![]() ![]() Thu 10/6/2011 "Foxy Knoxy", Casey Anthony, & O.J. Simpson - All Not Guilty, But Not Innocent First Casey Anthony,
now "Foxy Knoxy". Such a Travesty !!!!!!!!! "Foxy Knoxy" is NOT what
others named her, but what Amanda named herself.
See Article Below: "The Wild, Raunchy Past of Foxy Knoxy" from the London Daily Mail THE MURDER OF MEREDITH KERCHER POLICE INTERROGATIONS,
Knox changed her story of the Night's events,, THREE Times,
the court during the trial that the confession was made under duress but
then repeated the entire account in a five
FALSE ACCUSATION: The prosecution
said the fact that Knox falsely accused Lumumba of being the killer was
a sign of her own guilt and
THE ALIBI: Sollecito
could not back up Knox's alibi on the night of the murder.
Sollecito claimed he used his computer to download and watch cartoons and
A bedroom belonging to one of Miss Kercher's Italian flatmates was ransacked
on the night of the murder, with a
THERE IS SO MUCH MORE "Foxy's" Bizarre Conduct at the Police station, including doing Cartwheels and Splits, Sollecito had been searching the Internet for "Removing Blood Stains", Knox and Sollecito had "staged" a Burglary scene, with broken window,.Etc, Etc, Etc, RUDY HERMANN GUEDE: was tried and convicted of Kercher's Murder. DNA matching Guede's was found both on and inside Kercher's body and on her shirt, bra and handbag.A bloody handprint found on a pillow under Kercher's back. Guede was sentenced to 24 years reduced to 16 years based on his willingness to testify to Knox's and Sollecito's presence and complicity in the murder. DIYA 'PATRICK" LUMUMBA: Knox's former employee was accused "falsely" by Knox of having murdered Karcher. Knox was convicted of "slander" and sentenced to 3 years in Prison, which was satisfied by the 4 years Knox was incarcerated. Lumumba has yet to collect the 30,000 Euros he was awarded. NANCY GRACE: Grace , said that while she would love to believe Knox innocent, "I just happen to know the facts."."I was very disturbed, because I think it is a huge miscarriage of justice". "I believe that while Amanda Knox did not wield the knife herself, "I believe her original statement to the police - that she was there in the home when her roommate was murdered was true," Grace told Access Hollywood. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Meredith_Kercher THE BACKGROUND OF AMANDA KNOX Knox's mother claims her daughter is a "honest" Angel. "Foxy Knoxy" Supporters from her home State of Washington, root for Amanda Knox, like they do the Mariners or the Sea Hawks, and completely ignore the evidence, and surrender to their bias, Xenophobic Americans also deplore the verdict, convinced that Americans Can do No Wrong, OR Right or Wrong, they are Right.!! and in an effort to support her, Denigrate the Italian Judicial System. Further, Senator Maria Cantwell of
Washington,[obviously in an attempt to "pander" to her constituents] wondered
whether Anti-Americanism tainted this trial [ignoring that Italy is the
Most Pro American of the entire EU, and that the Victim was British, and
Knox's Co Defendant is from a prominent Italian family]. Cantwell also
said, "I have serious questions about the Italian justice system" and
"The prosecution did not present enough evidence for an impartial jury
to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that Ms. Knox was guilty.", although
Cantwell has NO Legal Training,
Foxy's Friends were almost Exclusively
MALE, and she was VERY Aggressive toward Competing Females.
Then add that going to Europe is like
going on vacation, and letting it ALL Hang Out !!!!!!!!!!
GUILTY as HELL !!!!!!!!! Only 27% of Sky Italia polling
respondents thought the couple were Innocent.
Now Remember Sollecito is ITALIAN, but they Cut neither him or her NO slack. The Lifetime network has the biopic Amanda Knox, Murder on Trial in Italy.. Playing the infamous "Foxy Knoxy" is Hayden Panitierre,
The Wild, Raunchy Past of Foxy Knoxy London Daily Mail Online; by Andrew Malone; December 3, 2007 Amanda Knox - accused of killing Meredith
Kercher - has been portrayed as a blameless girl led astray when she moved
to Italy. But as this investigation reveals, she already had a dangerous
appetite for drink, drugs and sex ...
