The Newsletter of The Italian Club of St. Louis

Last Meeting Recap
November Meeting
Il Ventaglio at WU
Il testimone dello sposo
L'angolo del presidente
Calendar Recap
Memorial Lecture


Guido Cavalcanti
Un po di etimologia...
Opere di Italiani
Roberto Begnini in Frontenac



La Rondine is published monthly by The Italian Club of St. Louis

Dr. Eugene Mariani
Luisa Gabbiani Flynn
Franco Giannotti
Internet Edition
(Click on names to email)

La Rondine

The Newsletter of The Italian Club of St. Louis
Internet Edition

Volume 2 Issue 11
Visit our website at
November 1988


Mosaici italiani

At the October meeting, Audrey Giovanni gave a delightful and educational presentation on Roman and Byzantine mosaics. Audrey, a tour guide at the St. Louis Cathedral on Lindell, will also lead a tour of the mosaics in the St. Louis Cathedral on Sunday, November 1, at 2:30 PM. The art of mosaic is probably as old as mankind. In early times shells, pebbles, stones and marble were embedded in some kind of an adhesive to form a design. Mosaic artifacts have been discovered in ruins of both the Sumerian and Minoan cultures, (approx. 2100-3000 BC).

A popular type of early mosaics were the pebble mosaics, consisting of stone, glass and marble arranged to show scenes from Greek and Roman mythology and everyday life, used for floors by upper and middle class Romans. One of the largest collections of floor mosaics from the Roman times is found in the town of Piazza Armerina in central Sicily. Piazza Armerina is famous for the splendid mosaics of the Roman Imperial Villa at Casale from the 4th century AD. The villa is thought to have been a hunting lodge of a Roman Emperor or a wealthy importer of animals for gladiator fights, since many of the mosaics represent African animals and gladiators. The floor mosaics were probably made by Carthaginian artisans since the hunting scenes and animals are similar to those found in Northern Africa and in the Tunis Bardo Museum. In St. Louis you can see pebble mosaics in the Chinese Garden of the Missouri Botanical Garden.

Another style of mosaics is the Byzantine style, adopted during the Byzantine empire which lasted from the 4th to the 15th century AD. During the 4th century, the Byzantines (Christians of the Eastern Roman Empire) began to decorate the interior of their churches with glass and marble mosaics called tesserae. The Byzantine mosaics are strong in color and are not set flat but at a slight angle to catch the light from the candles or oil lamps. The Byzantines used gold obtained from Armenia and Thrace (Greece), symbol of incorruptibility, truth and glory. A gold leaf was wrapped around glass cubes and covered with a thin film of glass. The mosaics conveyed church history, often portraying sacred personages rendered in a strictly frontal view and in a highly stylized manner.

Some of the best early Byzantine mosaics are found in Ravenna, which has been called the Italo-Byzantine Pompeii, because, like Pompeii, it has been preserved for posterity. The city at one time was protected by the sea on one side and by forest and marshes on the other, so when Italy was invaded by the Visigoths, the Emperor Honorius moved the capital of the Western Roman Empire to Ravenna. Honorius' sister, Galla Placidia, who became regent for her son, Valentine III, and ruled for 25 years, built many of the great buildings in Ravenna. The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia (420-421 AD) has been praised by the great historian Charles Diehl as "perhaps the most exquisite monument left by Christian art. Also in Ravenna is the church of San Vitale, built during the reign of the Emperor Justinian, which is shaped like an octagon. Its mosaics, completed in 547 AD, are perhaps the finest examples of Byzantine art since their pictorial mode is adapted to the subject matter being depicted. Here we see the Emperor Justinian, venerated as Christ representative on earth, and the Empress Theodora surrounded by members of the court.

Sicily has several examples of mid-Byzantine mosaics. Palermo became the center of the Norman court, where Roger III built the Palazzo dei Normanni and where, in 1132, the Cappella Palatina was built. This chapel brings together the beauty of Byzantine and Arab ornamentation. The mosaic scenes show a picnic in a harem, biblical stories, and Norman Court life. In 1176, William II financed the Cathedral of Monreale, about 6 miles southwest of Palermo, where the mosaics cover 54,000 square feet with 130 scenes. The mosaics in the St. Louis Cathedral, most of which are in the Byzantine style, cover about 83,000 square feet. The Basilica of St. Mark in Venice is the greatest Byzantine edifice in the world. Byzantine artists were summoned to build the new church, consecrated in 1095. In the 16th century, some of the older mosaics were ruined by the weather or removed because of their bad condition. In the 17th century paintings and frescos were copied into mosaics. The works were extremely smooth and gave the appearance of a painting. This type of mosaic is called Italian style.


