We ADULT Italian Americans are FAILING our Italian American YOUTH!!!

We are NOT Protecting them from the "tarring" of Negative Stereotyping.
We are NOT Providing "avenues" to learn about their Italian American/Italian 
Culture,  whether it be Studies in Public Schools, Cultural Centers, or an 
Internet PORTAL.We are Allowing them to be "inundated" by other Cultures, 
and be told that 

"Italian Ethnicity Does Not Count"!!!

We do NOT offer guidance, support, encouragement, or defense! 

The complaint below, is NOT a solo complaint!!! 
Multiply it by hundreds of thousands.

At whose feet shall we place the responsibility for this state of affairs?

Those "Pollyannas", who continue to crow "I've got mine, Everything is just fine",
whose selfishness tends to lull the Community into a false sense of well being
or apathy??

Or those I-A Major Organizations, who will claim to represent the Community,
but do little to examine it's problems, and propose solutions. But instead are 
content with offering aspirin and band-aids for monumental threats to our 
culture, and yet get "giddy" with self congratulation about their meager efforts?

Or those Chapters/Individuals of those Major I-A Organizations that demand so 
little of their National Headquarters, and hold them to such low standards of 
achievement.Perhaps they are too busy with "self-indulging" fellowship, rather than 
"community enhancing" fellowship?

Or the Italian American Press, that should be the unrelenting "conscience" of 
the Community, "revealing" the Communities Problems, "suggesting" Solutions,
and "inspiring" Action?

The Leaders, who do NOT "lead", but merely "strut" in the spotlight of their 

Or Each of us that chooses to be "blind" to the problem, thereby relieving 
themselves of the "burden" of "shouldering their share"?

I look at the Results of the Efforts of the "mustering" of Power of my Jewish 
Roots, and I Marvel. I look at the Results? of my Italian Roots and I am 

Who is to help this young Italian American? Who is to help their Generation?
Or the following Generations?

Damn them that preach "Assimilation" to Italian Americans, while all other 
Ethnicities and Races are intensely promoting "Diversity" which demands an
emphasis on Ethnic Studies ( that has all the ingredients of Filiopietism).

"Diversity" perpetuates strong "tribal" ties among "Minorities", while those of
non "privileged" and "preferenced" status, are discouraged from such Studies. 
Since Power comes from Unity, and if "certain" people are being encouraged to 
be "tribal", and "others" to "assimilate", where does the power gravitate to??

There are NONE so Blind that WILL NOT see!! (Not Can not, but Will not).
The plaintive plea of Manny Alfano of IAOV on behalf of this courageous young 
Italian American who refuses to turn her back on her I-A Culture, and adhere to 
"biased and prejudicial" Political Correctness follows:

To All

Is there any way we could help or advise this student? Please contact this 
student directly.

Subj:   Discrimination in American Schools   
Date:   3/1/02 12:31:25 PM Eastern Standard Time    
From:  Angeli2396  
To:  Manny Alfano of IAOV at  Eaa097  
To whom it may concern:

    I am inquiring how to find out if there are any organizations that help 
students dealing with discrimination in school.  I am an Italian-American 
and I am dealing with reverse discrimination.  Mainly because I am white but 
also because I am Italian.  I am forced by the school to take an ethnic 
studies course.  My choices were African American studies, Hispanics in the 
U.S., and Race and Ethnicity in the U.S.  I chose the last one.  I have not 
been taught anything about any culture other then African Americans, and some 
Hispanic groups.  

My professor told me that my ethnicity did not count and refuses to allow me 
to participate in the class.  He also refuses to answer any questions that I ask.  
The chair of the department who is the chair of African studies would not 
allow me to transfer into another course.  She would not investigate or speak to 
the professor about his conduct and refused to tell me how I can obtain 
information on resolving the issue.  The vice president and provost of 
academic affairs said he would look into it but he too is a member of African 
American studies and I am afraid he will not help me.  

I am a student at John Jay college of Criminal Justice in N.Y.C.  Is there 
any organization that could help me with this battle of injustice.  There are 
only 3 white students in the class and we are all treated in the same 
fashion.  Please give me information on where I can obtain advice.

Since writing this Message, but prior to sending it, I received this Exchange
between my good friend Bob Mariani and the I-A student whose spirit he was 
attempting to bolster. It appears that not only is the student's ethnicity 
and dignity being assaulted, but their GPA and qualification for an MBA 
program is in jeopardy. 
Subj:   Fwd: Assault on Italian American Ethnicity
Date:   3/2/02 4:44:31 PM Pacific Standard Time
From:   <A HREF="mailto:BobandDotM">BobandDotM</A>
To: <A HREF="mailto:Trimtantre">Trimtantre</A>

Dear Richard,

    I wrote a letter to Michele (at the time I didn't know she was female nor 
did I know her name) about the appeal she made to Manny, which he, in turn, 
sent out via IAOV.  She has written back as you can see from the below 
forward and has elaborated a bit more.  

It does appear, from what she says, that she is about to face discrimination 
at the hands of the professor of ethnicity.  What do you think about whether 
she should 
take a hidden tape recorder to class? According to her previous letter to 
Manny, she evidently won't get much support from her classmates.  She is one 
of only three Caucasians in the class.  Maybe the other white students would 
substantiate her story about how badly she has been treated.  Any 
suggestions?  Thanks.  Bob
Forwarded Message: 
Subj:   Re: Assault on Italian American Ethnicity
Date:   3/2/02 1:31:56 PM Pacific Standard Time
From:   <A HREF="mailto:Angeli2396">Angeli2396</A>
To: <A HREF="mailto:BobandDotM">BobandDotM</A>

Thank you for responding.  I appreciate all that you have said to me.  It was 
a good pep talk.  I just wanted to respond about what it is that I would take 
legal action on.  I think that due to my ethnicity the Prof. has chosen to 
treat me in the unfair fashion that he does.  

He told me that I do not count after hearing what my nationality is.  He also 
said if he needed a good guy to do his tiles he would go to an Italian.  

In class he refuses to answer my questions.  I really don't see how I can 
learn when he can't answer me because he doesn't want to.  He answers other 
students.  He also will not give me credit for anything that I say in class.  
He will act as if I didn't say anything at all.  He just says next.  

But when a black student or Hispanic speaks he says excellent or very good.  
Even when they say racial terms such as white trash or something that is 
factually wrong.  The man himself is clearly a racist.  The school refuses to 
help me.  Meaning they refuse to acknowledge what I am saying and refuse to 
help me resolve the issue and refuse to allow me to transfer into another 

I am scared that he will unjustly grade my paper and possibly give me such a 
low grade that I will not qualify for the B.A. M.A. Program at the school.  I 
need to maintain at least a 3.5 GPA to qualify.  If he chooses to give me a C 
he can.  The school has said they will not help me.  So he knows he can get 
away with it.  I really feel like I have no choice and I can't even bide my 
time if I wanted to.  

Unfortunately I do not have money for a private attorney who can help me or 
advise me.  If you have time for another pep talk I'll be here to listen.
Michele .......