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Thu 3/10/2011 
Rep. Peter King Leads Bigot Hearings : What Next, Hearings on Italian Americans and Crime ???

Investigating Muslim-Americans because of Anwar al-Awlaki makes about as much sense as investigating Italian-Americans because of John Gotti; investigating Evangelical Christians because of Scott Roeder; investigating Jews because of Bernie Madoff and Wall Street for the US Economic Debacle, or Catholics because of pedophile priests. Any Congressman suggesting an investigation of these religious/ethnic groups because of the actions of these individuals would be run out of town. And justifiably so.
Besides, shouldn't KING  be investigating the EFFECTIVENESS of the BILLION dollar HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT  that his Committee oversees, rather than infringing on the FBI's Job?  Since the Oklahoma Bombing had no Airplanes involved,  shouldn't we consider searches of All Persons entering any Public , or Commercial building. Your Right . That makes NO SENSE EITHER !!!!!!!! 
I was under the impression that the US INVADED Afghanistan and Iraq  to eradicate a 100 Foreign Muslim cave dwellers we were afraid were going to invade and other throw the US. .... TEN YEARS Later, The costs of WAR BUSTING our BUDGET, we look for a way to Declare Victory, and get out with our Tails between our legs, and WAR Mongers Much wealthier. Should we now invade the US to eradicate Radical US Muslim Citizens, or Radical Fundamentalist of the Right and Left, especially those who insist they will to use their Second Amendment Rights to protect their First Amendment Rights?  
King was ignorant that Mohammed Salman Hamdani was among other MUSLIMS,  a 23-year-old MUSLIM paramedic, a New York City police cadet . He was one of those brave first responders who tragically lost their lives in the 9/11 terrorist attacks almost a decade ago.... 

Moreover, Peter King has supported and justified terrorism by the IRA, Peter King, and is a hypocritical voice to call the kettle black.

Allowing Corporations to Buy Elections and Busting Unions the Only Defense of the Middle Class,  looks like a one way ticket to a Latin American Oligarchy.  

The USA today: 400 Americans have more wealth than half of all Americans combined.  That is 400 vs 150 million !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Al-Qaeda's American-Bred Leadership
Washington Post; By Marc Thiessen ; March 10 , 2010 

In recent days, critics in this section have pounded Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) for holding hearings to examine radicalization in the American Muslim community. They've accused him of "providing fuel for bigots" and "stoking irrational fears." Really? It is hardly irrational for the chairman House Committee on Homeland Security to examine radicalization in the American Muslim community when top leaders of all three al-Qaeda networks that now threaten the homeland today have roots in this community. 


Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). The spiritual leader of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen born in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Awlaki lived in the U.S. until he was seven, moved to Yemen, and then returned to the U.S. to attend college, earning a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Colorado State University and a masters degree in education from San Diego State. He went on to become one of the most influential radical preachers in the Muslim American community, leading mosques in Fort Collins, Colo., San Diego and Falls Church, Va.. ...

Al-Shabab/al-Qaeda in East Africa. ...The group's military commander is an American citizen, Omar Hammami, also known as Abu Mansoor al-Amriki ("the American). Hammami grew up in Daphne, Ala., just outside of Mobile, and was raised by a Syrian Muslim father and a Southern Baptist mother....

Al-Qaeda Central. The current operational commander of al-Qaeda -- is an American citizen, Adnan Shukrijumah. According to the New York Times, Shukrijuma is a "Saudi-born naturalized American... [who] spent part of his youth in Brooklyn, went to college in Florida... 

;Bottom line: When three top leaders of the three most virulent al-Qaeda networks are American citizens,.....

Keith Ellison: In Defense of Muslim Americans
Washington Post ; By Jonathan Capehart ; March 10, 2010 

...Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) broke down in tears at the House Homeland Security Committee hearings on radicalization in the Muslim community and that community's response. Ever since the problematic committee chairman, Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), announced his controversial hearings, emotions have been running high.

As I wrote on Monday, while King is right to worry about and call attention to radicalization grabbing a foothold among some in the Muslim community, he has ignored or eviscerated evidence of other forms of Made-in-the-U.S.A. radicalism. But when you see the first Muslim American elected to Congress become overwhelmed by the task of defending the patriotism of fellow Muslims, you can see how deeply the tenor and tone of King's comments in the past and leading up to today's hearings have cut.

Let me close with a story, but remember that it's only one of many American stories that could be told. Mohammed Salman Hamdani was a 23-year-old paramedic, a New York City police cadet and a Muslim American. He was one of those brave first responders who tragically lost their lives in the 9/11 terrorist attacks almost a decade ago.... 

After the tragedy, some people tried to smear his character solely because of his Islamic faith. Some people spread false rumors and speculated that he was in league with the attackers only because he was Muslim. It was only when his remains were identified that these lies were fully exposed. Mohammed Salman Hamdani was a fellow American who gave his life for other Americans. His life should not be defined as a member of an ethnic group or a member of a religion, but as an American who gave everything for his fellow citizens.

You're emotionally dead if after watching the video you feel nothing, not even a pang of empathy, for Ellison. Unfortunately, many of you won't. According to a Gallup poll released yesterday, only 53 percent of those surveyed said they believed Muslim Americans are "supportive of the United States."That's 47 percent too few, if you ask me. Questioning the patriotism of an individual is one thing. Questioning an entire class of people on the issue is wrong.

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