Although the total of 650,000 Muslims in Italy, constitutes less than 1% of the 
Italian population, it perhaps can be assumed that the Muslims constitute a 
cohesive and unified bloc, that can if not by votes, but by "gatherings", may be 
able to influence Italy's political international "stance".

The "priority" concern of the Muslims, aside from discrimination, is Palestinian 

Every European nation seems to have a similar Muslim "influx", and may be 
likewise influenced. 

Italy being traditionally less xenophobic, and more hospitable to immigrants,
is the closest and most attractive to the Muslim world. 

Illegal immigration is made easier by Italy's 3000 mile coastline (including Sicily and Sardinia) on the greater Mediterranean Sea, compared to France's 400 miles, or even Spain's 700 miles, and Italian officials are feeling overwhelmed.

Sociologists are already making observations of the potential influence that this "immigration" will have on Italy's culture, with some commenting that "Falafelization"  could not be worse than "McDonaldization".
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Figures released by officials show that there are approximately 50,000 Italian Muslims and approximately 600,000 emigrant Muslims residing in the country. 

Of the Italian Muslims, 10- to15,000 are converts, while the remaining 35- to 
40,000 are immigrants with Italian citizenship. 

The number of mosques has tripled in the last five years to roughly 400, with three large mosques in the cities of Rome, Catania and Segrate. 

According to the president of the Italian section of the World Muslim League, former ambassador Mario Scialoja, the large mosque in Rome is the site of at least 150 conversions to Islam every year.