Machiavelli and Roman Republicanism

Our speaker will be Professor George Pepe, Ph.D. Chairman of the Department of Classics of Washington University. His subject will be the Italian statesman and master student of politics, Niccolò Machiavelli, whose name has long stood for all that is deep, dark, and treacherous in statesmanship. Machiavelli is best known for his book Il Principe, in which he sets down the guidelines for a ruler to follow, no matter how wicked the means, to keep power and control. This book established Machiavelli as the father of modern political science but also made his very name a by-word in the English language for craftiness and deception, a sinister and immoral prompter to cruelty and betrayal. There is, however, another Machiavelli, the Machiavelli of I Discorsi. In this book of over 300 pages, whose full English title is Discourses Upon the First Ten Books of Livy, Machiavelli not only provides shrewd political advice, but also presents one of the first sustained arguments on behalf of the possibility and the desirability of a republican form of government. He organizes his arguments around his reflections on the institutions of the successful republic of ancient Rome as recounted by the historian Livy. Are Machiavelli's perspectives of Roman republicanism in I Discorsi as provocative and controversial as the views he set down in Il Principe to guide the conduct of princes? George Pepe, a popular teacher and widely recognized authority on classical studies, will help us to find out.
Next Meeting: November 18 - Coctails 6:30 PM Dinner 7:00 PM
Da Baldo's Restaurant - RSVP 644-1645 (Marie Wehrle)


at Washington University

At 8:00 PM Thursday, November 19, in the Women's Building Lounge of Washington University, students of the Italian Studies Program, Conversational Italian Course, will present Carlo Goldoni's play Il ventaglio, (The Fan) in Italian. The story is set in a small village which includes the villa of Signora Geltrude and her niece Candida. One day Candida's fan falls over the parapet of the terrace and breaks. Evaristo, a young man from the city who is in love with Candida, buys a new fan from a shopkeeper, Susanna, and asks Candida's maid, the peasant girl Giannina, to give it to her mistress. This starts the odyssey of the fan, which passes through nearly everyone's hands in the village causing confusion, hatred, envy, jealousy, pains of love and pits nobility against middle class before finally reaching the hand of the one for whom it was intended. The play is presented by twelve students and directed by Washington University instructor, Dott. Chiara De Vecchi with the collaboration of Dott. Clara Bossola. The public is invited and there is no charge for admission. For a map of the WU campus showing the Women's Building and parking accommodations, call Gene Mariani (352-5484).


at the Art Museum

The St. Louis International Film Festival will present The Best Man (Il testimone dello sposo), an Italian film by the renowned director Pupi Avati, in Italian with English subtitles. It will be shown at the Art Museum on Saturday, November 7, 1998, at 1:30 PM. Tickets are available only one hour prior to screening and cost $7.00. This film was a '98 Golden Globe Nominee for Best Foreign Language Film, and a '98 Academy Award Nominee for Best Foreign Language Film.

Click for details...

The film is about a young woman preparing to get married the last day of the 19th century in Italy. Her family has made it clear that marriage is a business deal and her marriage is important because it will ensure financial security for her troubled family. Yet Francesca still is hoping that there is someone out there who can love her and she him. Her resolve for love strengthens when she meets handsome Angelo. The problem is that he is the best man at her wedding!! E così comincia la storia, confusa ma molto interessante e meravigliosa! A più tardi!

Il critico cinematografico.


by Gene Mariani

Elections of Officers and Director

Elections were held at the October meeting for new officers and one director. The following officers were elected for two year terms of office commencing January, 1998. President, Gene Mariani; vice- president, Roger Gennari; Treasurer, Barbara Klein; and Secretary, Marie Cuccia-Brand. In addition, Carolyn Stelzer was elected to three-year term of office as a Director. Thanks to Norman Merlotti, who handled the election details as well as to James Tognoni, Chairman and his Nominating Committee members.

