Tuesday, September 24 Italian Language Classes Shaw School | |||||||
Dear Students/Prospective
Students of the Shaw School Italian Language Program:
Last spring we sent an evaluation form to all of our Language Program students and were very pleased to receive a large response. The feedback to improve the program was invaluable and during the summer our staff met several times, including meeting with a representative of the Italian Government, to see how we could best incorporate your suggestions into our fall 2002 program. YOU ARE INVITED TO OUR
ll 1
Mon 7:00 - 9:00 PM
M. Brandle
Mercoledì 2 ottobre Italiano per piacere Ristorante da Baldo | |||||||
Bill Kohn, Professore Emeritus alla Washington University School of Art, parlerà del celeberrimo Brunelleschi, disegnatore, architetto e costruttore della cupola del duomo di Firenze che sarà presentata appunto dalla sua ottica di pittore con uso d’intensi colori e un piglio sottilmente astratto. La lettura servirà anche a lanciare la mostra omonima che il nostro bravo pittore terrà alla galleria Elliot Smith Contemporary Art in St. Louis dal 1mo novembre al 1mo dicembre corrente anno. Le opere di Bill Kohn sono basate su siti internazionali che includono l’India, il Perù (Machu Picchu), la Francia (i ponti di Parigi), la Spagna (Siviglia), il Messico (Guadalajara e Oaxaca) ed il Grand Canyon negli Stati Uniti. Una delle sue altre specialità è la creazione di proiezioni di diapositive computerizzate e sincronizzate con musica elettronica, già impiegate in precedenti lavori. È ovvio che per la sua presentazione Bill farà ampio uso di risorse multimediali con filmati e diapositive. Il costo della serata è soltanto $20 e include una cena all’italiana. Per prenotazioni chiamate Franco Giannotti al 314-428-2266, interno 211 oppure franco@italystl.com se usate l’email. |
Sunday, October 6
Columbus Day Parade and Festival
The Hill
Parade begins at the corner of Southwest and Kingshighway at noon and ends at Berra Park. Many od the Italian organizations will have booths serving Italian food specialties. The Italian Community Band will be performing at the park. Come and help us celebrate and congratulate our honorees. Honorees are:
Thursday, October 10
IC Seminar on Virgil's Aeneid
Southwest Bank
The second session of our three part seminar on the Aeneid of Vergil will be held on October 10. The discussion topic will be“the tragedy of Dido” (Excerpts from Books IV and VI). The seminar leader willbe Italian Club member, Dr. Anna Amelung, President of the Classical Club of St. Louis. Sessions are at the Southwest Bank on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Admission is free. For information contact Gene Mariani at 352-5484 or by email at emariani@aol.com |
Friday, October 11
IC-Bocce Club Film Series
The Hill
The Club’s current film and opera series continues at the St. Louis Bocce Club. Introductions by members Carla Bossola and Dorotea Rossomanno-Phillips. All programs are in Italian with English sub-titles and are held on Friday evenings at 7:30 PM. Admission is free. Friday, October 11-" La Traviata" Director Franco Zeffirelli’s lush, scintillating, gorgeous and totally unforgettable version of Giuseppe Verdi’s passionate story of the love affair between the beautiful courtesan Violetta (Theresa Stratas),the weak Alfredo (Placido Domingo) , and his father’s intervention for the sake of the family’s reputation. Glorious, glorious music – Verdi at his best. |
Wednesday, Ocober 16
Olive Oils and Elections
IC at Baldo's
You have probably wondered about the differences between the many olive oils which we all see on the shelves of the wonderful shops on the Hill and numerous other stores as well. Now is your chance to find out - and to learn a bit about the long and fascinating history of this ancient staple, as well. Our October program will feature something really unique - an olive oil tasting – which we believe will be an interesting and informative experience. We have had wine tastings in the past – but never a program that compared differences between various oils. Our speakers will be well-known Armando Pasetti, and his daughter Lorenza Pasetti Depke, proprietors of St. Louis’s beloved Volpi’s; one of the most famous and successful businesses of its type in the United States. Armando and Lorenza will comment briefly on the venerable history of olive oil. We will then sample five different oils, all especially selected to represent a wide range of regional varieties, including oils from Liguria, Toscana, and Sicilia; as well as represent different types and processing methods. You will have an opportunity to taste and compare and then to decide which is your favorite. In order to provide the best tasting experience – the oil tasting will be done before the dinner. Armando Pasetti and his wife, Evelina Gabbiano Pasetti, have been active members and strong and loyal supporters of the Italian Club for many years. Armando, Evelina, Lorenza, and other members of the Pasetti family are the owners of the John Volpi Manufacturing Company, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2002. ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTOR
The Nominating Committee has proposed the following list of candidates
for election to be held at the October 16 meeting.
Friday, October 18 & 25
IC - StL Art Museum Series
Forest Park
Four films celebrating the life and work of Italian film legend Marcello Mastroianni will be shown during October 2002, national Italian-American month, at The Saint Louis Art Museum Auditorium in a film series “Marcello Mastroianni, A Life in Film”, sponsored by the Italian Club of St. Louis and The Saint Louis Art Museum. Divorce Italian Style (Divorzio all’Italiana).
Friday, October 18, at 4 p.m.
I Remember (Marcello Mastroianni: mi ricordo,
si’, io mi ricordo). Friday, October 18, at 7 p.m.
Everybody’s Fine (Stanno tutti bene). Friday,
October 25 at 4 p.m.,
8 ½. Friday, October 25 at 7 p.m.
Tickets are $5 general admission, $3 for members of The Saint Louis
Art Museum or theItalian Club of St. Louis, and may be purchased at the
door. All films will be presented in Italian with English subtitles.
Copyright © 2002 ItalyStl. All rights reserved.