Thanks to Lou Alfano of PIE

The House of Representatives Agreed without Exception, to Resolution, H. Res 

(on June 11, 2002)

As a side note, I thought it curious and amusing, but not offensive that the 
Floor Manager of the Resolution, Mrs. Davis of Virginia, "recognized" Mr. 
Pascrell, from New Jersey as, "one who represents the "FEISTY" tradition of 
Italians and of Italian Americans." ?? [;-)

More importantly, I was pleased to see that while this Resolution dealt with 
"Accentuating the Positive", of Italian/ Italian American Culture, 
(recognizing Meucci's invention of the Telephone), that also we were reminded 
that in the Congress, of the importance of "Eliminating the Negative" (The 
Negative Stereotyping of the Media)!  

Congressman Pascrell, (who is Italian American) stated in part for the record...
"How refreshing it is to talk about an Italian American out of the Hollywood 
spotlight and an Italian American not recognized. If only we took the time in 
this society to deal with all ethnics, people of all racial persuasions in 
fairness, and that is what this resolution is all about: Fairness, honesty, 
breaking the stereotypes that many of us have learned; in fact, probably, 
taught without our even knowing".

I was embarrassed to discover, that the invention of the Telephone was NOT as 
I had my whole life believed, a matter of two inventors, unaware of each 
others work, almost simultaneously (with Meucci slightly ahead) creating the 
same device. 

No, it was that Meucci was the unquestioned inventor, 17 years Earlier, and 
that Alexander Bell  COPIED Meucci's Patent's, that Bell's co conspirators 
Western Union, Stole/"Lost" his prototype, and that Bell's group used their 
economic/legal power to deprive Meucci of appropriate recognition/rights, and 
were even then only successful, when the fates intervened, and Meucci died 
before the US Supreme Court mandated trial to vindicate Meucci took place. 

It is particularly touching that Meucci was spurred to complete his 
experiments to facilitate the home care of his paralyzed arthritic wife.

It is also ironic that an Italian American (Don Ameche) played Alexander 
Graham Bell in the Movie that etched the "false" history into the American 

Stop to think, the entire Telecommunications Industry, and the Internet Industry,
a combination that dwarfs all other Industries, are ALL in debt to an Italian 
American Immigrant -ANTONIO MEUCCI.

If we were not a Community that was so focused on being Assimilated 
Americans, and we were more able to Unite to protect, perpetuate and 
celebrate our Italian/American Heritage, we would demand that our Major 
Italian American Organizations assure that Meucci be given appropriate print 
Media attention, encourage the writing of a book, the producing of a movie, 
and eliciting the apologies of Western Union, and the "Baby Bells", who also 
should be gracious enough to fund all the previous projects, plus a Meucci 

The number of Italian Americans currently heading important Telephonic and 
Internet companies is impressive, and should be enlisted as an Advisory Board 
for such a Project!!!!

The reading of the brief but compelling discussion on the Floor of Congress 
is worth your time.

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and is updated, and therefore the address changes frequently, and you may 
have to take the longer path.

If neither the hyperlink nor the URL are successful, then try:

Going to << >> and clicking on 'Thomas.' 
Then click on 'Most Recent Issue' under Congressional Record. 
Find the Daily Digest for June 11. 
Scroll down through all the Senate stuff to the House of Representatives, 
go past the 'Reports Filed' to finally find 
'Achievements of Italian-American Inventor Antonio Meucci.' 
Click on 'Pages H3308-11' and then 
the link following 'Honoring the Life and Achievements of 19th Century 
Italian     American Inventor Antonio Meucci" 

If you are unable to connect, Email me offline, at <<>>
and I will Email you the Discourse.