Thanks to Manny Alfano at Italian America One Voice (IAOV)

"The God Squad" is the pseudonym for Rabbi Gellman and Msgr.Hartman, who write an advice column that appears in the Chicago Tribune.

A reader wrote asking whether it was appropriate to permit his teenage son to watch  'The Sopranos', in view of high degree of "violence, nudity and criminal behavior".  

These two religious leaders, encourage parents to not "censor" such shows, but to watch such shows WITH their kids, and use them as a "teaching experience". 

They "single out" the "IMMORALITY" OF STEREOTYPING ITALIAN-AMERICANS, along with treating women as sexual objects, and justifying immoral and illegal behavior, as particular concerns to "guard" against. 

Of ALL of the immorality of 'The Sopranos', it is Most Interesting that these NON ITALIAN "men of the cloth" SEE SO clearly, and IDENTIFY SO SINGULARLY the inpropriety of that Stereotyping.

It makes one wonder, what could be the "motivation" or "agenda"  for those Italian Americans who extol "The Castrati", besides those who obviously are "selling out" their heritage!!!!  
The God Squad:
Chicago Tribune
Rabbi Marc Gellman and Monsignor Thomas Hartman
September 26, 2002

Q: My teenage son's favorite show is "The Sopranos," but I'm wondering if we should let him watch a show with so much violence, nudity and criminal behavior that's not in sync with the values we teach in our home.

-- Jim, from West Virginia

A: As long as your home doesn't look like the Bada Bing Club, your son is probably safe. However, if your are going to let him watch a show that is... definitely coarse, you should watch "The Sopranos" with your son, then talk about the things that bothered you after each episode.

We generally feel that using pop culture to create teachable moments is a better choice than trying to construct a cocoon of censorship around kids. For example, you might point out that treating women as sexual objects and justifying immoral and illegal behavior are only a few of many options in life. You could talk about the issue of stereotyping Italian-Americans...

However, if your son is watching other programs where the material is pornographic or gratuitously violent, there's every reason for you to draw a line in the pixels.
Chicago Tribune | Don't bar son from watching 'The Sopranos'
Concerned about a religious, ethical or moral issue? Send questions only to The God Squad, Telecare, 1200 Glenn Curtiss Blvd., Uniondale, N.Y., 11553; post them on the God Squad Web site,; or send them via E-mail to
ACCENTUATE the Positive, ELIMINATE the Negative!!!!

Speaking out with One Voice against Negative Stereotyping 

Italian-American One Voice Coalition is a national network of activists enabling the Italian American community to act as one united voice when dealing with defamation, discrimination and negative stereotyping.

Member organizations provide a liaison with the IA One Voice Coalition to disseminate information to the Italian American community and protest with one voice against each outrage against our heritage, culture and character. 

Italian American One Voice - Who We Are 

Web Site:

Italian American One Voice Coalition