Columbus Day Festival

The Club's participation at the Columbus Day festival at Berra Park on October 11 was a great success. How do we measure success? First by the Club participating in the affair along with other Italian American organization, secondly, by our members working together for a few hours and having some fun, and lastly by making a little money. We accomplished all three. From the financial perspective , our performance was helped significantly by a donation to the Club earmarked specifically for that event by a member who wishes to remain anonymous. Heartfelt thanks to every member who participated and especially to our secret benefactor.

A Bequest in Memory of Gil Gennari

The club recently received a cash donation in memory of member Gil Gennari who died on September 22. The bequest was made by Marial L. Martyn, sister-in-law of Roger Gennari, in honor of Gil and in tribute to his pride in his Italian heritage and of his love for the Italian Club. We are extremely grateful for her thoughtfulness and generosity.


Sun 1, 2:30 PM - Mosaics Tour (St. Louis Cathedral)

Sat 7, 1:30 PM - Il Testimone dello sposo (Art Museum)

Wed 18, 6:30 PM - Club Meeting (Da Baldo's)

Thu 19, 8:00 PM - Il ventaglio (Washington University)

On going - La vita è bella (Plaza Frontenac)


An enthusiastic and attentive audience, including Italian Club members, attended the first annual Paul Rava Memorial Lecture, held October 23 on the Washington University Campus, in which Professor Franco Fido of Harvard University gave an informative and entertaining lecture titled From Venice to Europe: Goldoni, a Playwright of the Enlightenment.

The subject was selected in honor of the recently deceased Paul Rava, a graduate of the University of Padova Law School and a Venetian who relocated to St. Louis to escape the persecution of the Jews by the Fascist regime during World War II. The lecture focused upon the last thirty years of Goldoni's life, which he spent in Paris where he died in 1793 at the age of 86.

Carlo Goldoni

In Venice, from 1749 to 1762, Goldoni had written more than 100 plays and had achieved great success and fame replacing the more or less improvised farces of the Commedia dell'Arte with a new comic genre in which the traditional masks (such as Arlecchino, Pantalone, Brighella, Pulcinella, etc.) were replaced at first by classical Molière types (the miser, the liar, the misanthrope) and later by characters taken increasingly from the everyday life of Venice: noblemen, merchants, housewives, gondoliers, shopkeepers, fishermen, and the like. Invited by the Théâtre italien to be the playwright in residence, he went to Paris in 1762 and there he remained until his death. By using the dialect and staging the life of ordinary people, Goldoni came closer than anyone else in 18th century Europe to adapt for the theater the ideas of the Enlightenment.

Even while he was living in Venice, Goldoni had been aware of his twofold debt toward France: the great example of Molière classical comedy and the great ideas of tolerance, intellectual freedom, and civic justice that came from the French philosophical movement preceding the Revolution. Therefore it is probable that among the reasons why Goldoni accepted the invitation to go to Paris was the hope of meeting in person and perhaps become a friend with the famous representatives of the French encyclopedic culture, whom, like many other European intellectuals, he had admired from afar. But his wishes were not to be rewarded. Goldoni met Rousseau and found him suspicious and irascible and renounced the idea of showing him Le bourru bienfaisant (The Bad-tempered Benefactor), a comedy he wrote in French in 1771, fearing that Rousseau would think he was the model for the main character.

His relationship with Diderot was even more strained since Diderot made disparaging comments about Il vero amico, a play by Goldoni that Diderot was accused of having plagiarized with his own play Le fils naturel. Of a different nature was his relationship with Voltaire, who praised Goldoni's talens comiques in a small poem which was published by Gaspare Gozzi in his Gazzetta veneta. Voltaire admired Goldoni's for his ability to paint the universality of human nature; however, Goldoni's attention to the peculiarities of society and customs are of greater interest and seem to announce the Italian storicismo, the historicism of the following century.

I capolavori della poesia italiana
3. Guido Cavalcanti (Firenze 1260 - 1300) è uno dei poeti più importanti del Dolce Stil Novo, un movimento poetico basato sull'originale sviluppo di temi amorosi. Affermatasi presso una ristrettissima élite, la nuova lirica trovò i suoi sostenitori nel bolognese Guido Guinizzelli, che ne fissò i caratteri principali, nel pistoiese Cino da Pistoia, nel fiorentino Dante Alighieri e in pochi altri poeti minori.