He drove to an area called Greek Row, well known for fraternity parties among rich students letting off steam.The officer suspected "some kids" were just playing their music too loud, but what he found was no run-of-the-mill summer student party: he later told colleagues it was like a scene from Baghdad.Gangs of students, high on drink and drugs, were hurling rocks into the road. Cars were swerving to avoid them. Debris littered the road. It was mayhem. Fearing reprisals, neighbours who had called the police refused to give their names. The police officer called for back-up as the youths began throwing rocks at the windows of houses on the neat, tree-lined streets.Eventually, after reinforcements had arrived, the students calmed down. Police made only one arrest: the person they held responsible for the party and the disorder.Her name? Amanda Knox, or, as she prefers to be known, Foxy Knoxy. Now the same girl has been arrested again, but this time for murder. For the 21-year-old American student is facing life behind bars in an Italian jail after the brutal sex-murder five weeks ago of British student Meredith Kercher, who had been allocated a room in the same apartment as Knox during a gap year exchange in Perugia.Four months ago in Seattle, Knox was fined $269 (?135) at the Municipal Court after the incident - Crime No: 071830624 - and warned that any repeat of her behaviour would lead to much stiffer punishment. According to the court records, the first officer on the scene, Patrolman Bender, said the only excuse that Knox gave for her behaviour was that she was moving abroad.Yet this was not a simple case of mischief at a party getting out of hand: according to police sources, it is rare for a party incident involving a 20 year-old to end up in court unless police believe a serious crime has been committed.Those present that night say the scenes on the street were as nothing compared to what was going on inside Knox's rented house, less than a mile from where she studied English, German and Italian amid the calm, regulated life at one of America's greatest universities. It was, according to one party guest, "bedlam, with drink, drugs and bodies everywhere."Some people were naked inside the bedrooms."There were people draped over each other."I've been to a lot of student parties in my time, but I've never been to a party like that."Everyone just wanted to get drunk, get high and get laid. There was also a lot of violence because everyone was so pumped up." Not surprisingly, Knox's mother was mortified when she discovered that her daughter had received her first criminal conviction, although it was a minor crime compared with what would later transpire in the medieval Italian city of Perugia, when the Leeds University student Meredith Kercher was held down, raped and then murdered by having her throat cut. After the Seattle disturbance, Amanda assured her mother Edda that the police had been "heavy-handed".According to a family friend, Edda, a maths teacher, put the incident down to the fecklessness of youth.But, in fact, that incident was just the first official, public confirmation of what many in Amanda's inner circle already suspected: that the former Catholic choirgirl was an "accident just waiting to happen". Knox was born in Seattle on September 9, 1987, five months after Edda had married William Knox, a decent, upstanding man with a promising career in the retail business ahead of him.Another girl, Deanna, was born a year later. The family settled in a middle-class suburb in the south of Seattle, a city famous for its waterways, beautiful mountains and low crime rate. But, sadly, relations between Edda and Bill began to deteriorate. By 1991, her husband had petitioned the Seattle courts for a permanent, legal split, though they remained on cordial terms for the sake of their daughters. After enrolling at the University of Washington, she developed what her friends describe as a 'double life' While Edda worked in a local junior school, Bill was determined "his girls" should have the best possible start in life. Both were sent to the elite Seattle Preparatory School where many of the city's most famous sons and daughters, including the current mayor, had gone.As might be expected of a school where the fees were ?6,000 a year, teaching standards were high and pupils were given every opportunity to try music, sport and debating. With exemplary school reports, Amanda seemed to be destined for a glittering future. Discipline was, however, strict at this Jesuit institution. Pupils were taught to "work hard and pray hard", and strict codes of dress and behaviour were imposed. Not that this proved a problem for Amanda. According to teachers, she was a model pupil.Excelling at sports and English, she also joined the school choir, prayed every day and showed no hint of the rebellion and taste for the debauched side of life that would later so spectacularly prove her undoing soon after graduating in 2005. At the school ceremony, attended by both her parents, the students were told that they must "recognise that the choices and decisions you make have consequences and implications for yourselves and others".It was a message that Amanda soon forgot.After enrolling at the University of Washington, she developed what her friends describe as a "double life". By day, she was a caring and conscientious student, often found in the university study rooms.She was, according to friends, glad to have finally left home.She had been deeply unsettled by the fact that her mother, always so conservative and supportive, had struck up a relationship with a man young enough to be Amanda's brother.To the shock of their neighbours, Edda at the age of 39 married 27-year-old Christopher Mellas in 2002. Amanda was 14. Some speculate that this is when the seeds of Amanda's self-destructive behaviour were sown, even though it was not until she had finally left home that she got the opportunity to break free and rebel - with