Be you Pro or Anti Soprano, you have got to get a chuckle out of this Letter to the 
Editor, from Super Italian American Activist Dr. Manny Alfano.

I don't know about you, but if I have a choice of being on the side of the Angels or 
the Devils (The Sopranos), I'm aiming to get to heaven!!!!!

You may wish to forward to YOUR local paper.
Super-sized "Malocchio!" for the Yankees
Caused by HBO's "The Sopranos" curse!

Dear Editor:

The Yankees loss in the first round of the playoff maybe a shocker to many of 
their fans. Many fans and Yankee players might believe that the better team 
won and on any given day or series even the best could have a bad day or series 
and lose.

Or their luck ran out this week. Or was it something else.

Could it be that the New York Yankees, with all its great players, have been 
doomed to never to win a World Series again. That someone perhaps gave the 
Yankees the "Malocchio!" (the Evil Eye) or the "Kiss of Death!" They maybe 
silly old wives tales or superstition to millions of us but, to some baseball 
players, managers, owners and fans, this might be a serious matter that needs 
to be addressed.

Now, please hear me out.  The black cloud began when the Yankees and then 
Mayor Rudy Guiliani invited "The Sopranos" to participate in the last Yankees 
World Series victory parade. Everybody knows that HBO's "The Sopranos" has 
set back 40-years all Italian and Italian American history and culture with 
its hijacking of an ethnic group and portraying the group as the lowest of 
the low! 

The following season the Yankees were snake bitten by the Arizona 
Diamondbacks and lost the world series with one pitch. How low can you go to 
be beaten by a snake!

Then for some unknown reason this year "The Sopranos" cast is invited to 
throw out the first ball(s) at a Yankees game. The team is just asking for 
the super-sized "Malocchio!" The Yankees finish the season with the best 
record in the American League and find themselves in the playoffs battling 
the Angels. 

Then the best team money can buy with a super pitching staff, crumbles before 
our very eyes. What happened? Could it be the "Malocchio?"

Mr. Steinbenner, who has come through time and time again with the right 
player at the right time, needs to forget about hiring and firing and must do 
everything in his power to remove this "Malocchio" -- the Sopranos' kiss of 

Although this situation is far worse than the "Curse of the Bambino" that 
hangs over the Boston Red Sox, this can be reversed. 

Mr. Steinbenner needs to hire, someone that will lift the curse of the 
"Malocchio," what ever the cost. He must immediately disenfranchise himself 
and the Yankees from HBO's "The Sopranos" if he has any chance of winning 
another world series in the future.

It's not too late. George, do the right thing, dis "The Sopranos."

Manny Alfano
Bloomfield, NJ