Carnevale: The Italian Pre-Lenten Festival - Fun Activities for Home or Class

Thanks to Geoffrey Claroni, Calandra Italian American Institute 

Carnevale, the traditional pre-Lenten celebration in Italy, is a time of
merry-making, masquerade processions, masked balls, parades, pageants,
elegant costumes and opulent masks, singing and dancing, fireworks, and
outdoor feasts in the weeks prior to Ash Wednesday (March 5 ) and culminating on
Martedí Grasso, March 4.

To help families and teachers create a cultural activity or costume party
for carnevale, there is a helpful compilation of information available to
you on-line.  

The booklet includes a brief history, coloring and activity booklet,
storybook, Pulcinella marionette, poems, a mask-making workshop checklist,
music and dance list, and more.  

There is also a list of resources that include related websites, storybooks,
photography books, videos, magazine articles, traditional recipes of
carnevale and more.  To find out more about the fun, fantasy and magic of
carnevale visit the webpage entitled:

Carnevale:  The Italian Pre-Lenten Festival
Fun Activities for the Home or Classroom

at  .

* A carnevale ogni scherzo vale *

Buon Carnevale a tutti !!!

Geoffrey Claroni
Assistant Director for Community Programs
The John D. Calandra Italian American Institute
RAA Added Note: With the Pre-Lenton Festivities in Mind, 
here are the views of two priests on the Significance of Lent, 
with somewhat different approaches, but with the same goal.
Lent: Call to Conversion
by Father Greg Friedman

These days, a Catholic may be able to tell your age by the way you explain Lent.

Older Catholics, who remember Lent in the 1930s, 40s or 50s—or perhaps even earlier—may first think of this season as a time of penance. Lent was when you gave up something—like food or going to the movies— in order to do penance for sin.

Since the Church has restored the rite of initiating adults into the Christian faith, Lent has taken on a different meaning—one that goes back to the fourth and fifth centuries. At that time, the 40 days before Easter were the final stage of preparation for those about to be baptized. The rest of the Church prayed and fasted in solidarity with them. 

Today, with the presence in most Catholic parishes of a group of adults visibly making ready to receive the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil, Lent has regained that "baptismal" emphasis. 

We still can decide on a Lenten observance—fasting, prayer, almsgiving—but we do it with the purpose of recalling our Baptism, of deepening our commitment to Christ. And we do it in solidarity with those preparing to be baptized or received into the Church.The readings for each Sunday in Lent have been chosen by the Church to relate to the journey of faith each of us undertakes, to our basic baptismal call to be part of Christ. Some of the selections, from the Gospel of John, for example, have been used for centuries to recall the meaning of Baptism. 

For people about to be baptized, these Scripture passages take on a powerful meaning indeed. The meditations you will find here on our Web site will call attention to the various "baptismal connections" for each Sunday.Those who are already baptized, are still on a journey. Our faith must be renewed, our baptismal promises affirmed, each time we gather with the Church for the Eucharist, where we hear God's Word and come to the table to be transformed into the Body of Christ. We bring to that experience our questions, our sinfulness, our hunger and thirst, our need to grow, our longing for God. Let's pray for each other as we make our Lenten journey of faith. 

sunday soundbites | lent - call to conversion
Lenten Sacrifice and the Awareness of God
by the Rev. Nicholas Cirillo

The season of Lent is upon us once again, and most Catholics will assume their traditional Lenten posture. That means pizza, or better yet, seafood on Friday, and no potato chips, or chewing gum, or alcohol, or whatever, from the day ashes are given until the vigil of Easter dawns, when we will gorge ourselves again as we greet the risen Lord. 

We have all had this kind of Lent–the kind in which we just go through the motions, and hope that something happens, or at least it ends soon–and it’s no surprise that it bears so little fruit in our lives, especially since it has such weak roots.

There is, however, a greater mystery to the season of Lent than we might like to admit, probably because if we acknowledge its power and take it seriously, it would demand quite a bit of our attention. Deep within its celebrations and structures, Lent is designed for one purpose alone: to lead us to recognize the presence of God in that which is right before our eyes. 

Everything that we do during Lent is to make us aware of the Lord, and less focused on ourselves. In its perfection, Lent is a season for reflection upon and delight in the goodness of our God.In this holy season, we commemorate the forty days of fasting and prayer that Jesus experienced in the desert before he began his public ministry. 

Those days of temptations and self-denial reveal to us the resolve and the conviction of the Lord who leads us through the desert of our own adversity. Even though tempted to betray his mission and his heavenly Father’s plan by succumbing to the devil’s requests, Christ was always aware of his Father’s sustaining presence. And it was precisely this awareness that consoled and strengthened him throughout his trials.As we approach Lent, we must try to see that we are asked to bear incredible burdens and temptations in our lives, yet often without any real awareness of the presence of God. 

What we try to do in Lent is change our behavior and our vision, so that we can recognize the presence of the Lord. This isn’t by any means easy to accomplish. Most of us find it hard enough to accomplish our Lenten promises without attaching this spiritual dimension to their completion. But it is in understanding and giving meaning to our sacrifices that they become for us a source of strength and an exercise of devotion. Here are some examples of what I mean by recognizing the Lord in Lenten observance.

If you give something up, as most people do, your sacrifice should help you recognize the blessings that we take for granted most of the time. This is especially true of those things we enjoy on a daily basis. When we willingly deprive ourselves of them, we are reminded that the blessings that we are so accustomed to enjoying do not come from our own hands, but from the Lord whose generosity is the source of all kindness.

If you fast during Lent, let your self-denial help you recognize your need for God, and the daily bread that he in his goodness provides. Remember that the hunger you feel should lead you to thankfulness, not bitterness.

If you dedicate yourself to a regimen of prayer for Lent or a commitment to daily Mass, try to understand that as you turn to God more frequently and regularly to offer him praise, your vision of the world changes. You begin to recognize how his presence works in your life and how his strength is your consolation in trial. You may also begin to see his presence and his hand in places that you never imagined.

If you are involved in acts of charity and works of mercy, try to recognize the face of Christ in those whom you serve, and love him in them as you would love him in person. Charity covers a multitude of sins, and it is still the most effective way to start to understand the Lord who is love. 

Finally, if you come back to the Church through sacramental reconciliation, here above all, recognize the powerful yet tender mercy that is perhaps God’s richest blessing to his people, and the sweetest balm for the soul. All will be forgiven to those who look for his compassion, all will be forgotten for those we return and recognize his love. Lent isn’t about senseless sacrifices; it’s about meaningful ones.

It’s not a season for offering endless prayers, it’s a time for offering honest ones. It’s a season to come back to the Lord who calls us to return to him, and to avail ourselves of that great bounty which God has spread before us. Whether it be through fasting, prayer, almsgiving, penance, self-denial or whatever – give up what you will, but try to see the Lord in the sacrifices you make. However you get from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday is up to you. But above all, make this Lent a time when you learn to recognize Jesus Christ and the thanksgiving that we owe him for everything that we tend to think of as our own. 

Lenten Sacrifice and the Awareness of God