A Reminder for those who may have forgotten, and are serious scholars,
or want a serious book about the Italian American Experience in their home.
$125.00 (USA)  $188.00 (CAN)  735 pages.
The Italian American Experience
An Encyclopedia edited by Salvatore J. LaGumina , Frank J. Cavaioli , 
Salvatore Primeggia, Joseph A. Varacalli 

About the Book    

The first encyclopedia to offer comprehensive coverage of the history and 
cultural contributions of Italian Americans.

The millions of Italians who have migrated to the United States over the last 
two centuries have played a crucial--and at times little recognized--role in 
the history of their adopted country. This encyclopedia, the first book of 
its kind, presents the totality of the Italian American experience. The 
coverage includes such broad topics as the influence of Italian Americans on 
politics and society and their contributions to art and to the development of 
Catholicism in the United States. 

The book also offers unique insights into previously neglected topics such as 
anti-Italian discrimination in the United States, which is both a historical 
phenomenon and a contemporary social issue; Italian American organizations, 
groups, and archival depositories, all of which form a rich resource for the 
study of the Italian American experience; the role and status of Italian 
American women; issues of assimilation; and Italian Americans in the media.

Biographical entries on prominent historic and contemporary Italian Americans
Italian Americans have participated in every occupation and endeavor in 
American life throughout history. The breathtaking range and depth of their 
contributions are reflected in the extensive biographical coverage in The 
Italian American Experience. Included are such diverse figures as Constantino 
Brumidi, Vivian Della Chiesa, the Grucci family, Fiorello LaGuardia, Madonna, 
Antonin Scalia, Rosa Ponselle, Frank Sinatra, Frank Stella, and Joseph 
Zappulla. The biographies are valuable prism through which to examine the 
richness and diversity of the Italian American experience.

A major contribution to furthering the understanding of America's 
multicultural heritage

In a time when many people in the United States are concerned about the 
influx of new immigrants and with the issues relating to American pluralism, 
this book provides a detailed account of how the largest ethnic group in 
America at the beginning of the 1900s dealt with the process of accommodation 
and assimilation.


This work is unique in its content and scholarly in its compilation. It will 
be useful in many academic and public libraries.
American Reference Books Annual, 2000

With contributions from over 150 scholars, this is a thorough, accessible 
reference work. Recommended for every library.
Library Journal

For anyone wishing to know more about Italian-American heritage...it's in 
The Long Island Catholic

...rich mix of articles documenting the experiences and suprisingly varied 
contributions of Italian Americans. ...user-friendly. The index is 
particularly detailed and very helpful for quick consultation. Recommended 
for college and university libraries and for reference deprtments of large 
public libraries..
Catholic Library World, July 2000

A thorough, accessible reference work. Recommended for every library. 
The International History Review.
March 2000

Table of Contents

Selected Entries:
*Anti-Italian Discrimination 
*Business and Entrepreneurship 
*Ethnic Neighborhoods 
*Family Life 
*Italian American Jews 
*Italian language in America 
*Labels and Stereotypes 
*Women in Transition 

Area: Reference
Publisher: Garland
Pub Date: 10/1999
Pages: 735 pages
Size: 7 x 10
ISBN: 0815307136
Edition: First