Thanks to -June 2, 2002

Holy Sacrilige!!! What next????

Apparently, this is one of the prices one must pay, when a country has such 
outstanding gastronomy. [;-)

I would be most curious to know what % of the 52% were already married woman,
and those women who were still looking to find the right mate.

Also, how does the former(?) inclination for Italian men to prefer their 
fiances to be thin, but their wives to be more "voluptuous", in order for 
them to be less attractive 
to other men, affect these percentages?

Italian women, it would seem, have kissed the famous "bikini test" goodbye. 

One out of two women (52%) has no doubt that the pleasures of food come 
before those of sex, guaranteeing that this summer will see fewer thin women 
sunning on Italy's beaches. 

In fact, the summer of 2002 looks to be the most voluptuous in recent years 
with the return of full forms and - who's to argue - an increase in bikini 

And so it is that 31% of women this year have said no to a diet, for a 
variety of reasons. "I don't want to lose weight," some say, "I'd have to buy 
a new wardrobe," say others, or "I just can't imagine myself skinny,"; but, 
above all, "I've had enough of sacrificing." 

This is what has emerged from a survey conducted by the magazine "Riza 
Psicosomatica". The solution for summer? The desire to sacrifice for the sake 
of a thinner figure has dropped drastically: looser clothing or a poncho 
seems to be the preference. 

Of those interviewed, 20% declared that they are "beautiful and happy as they 
are." Yet, 31% of Italian women go off diets, or avoid them altogether, for 
fear of actually losing weight.