disastrous consequences. Within hours of arriving in Rome, she e-mailed a former Washington University student, writing excitedly of having sex with a stranger on a train.Although achieving top grades at university, she had started smoking potent 'skunk' cannabis regularly and declared to friends that her favourite "poison" was vodka. But there was a crucial difference between Amanda's behaviour and that of her fellow students."We all like to smoke a bit of pot and go out and get trashed at the weekends," one student who stayed in the same halls of residence as Amanda recalled last week."But she really used drink and drugs."By that, I mean she didn't just take stuff to get high and have fun."It was like she wanted to get away from herself, as if she had some sort of chemical imbalance she could only cope with by getting wasted." She also developed a deep, abiding desire for casual sex."She was - how can I put it - very friendly, outgoing and bubbly to all men she came into contact with," said Philip Setran, a medical student, who shared a dormitory with Amanda."She had what in polite terms you'd call a lot of close male friends."Others were more blunt, calling her a "man-eater".She moved in circles more traditionally associated with male students, hanging out with the local football team, climbing surrounding mountains with men and competing aggressively with other women who strayed into her social circle. With such a lifestyle it was hardly surprising that she hated the strictures of dormitory living.In 2006, she rented a house in Greek Row, an area traditionally home to football "jocks" and all-male fraternity houses, where she could also escape the alcohol rules of the university accommodation."She just went wild," said an acquaintance. "It was like the brakes were let off. She started smoking pot in the mornings before class and then partying at night. Even by student standards, she was wilder than hell." As her taste for excess intensified Knox told friends she could not wait to escape Seattle. Fed-up with American drinking laws that meant, even aged 20, she could not go to bars to meet men for another year, she was thrilled when she was selected as an Erasmus scholar to study in Italy. Europe, sexual freedom, and unlimited drugs and alcohol beckoned. Setran says: "I think she couldn't wait to get away." Her last act in Seattle was to throw that summer party in Greek Row - and collect a criminal record for it. Yet this did not persuade Amanda to ease off on her party lifestyle. Within hours of arriving in Rome, she e-mailed a former Washington University student, writing excitedly of having sex with a stranger on a train. Arriving in Perugia, she also liked what she saw, e-mailing another friend that the party scene was "great" and beginning a series of one-night stands with Italian men. She also reputedly boasted to one friend in Seattle that she "could have any man she wanted" - and set about proving it. According to friends of Meredith Kercher, the steady stream of men Amanda brought home caused tensions between the English girl and the American. Knox also cultivated cannabis plants around the apartment and would smoke her first joint before she got dressed in the morning. There were rumours that Meredith had accused Knox of taking money from a drawer.At the same time, she also indulged her talents for creative writing. First, she posted a story on her MySpace page about how a young man drugs and rapes a young woman after remarking that "chicks just don't know what they want". More recently, she has written page after page of notes to police about the night Meredith died, saying she wasn't at home, that a black bar owner called Patrick did it and that her Italian boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito came into her house with blood on his hands. But police say a bloody fingerprint found at the murder scene belonged to Knox. Three suspects are in custody in connection with the murder: Knox, Sollecito, 23, and Rudy Hermann Guede, 20, who is awaiting extradition from Germany. He is an Ivory Coast citizen but was brought up in Italy. A fourth, Congolese bar owner Diya 'Patrick' Lumumba, 38, was released last week. Police believe Meredith died after being forced into a drug-fuelled sex game. Her throat had been cut three times and she had bled to death after being locked inside her own room.Could it all have been prevented if more notice had been taken of the warning signs about Knox's increasingly erratic behaviour in Seattle? It seems unlikely. The university says it had no indication of anything being wrong.A spokesman for the university's police force last night insisted Knox had not been guilty of even a "single traffic violation" during her time there.Any mention of the party in June at which Knox was arrested elicits a flat response.Norm Arkins, head of public relations at the university, said: "I cannot tell you anything about Amanda. "I cannot tell you what grades she got, what course she studied, whether she was a good student or bad. I will not discuss anything about this student or anything about her life. End of story."But, sadly, it is not the end of the story. The student with whom the University of Seattle can find no fault is languishing in a cell in a women's prison awaiting trial. And a British family is left to mourn the brutal death of their beautiful daughter, who, it seems, died for no other reason than that she had the terrible misfortune to find herself sharing an apartment with 'Foxy' Knoxy. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-498853/
Amanda Knox: Guilty, Five Reasons Why Complex and conflicting evidence was presented at Amanda Knox?s year-long trial in 2009 and at her appeal London Telegraph; By Nick Squires, Perugia; October 3; 2011 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/italy/ 8803077/Amanda-Knox-Guilty-or-innocent-five-reasons-why.html The ANNOTICO Reports Can be
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