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Sat 11/28/2009Friday, December 18, 2009
Fugly "Snooki" Trashed, after being Bashed !!

In the 42 Comments following the reporting of "Snooki" losing her receptionist job (No, you thought she was a brain surgeon?) 
41 were Very Negative. See below. Most agreed that she was "Fugly" (Fat and Ugly) and a Skank......... 

'Jersey Shore' cost Nicole (Snooki) Polizzi her receptionist job, but not her shot at fame
Ny Daily News; By Jacob E. Osterhout; Friday, December 18th 2009

Fame has its downsides. Just ask Nicole (Snooki) Polizzi, the hard-partying cast member of MTV's newest reality show, "Jersey Shore."
The tremendously-tanned 21-year-old, who is best known for getting clocked in the face at a bar, said she was fired from her job as a receptionist last week when she asked for time off to travel to California, reports E! Online. 

"I was a receptionist at a corporation," she said. "I was getting good money, like $13 an hour. I got fired when I asked for time off to go to L.A." But the petite reality star is not too upset about being laid off by her boss. "She knew I'd be crazy, so thank God that happened," Polizzi said. 
And getting fired might be the least of her problems now that she's one of America's hottest new reality stars. She has already had to change her phone numbers. Of course, changing jobs and phone numbers seems like a minor sacrifice for a run at TV stardom.

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Total Comments - 47

birdman680; Dec 18, 2009; 5:33 AM; It is pretty sad what people call stars nowdays.These parasites of society are not stars! They are nothing but people with no scrupples selling themselves to be famous. Still doesn't change a thing. They are still scum! Another GOSSELIN type POS.

Mikethefanandma ; Dec 18, 2009; 6:02 AM; What was this receptionist "receiving," I wonder.

The Nighthawk; Dec 18, 2009; 6:28 AM; I have a job for ya snookie.get knee pads,condoms,a camcorder.and if your real good I have some hot white yogurt for ya

Fluff; Dec 18, 2009; 7:07 AM; she is absolutely the FUGLIEST woman on tv-and I thought Heidi Montag had that title WOOF

Lzflpr12; Dec 18, 2009; 7:47 AM; I agree with birdman, the trash on tv that want to be star's. Our society has gone done the toilet.

Ruhi; Dec 18, 2009; 9:54 AM; I'm embarrassed that this hobbit looking woman lives in the same town as I do... 

akadnyce22; Dec 18, 2009; 10:11 AM; petite?? she is hardly petite. short yeah.. somebody please put a paper bag over that face too.

CommonsenseCraig; Dec 18, 2009;  10:11 AM; PLEASE! This dope isn't smart enough to work at McDonald's! And my apology's to them, no offense.. And she is done, I mean come on strip clubs would turn that down!

CommonsenseCraig; Dec 18, 2009;  10:14 AM; O'h and by the way you have got to see the first episode, when she picks some dude up a bar and takes him home. He's trashed (of course) and when he sobers up and realizes who he's with, he pukes his brains out! CLASSIC!

WonkaVision; Dec 18, 2009;  10:17 AM; This ho's 3 minutes of fame is done... lets move on.

yankeebabe; Dec 18, 2009; 10:19 AM; Wait a minute... She isn't even Italian? The public are idiots for making these people infamous.

GR8423; Dec 18, 2009;  10:31 AM; She had a job?

bennyrey; Dec 18, 2009;  10:37 AM; Snooki is well on her way to being a fat mama. She hides her horseface behind her pushed up teets. Like how the NYDN correctly states she was fired from her "good money $13/hour job" but than says she "was not to upset about being laid off by her boss." DN editors dig the sexual innuendo.

joboxer; Dec 18, 2009; 10:54 AM; yankee, ruhi: i keep hearing she's not italian. if shes not, what is she? where'd u guys get the info?

bills; Dec 18, 2009;  10:57 AM; She is a fat disgusting mess. Not petite.

san sebastian m; Dec 18, 2009; 11:03 AM; She has an ugly face. She should thank the man above that someone created make-up. She looks orange with that muddled tan. And all for the sake of trying to achieve an olive complexion, something the sisters and latinas already have, yes we are naturally beautiful women, alot of us don't even need the 2 hours and 10 pounds of makeup in the morning that these chicks need. Without makeup they look shy t t i e.

Dee1NYC; Dec 18, 2009;  11:05 AM; Fea! Fea! Fea! Pugs look cuter than her. MTV picked her as the token fugly chick. Wait..that whole cast is. Last time I looked, $13/hr is great if you lived in South America not here.

civilizedone; Dec 18, 2009;  11:14 AM; it's unfortunate that her stupidity and small mind are glamorized and some people are committed in the dumbing down of America. Here's ANOTHER reason presented by MTV to stay in school!!!

letters_only; Dec 18, 2009;  11:16 AM; Why do I get the feeling that this girl will be in a P o r n after the show is over? She does have great   d i c k sucking lips… Even the picture attached to this story suggest p o r n Star.

walkingsnake; Dec 18, 2009; 11:19 AM; She's from Chile. She was adopted by Italians. Give her three years and another 30 or 40 pounds to "round out." Then, "stick a fork in 'er!"

