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Sat 11/28/2009Friday, December 18, 2009
"Jersey Shore" Celebs on Jay Leno Show - Quiz Battle
You Must watch this Video from the Thursday December 17th Jay Leno Show segment "Are You Smarter than a First Grader" ? 

Snooki And The Boys Rewrite History On The Jay Leno Show 
Remote Control /MTV;  by Eric Mahoney; December 17, 2009   

Thanks to Snooki’s appearance on The Jay Leno Show  last night, conspiracy theory nuts will have plenty of new things to investigate. Here are a few of her startling revelations:
Libyan leader Colonel Kadafi is actually Grammy Award-winning, musical icon Lionel Richie.
Thomas Edison never invented the light bulb, a guy named Enist did.
The current U.S. Vice President is named after a bowel disorder. (This might explain why some critics think he has diarrhea of the mouth.)
Our 40th president, Ronald Reagan, tried to have the Hoover Dam destroyed.
These Proud Italians didn't know who "Blue Eyes" from Hoboken , NEW JERSEY was..............
In case you missed the show, take a looksie at this memorable 'Battle of the Celebrity All-Stars' segment, starring Snickers, Pauly D and Mike 'The Situation':

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