Turning on Berlusconi is simply political opportunism of the lowest kind that we rarely see out in the open.

Makes you sorry that the Roman Empire (almost a thousand years) ever bothered to Civilize the Pagan Brits, who now forget that the short lived British Empire [From Waterloo in 1815 until WWII...125 years] .... is now a mere American lap dog. :) :) Get Real !!!!

Italian and British Media Exchange Insults 
The Roman Forum, By Caroline Prosser, Wednesday, July 15th, 2009 
British newspaper the Times today published a satirical article entitled Cool Italia: we salute you a response to a front page editorial published by Italian, Berlusconi-owned newspaper Il Giornale claiming that Italy has beaten the UK on the world stage in the fields of the economy, politics, industry, crime, fashion, football and tourism.

The Times amended the list to include jibes directed at Italians on organised crime, corruption, bottom-pinching, fashion and sense of humour.

Italian feathers were initially ruffled by a report in British newspaper The Guardian critical of the PM’s performance as host during G8.

The newspaper cited senior Western officials saying the G8 summit preparations were chaotic and that there was pressure to expel Italy from the group, a report dismissed by the PM as ‘colossal error by a small newspaper’.
Cool Italia: We Salute You.
Guardian Report:

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