Italy with Us--January 2003

ITALY WITH US, Helen Donegan, Editor 

(1)Piero Della Francesco's Influence in Italy 

One of the great artists of the early Italian Renaissance, Piero della Francesca painted religious works that are marked by their simple serenity and clarity. He created paintings for ecclesiastics, confraternities, and illustrious nobles all over Italy. 
Della Francesca had a precocious interest in geometry and mathematics and was known for his contributions in these fields

(2) The Euro - One Year On!! 
(3) Off the Beaten Track: "Un Giro" of Umbria 
(4) Culture Shock- Security in Italy (Pre and Post 9-11)
(5) Trippa alla Roma- Recipe Eating Italian 
(6) Paciano Theatre (?) in Panicale- Why I Love Italy

And More....... 

Italy With Us - Ezine, page 1