Tuesday, August 25, 2009 ITALY: "The Righteous Enemy" - National Center for Jewish Film. This series of My Reports focusing on Italian Humanitarianism during WWII is a result of a burst of Misinformation and Disinformation on certain Italian American and Jewish Digital Bulletin Boards. Let me again state, that while my sympathies and efforts are with the underdog, and I believe in The Golden Rule, I would NEVER have Jeoprodized My Life and the Life of My Family to save either fellow Jews OR Non Jews who faced arrest and worse. To the Extensive Degree that Italians Performed these Heroic Acts is STAGGERING! STUNNING ! For those who diminish those Monumental Efforts, are Either Ignorant of the Facts, or exhibit Enormous Ingratitude! Thanks to John Matteo
A documentary account of the non-Jewish Italian resistance to Hitler’s “Final Solution.” Director Rochlitz begins with the story of his father, who was interned by the Italians during WWII, and then enlarges the film’s scope to show how Italian officials saved some 40,000 Jews from deportation to concentration camps. Unique interviews explore why these officials subverted Mussolini’s orders to comply with German plans for Jewish annihilation and how they created ingenious bureaucratic evasions and, when necessary, literal roadblocks. Previously unseen Italian and German newsreel footage, archival photos, and excerpts from Eichmann’s trial in Jerusalem are also included. CRITICAL ACCLAIM
“There have been so many books and films depicting the horrors of the Nazi atrocities, that it is a welcome change to find one which can call attention to decent, humanitarian people who, on a large scale, were willing to challenge the Nazis... this is the first time that the Italian resistance has been presented on film." - Carl Alpert, Jewish Advocate "... thoughtful, carefully researched
and in a way, warming...a compelling piece of work." - John Corry, The
New York Times
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