The following is the latest, in a long time exchange between Bill Tonelli, an 
editor of the "Rolling Stone" tabloid, and myself, that appeared on the 
academic History-Italian American List Serv, H-ITAM, regarding IA Anti 
Defamation Activists and "The Sopranos".
From: Bill Tonelli <>

The problem with attacking the Sopranos is that there are quite a few 
successful unimpeachably legit Italian-Americans (and millions more obscure
ones) who have expressed their admiration for the show. It's hard to make a
convincing case to the public at large that Rudy Giuliani, for instance, has
somehow grown to love a show that defames and damages him, his family and
his unborn grandchildren, or (worse) that he doesn't even realize the show
is hurting him. 

The fight over the pros and cons and most cosmic meanings of The Sopranos is 
a battle that must first be fought among I-As. 

But that's not going to happen until the antidefamation gang begins to 
address in an open-minded and intellectually fearless way how and why such 
gangster narratives come to exist and persist. 

Once you get beyond the Sopranos the war seems to be directed against 
defamation by teddy bear and tv commercial. Who wants to serve in that army?

>From Richard Annotico <>

Not suprisingly, again I disagree with Mr. Tonelli's position.

The fact that there is not a unanimous IA position against The Soprano's, or 
even that arguably a large segment of IAs might admire it, and even some IAs 
of prominence, is neither a sufficient or logical argument on behalf of the 
merits of that TV show, or a reason to declare a unilateral cease fire.

At one time Mussolini and Fascism claimed a similar level of support. I hope 
to see a similar fate for Chase and The Sopranos, and a similar degree of 
ultimate regret and embarrassment for those who now support them.  [;-)

I agree that ONE of the battles to be fought is for the hearts and minds of 
IAs, but contrary to his position, it is NOT a battle to be fought SOLELY 
among IAs.

The battle must be fought PRIMARILY against the PERPETRATORS, and as more of 
the community is "informed" and "educated", and shown the merit of the 
"Activist's" position, and shown that victories can be won, more will be 
recruited to "The Cause".

Most causes, and even the grandest of causes, whether they be for abolition 
of slavery, or women's equality, did not start with a "consensus" of the 

I am also reminded that Garibaldi did not wait for unanimous consent, or even 
a popular mandate, but started with a mere 1000 men in the battle to unite 

And he too was "reviled" in his time, by his "lessers," and was forced to 
flee the  peninsula no less than four times, and was condemned to death twice.

I unequivocally disagree that "the antidefamation 'gang' [first] begin(s) to 
address... [the] how and why such gangster narratives come to exist and 

When someone is "attacking" me, I am NOT first going to try to understand the
reasons for their belligerency, and explore their psyche. I am going to FIRST 
render them immobile, THEN we can perhaps discuss their dysfunctional 

I understand that journalists are enamored of "talking heads". I, however,  
would like to consider myself more practical.

I suggest: determine the problem. identify the solution. Implement !!!!!

One wonders why some people spend so much time, telling other people how NOT
to spend their time.

If you can not yet see the merit of our cause, despite the concurrence of all 
the major Italian American Organizations, and the studies, and the surveys, 
and the psychologists reports, aside from common sense, then ignore us, and 
spend your time doing something you think is productive for the IA community, 
rather than just being knee-jerk contrarian!