MarcDonato; Dec 18, 2009;  11:28 AM; Is she serious? "Stardom?" Who watches MTV besides high school kids and idiots with double digit IQs these days? The sad thing about this pig is that 20 years from now, she'll be a fat whale, still snapping her gum and "tawkin'" about the show. Enjoy your 15 minutes Snooki...tick tock, tick tock.....

cupcakechick; Dec 18, 2009;  11:29 AM; why are they glorifying this piece of trash...if Jersey doesnt have a bad enough image that people will actually think this is what the shore is really like...pathetic

leggznstuff; Dec 18, 2009;  11:44 AM; Only a $2 h o e would think that $13 an hour is good money! lmao 
Where in the sam h e l l do they find these people?

Sperks; Dec 18, 2009;  12:14 PM; ******! Walkingsnake - brilliant assessment!

James Meager; Dec 18, 2009;  12:20 PM; Psycho Hose Beast !!

walkingsnake; Dec 18, 2009;  12:30 PM; >> leggznstuff -- They come from different burgs (See:, but they hang out in JOISEY.

Danny Boy 87; Dec 18, 2009;  12:33 PM; gross girls

BROOKLYN1977; Dec 18, 2009;12:54 PM ; This is little Kims half sister

Anntelope; Dec 18, 2009;1:26 PM ; damn you guys are mean. damn.

pauladan; Dec 18, 2009; 1:30 PM; It really is a shame what Hollywood deems as stardom. Glamourizing "hard"-party girls and their uncontributing lifestyles. Really now, what are they contributing to this world other than a selfish drunken portrayal of bad behavior. Girls like Snookie give all girls a bad name. I have an adopted daughter that use to have these moments of 'I want to be a star' while watching MTV reality shows. So in order to help her navigate her path in life I got rid of cable which rid my household of trashy reality television shows.  I tell the children often of the importance of getting an education, to be a contributor to public service, be accomplished, and follow peace with all persons. This remedied the situation and now keeps my daughter's eyes off of the crazy reality trash on the tele and now she is enrolled in her first semester of college. ...continued ... Snookie - Really now, when all the cameras are flashing and the temporary lights are on you, you're really just a deer in the road of life.

cantdeal; Dec 18, 2009; 1:42 PM; this dumb ginzo actually thinks she is famous

Sperks; Dec 18, 2009; 2:01 PM; S k a n k y is censored now!? Amazing. Snookie is STILL S K A N K Y!!!!

frank castle; Dec 18, 2009; 2:08 PM; it's mary!

Common Sense; Dec 18, 2009;2:13 PM; No, she wasn't "fired over show," as the snipped headline claims,and I bet she's lying about the reason in the article. You don't get fired for asking for time off, you get denied the time-off. if you don't like it too bad, It won't be too long before this tart is flashing the goods for Playboy, probably claiming she needs the money.

LadyBird; Dec 18, 2009; 2:46 PM; I don't get it. Why do these folks want to look like Oompah-Loompahs?

witchjezebel; Dec 18, 2009; 3:00 PM Okay, #1 - she thinks $13 an hour is good money? and 
#2 - she looks ******, better get the full body rubbers guys.

witchjezebel; Dec 18, 2009; 3:02 PM; The blocked out S*K*A*N*K on my post? Really??

hjo4; Dec 18, 2009; 3:20 PM; What an ugly woman and her personality matches her face. They both suck.

Frank NJ; Dec 18, 2009; 3:31 PM; pauladan, that's what sells today. No one would watch a show with normal well behaved people. People are famous for doing nothing. Look at Hilton, Lohan, the Kardashians, etc.

rosie10014; Dec 18, 2009; 5:28 PM; This just makes me GAG!!!!!!! OMG this fat piece of DUMB trash is soooooo disgusting!! BLECH!!!

mel247; Dec 18, 2009; 6:54 PM; att. Common Sense : Since when does playboy do photo shoots of dogs ?

BerryBerry; Dec 18, 2009; 7:11 PM; Miss Snookie is making the biggest mistake of her young life. The excessive tanning that she is apparently addicted to will have her skin looking like that of a 60 year old woman before she is 23. The damage to her skin has already started and she looks much older than her 21 years of age right now. Snooky should read up on the dangers of tanning--before its too late.

Bedrocker7; Dec 18, 2009; 7:43 PM; She's uglier than fresh roadkill. I've seen hotter lunch ladies.

movingoutofnyc; Dec 18, 2009;  10:02 PM; The tanning salon let her go? Maybe because she can not see over the desk? Her real nickname is poopie and snookie or is it dookie?

tchicky; Dec 18, 2009;  10:17 PM; What a midget!

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