Chi è questa che ven, ch'ogn'om la mira
di Guido Cavalcanti
Chi è questa che ven, ch'ogn'om1 la mira
e fa tremar di chiaritate l'are2,
e mena seco Amor, sì che parlare
null'omo pote, ma ciascun sospira?
O Deo, che sembra quando gli occhi gira!
dical'Amor, ch'i' no 'l savria contare3:
cotanto d'umiltà donna mi pare,
che ogni altra inver di lei chiam'ira4.
Non si poria contar la sua piagenza5
ch'a lei s'inchina ogni gentil vertute,
e la beltate per sua dea la mostra.
Non fu sì alta già la mente nostra
e non si pose 'n noi tanta salute6,
che propriamente n'aviam canoscenza7.
1ogni uomo. 2l'aria. 3lo dica Amor, perché io non lo so raccontare. 4che ogni altra donna rispetto a lei richiama la superbia. 5bellezza. 6virtù. 7così da averne piena conoscenza.

Un po' di etimologia...

Gabriele d'Annunzio, gran fabbro di neologismi, dedicava giorni a studiare il vocabolario, in particolare l'etimologia, indispensabile non soltanto allo scrittore, ma anche, su un livello più modesto, a coloro che potremmo chiamare genericamente "utenti dell'alfabeto". Per chi scrive (e parla) l'etimologia è necessaria come al medico la composizione chimica d'un farmaco, e all'esploratore la mappa d'un fiume. Anche le parole infatti hanno una sorgente (etimologia) e un percorso (semantica) il quale, strada facendo nei secoli, si modifica, devia, talvolta cambia letto.

C'era una volta un lord inglese, accanito giocatore, che per non perdere tempo con il pranzo ordinò al servo di preparargli un cibo che si potesse consumare senza bisogno di posate e non impegnasse più di una mano. L'altra gli serviva per giocare. Il servo gli portò un panino imbottito che da quel giorno si chiamò sandwich, dal nome del padrone, John Montague, quarto conte di Sandwich. Cosmesi e cosmonauta hanno un nonno in comune, il greco kòsmos, ordine. La bellezza è ordine, il cosmo è ordine. Chi desidera conquistare il cosmo si fa cosmonauta; la signora che si accontenta della bellezza ricorre ai cosmetici.

Tratto dal libro di Cesare Marchi Impariamo l'italiano, Rizzoli, Milano, 1984


18. Giovanni Paolo Panini. L'interno della basilica di San Pietro in Roma. (Olio su tela, 1731)

Nell'epoca in cui dipingeva Giovanni Paolo Panini (Piacenza 1690 - Roma 1765) era obbligatorio che i giovani aristocratici inglesi facessero un viaggio di diversi mesi in Italia prima di potersi considerare completamente istruiti sulle antichità classiche. Molti di essi, se potevano permetterselo, se ne tornavano in patria con qualche immagine ricordo, che non essendoci ancora la fotografia, toccava ai pittori di procurare. Panini si specializzò in questo tipo di pittura in cui ottenne molto successo. Le sue vedute sono fedeli alla realtà e sono dipinte con eccezionale maestria. La veduta dell'interno della basilica di San Pietro, ovviamente molto richiesta, è una che ripeté almeno una ventina di volte nel suo studio, con minime variazioni. Da notare gli accuratissimi dettagli, tra cui le minuscole figure dei visitatori che contribuiscono a dare un'idea dell'ampiezza dello spazio, e la veduta prospettica delle magnifiche arcate che quasi ci trasportano nell'interno della chiesa.


La vita è bella, vincitore del Grand Prix al festival di Cannes di quest'anno, è stato diretto del grande comico italiano Roberto Benigni, che ne è, oltre che regista, anche sceneggiatore e attore principale. In questo film Benigni dimostra di essere non soltanto capace di far ridere, ma anche di poter commuovere. Nicoletta Braschi, la moglie di Benigni, è l'attrice che sostiene la parte della donna da lui amata

See story and critiques in Forum