From : Richard A. Capozzola
To: Richard Annotico

The Renbrook "Garden Olive," episode reminded me of a recent anecdote, that is sadly revealing as to the lack of awareness of Italian American youth of their Culture.

[RAA Note: For clarification, The Renbrook incident, was representative of the "Attack" (defamation) on the self esteem of Italian American youth. The following incident is an example of how OUR Community has NOT given our youth the "Ammunition" (to nurture their pride of Culture) to be able to "Defend" themselves.]  

As principal of Mount Vernon High School with some 3,000 students, 90% African American, I was approached by several Italian American students asking if they could form an Italian American club.  I was delighted and agreed.  After all, we did have a Black Unity Club for many years and a Caribbean Club. 

I attended the first meeting of the Italian American Club and happened to ask, "Can anyone name one famous Italian American woman, living or dead?"  I was hoping to get Mother Cabrini, Ella Grasso, Geraldine Ferraro, etc. I would even have settled for Madonna.  After what seemed to be an interminable silence, one girl raised her hand and offered, "Aunt Jemima."........ 'Nuff said.

Richard A. Capozzola, Editor
Five Centuries Publications      (407) 862-6880    
It seems appropriate to repeat one of my Reports of about 4 months ago:

We ADULT Italian Americans are FAILING our Italian American YOUTH!!! 
Date: 7/25/02 

We ADULT Italian Americans are FAILING our Italian American YOUTH!!! 

We are NOT Protecting them from the "tarring" of Negative Stereotyping. 
We are NOT Providing "avenues" to learn about their Italian American/Italian Culture,  whether it be Studies in Public Schools, Cultural Centers, or an Internet PORTAL.

We are Allowing them to be "inundated" by other Cultures,  and be told that  "Italian Ethnicity Does Not Count"!!!
We do NOT offer guidance, support, encouragement, or defense!  

When you HEAR of a Complaint, Multiply it by hundreds of thousands that we DON'T hear about. 

At whose feet shall we place the responsibility for this state of affairs? 

Those "Pollyannas", who continue to crow "I've got mine, Everything is just fine", whose selfishness tends to lull the Community into a false sense of well being, or apathy?? 

Or those "I-A Major Organizations", who will claim to represent the Community, but do too little to examine it's problems, and propose solutions. But instead are content with offering aspirin and band-aids for monumental threats to our culture, and yet get "giddy" with self congratulation about their meager efforts? 

Or those "Chapters/Individuals" of those Major I-A Organizations that demand so little of their National Headquarters, and hold them to such low standards of achievement.Perhaps they are too busy with "self-indulging" fellowship, rather than "community enhancing" fellowship? 

Or the Italian American "Press", that should be the unrelenting "conscience" of  the Community, "revealing" the Communities Problems, "suggesting" Solutions, and "inspiring" Action? 

Or the "Leaders", who do NOT "lead", but merely "strut" in the spotlight of their  "position"? 

Or "Each of us" that chooses to be "blind" to the problem, thereby relieving themselves of the "burden" of "shouldering their share"? 

I look at the Results of the Efforts of the "mustering" of Power of my Jewish  Roots, and I Marvel. 

I look at the Results? of my Italian Roots and I am  Miserable/Morose.  

Who is to help this generation of  Italian Americans? Or the following Generations? 

I believe that an Internet PORTAL is our ONLY Hope!!!

I have a Prototype PORTAL  that has 6,000+ Web Sites that provides practically everything you, or your kids, or other people's kids, ever wanted to know about being Italian American or of Italian ancestry!!!

All I need is the Endorsement , and some select contacts from our Major Italian American Organizations. No Moneynecessary from them!!! In fact, they have an opportunity to profit from it. But so far, a brick wall.... Go Figure!!!!