Thanks to Bob Massullo

Bob who is a jounalist for a Major Newspaper, and is an excellent position to 
know, reports: "Italy Daily, an English-language supplement to the issues of 
the International Herald Tribune distributed in Italy, is now available in an 
easily accessible online form, as the letter I am forwarding to you notes 

"In my opinion it is by far the best source of news about Italy in English 
available and should prove most useful to all of us."
From: Italy Daily:

Dear Reader of Italy and Italian culture:

We are please to announce that Italy Daily, the Italian insert to the
International Herald Tribune, is now available on the Internet.

The purpose of this message is to introduce you to what could be a very
useful and cost-free resource for someone like you.

>From the latest statistics on immigration to new trends in Italian culture,
from current discussions in Parliament to breaking business stories, will offer an unparalleled source of news about
Italy in English. Wherever you may be.

Besides the daily updated and in-depth news, offers
dozens of other features and practical information for expatriates already
living in Italy and for those visiting or planning a visit to the bel paese.

The travel section contains detailed walking tours of Rome, Venice and
Florence, along with suggestions on where to stay, eat and buy. It is
accompanied by a database of festivals happening around the country, as well
as nuts-and-bolts information for first-time tourists in Italy.

The site also provides an online booking engine for all kinds of
accommodation in Italy - from one-star to five-star hotels, bed breakfasts,
villas and apartments.

For food lovers, American gourmand and author Fred Plotkin describes the
flavors of each of the region's typical dishes and highlights the areas'
best restaurants, cafés and bakeries, and provides recipes to make the
dishes at home. Also in the food and wine section, you will find a
collection of Italy Daily features on the country's unforgettable
gastronomic treasures.

The art and culture section examines recent and restored works of art,
profiles local artists and craftsmen, and lists cultural happenings around
the country, including the latest exhibits, shows and concerts. also aims to be a useful resource on such topics as
architecture and art history, while providing such news-you-can-use as how
to get a job in Italy or find the best university program for students'

We hope you get a chance to see and bookmark our site, and we welcome any
feedback you may have to make it an even better source of information for
those who love and want to learn more about Italy.


Claudio Gatti

John Moretti
Web editor