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Mon 11/15/2010
Nancy Pelosi: Drives Republicans to Froth 

Pelosi is a very attractive, (almost Tina Fey pretty )(can you believe she is 70 years old) extremely well spoken, very charming, and most important has had the critical ability to satisfy 257 Democrats, and keep unity.  Unfortunately the Senate has rules that easily permit obstructionism, including one member able to filibuster, which results in 250 + bills approved in the House lying dormant in the Senate. 
She is demonized for being Italian, a Woman, Represents Sodom and Gomorra (San Francisco), is a Communist, responsible for Foot Fungus, and every other imaginable thing wrong, including BUSH's Wars in Afghanistan and IRAQ.
Their Real Unspoken Complaint is that she is EFFECTIVE !!!!!! 

Nancy Pelosi: Congressional Scapegoat 
Xomba; Ashkenazi; November 15, 2010 

Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi born March 26th, 1940. Elected to the Democratic National Committee in 1976. Elected Chair of the California Democratic party in 1981. Appointed Finance Chair of the Democratic Senatorial Finance Committee in 1985. Elected to the House of Representatives in 1987. Elected House Minority leader in 2002. Elected Speaker of the House in 2006. She is the first woman, the first Italian-American, and first Californian to hold the post. She is also someone that people love to hate. 

When they aren't bashing President Obama, Pelosi is a favored target of Republican politicians and pundits alike. The 2010 Republican congressional campaign ran under the logo "Fire Pelosi"  They blame her for all sorts of things. The state of the economy, opposing further troop deployments in Iraq, the supposed breakdown of American morals, being soft on terrorists, and offering citizenship to illegal aliens. Even Democrats and independents seem to have a dim view of her. This year, Pelosi's poll numbers dropped even further than Congress as a whole. She currently faces a challenge by North Carolina Democrat Heath Shuler for the position of House Minority Leader. 

So why does the Speaker of the House (until January 3rd anyway) garner so much ire? Her first problem is that she's a powerful woman, and she isn't hot like Sarah Palin (she's a lot smarter than Palin, but since when does anyone care about that?). Many anit-Pelosi articles and advertisements use highly unflattering photos in a not so subtle way to influence opinion. Then-Senator Clinton had the same problem in her 2008 bid for President. Open Racism may be unacceptable in today's politics, but open sexism is still fair game. 

Pelosi is also considered a Congressional Liberal. Which isn't to say she's actually that far to the left, but it's all about comparison. She's for keeping abortion legal and maintaining civil liberties, she's against tax cuts for the rich and privatizing social security. All in all, Pelosi is a good representation of what the Democratic party claims to advocate. That's more than enough to draw negative attention from American conservatives. 

But what really earns Pelosi her staggering amount of enmity is, in this writer's opinion, that she gets thing done. In her first six days as Speaker, Pelosi lead House Democrats to pass eight major pieces of legislation. She was a powerful force in getting Obama's healthcare plan passed. Unfortunately, much of Pelosi's legislation could not make it past the Senate, but that's hardly a reflection on her. 

Because of her effectiveness, Pelosi's political opponents have invested a great deal in slandering her image. They seem to have succeeded, as she is now facing calls from both parties to step aside. Personally, I hope she doesn't pay attention. Pelosi is exactly the kind of leader Democrats need right now.

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