Submit pictures and announcements to happenings@ItalyStl.com

Sunday,  March 14
St. Joseph’s Altar
St. Ambrose
St. Ambrose School Cafeteria
5110 Wilson Avenue at Marconi
Sunday, March 14
The Mass will be celebrated in Italian at 3p.m.
Archbishop Burke will be at St. Ambrose after the 11a.m. Mass to bless the St. Joseph Altar in the cafeteria.  Please join us!

Plan to attend these marvelous films and operas sponsored by the Italian Club at the St. Louis Bocce Club!
Films will be introduced by Dr. Carla Bossola, and operas by Dorotea Rossomanno-Phillips.  All programs are in Italian with English sub-titles and begin promptly at 7:30 p.m.  Admission is free. 
Sponsored by the Italian Club of St. Louis and the St. Louis Bocce Club.  The St. Louis Bocce Club is located at 2210 Marconi Avenue, on the “hill,” St. Louis, Mo. 63110.
For further information contact Dorotea Rossomanno-Phillips at 535-9748 or e-mail:  dorotearp@aol.com.
Friday, March 19 Bitter Rice (Riso amaro) IC/Bocce Club
Friday, March 19—BITTER RICE (RISO AMARO), 1949
In this ingenious melodrama by Giuseppe De Santis a thief on the run, Vittorio Gassman, meets a beautiful girl, Silvana Mangano. She joins the small army of "mondine" (rice weeders) who work to earn extra money during the rice season in the fields near Vercelli (Piedmont). One of Italy's most successful films, "Bitter Rice" is a masterpiece of cinema untarnished by time.

Friday, April 2
Il tabarro & Gianni Schicchi
IC/Bocce Club
Friday, April 2- Two one-act operas by GIACOMO PUCCINI; 
"IL TABARRO"  "Torn-from-the-headlines" saga of infidelity, circa 1900, that still retains its raw emotional charge.
"GIANNI SCHICCHI" - A comedic masterpiece, dramatically immortalizes a passage from Dante's "Inferno." Greedy family members are tricked out of their inheritance by the cunning Schicchi, who uses his new wealth to help two young lovers wed.

Friday, April 16
Three Brothers
IC/Bocce Club
Friday, April 16 -”THREE BROTHERS” (TRE FRATELLI), 1980
In this moving and interesting film the director Francesco Rosi portrays three  brothers of modern Italy. The brothers, who have been separated by work and life and live in different towns (Rome, Turin and Naples) return home to their small village following the death of their mother.  Main actors are Philippe Noiret, Vittorio Mezzogiorno, Michele Placido and Charles Vanel.

Sunday, April 18th
Young Artists' Competition
St. Ambrose Church
sponsored by the Federation of Italian-American Organizations of the Metropolitan St. Louis Area
5130 Wilson at Marconi at 2:00 PM
Enjoy the music of the great Italian composers!
Click here for details

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