IN THE NEWS ARCHIVES - 2011 (Click on titles)

Mario Draghi, Bank of Italy Head: Young People Right to be Indignant
Mario Draghi, is set to take over as head of the European Central Bank (ECB) next month.

Southern Europe's Lost Generation Stuck In Junk Jobs
While I applaud "Occupy Wall Street" efforts, Wealth does not relinquish power easily, and the mere presence or signs or verbal chants can be easily ignored by the Wealthy while being protected by the Police State.

By Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata, Italian Ambassador to the U.S.A.
Washington DC - November 4, 2011 - This year has turned October into the Italian Heritage Month in the United States. In Washington, the House and the Senate have submitted a resolution to this effect in response to an initiative put forward by the Italian-American community with the support of the Embassy. President Obama, in asking “what would America be without the contributions of Italy and Italian Americans,” said he was proud to celebrate Italian American Heritage Month as well as the 150th anniversary of Italy’s unification.
   They are affirmations of an extraordinary friendship. They come from the highest of authorities and match the unprecedented public participation throughout the United States in the events of recent weeks. I still have vivid memory of the tens of thousands of people along 5th Avenue in New York on Columbus Day. I received reports of similar manifestations of pride and satisfaction from our Consuls that organized over 130 events for Italy@150...        CONTINUA

We would like to see everyone support this tournament.  Fund raising was met with unexpected results and five men’s teams enrolled the tournament.  Please show your support by coming to help or to observe. 
It would be greatly appreciated if you could join us for dinner on Saturday night.  Cost:  $15.00  Prime Rib, pasta, salad, toasted raviolis, vegetable, dessert, coffee. For more information email Rio Vitale:
Cinema St. Louis presents its 20th film festival (November 10 thru 20) at the theatres Tivoli, Plaza Frontenac, Webster U. and Washington U. 
Cinema for Students also at COCA and Sheldon Hall. 
Italian films include Gianni e le donne (The Salt of Life), Saturday 19 and Sunday 20, sponsored by Kim and Sharon Tucci, and Corpo Celeste, Thursday 17 and Friday 18. Both are shown in Plaza Frontenac. 
Italian documentaries Prove per una tragedia siciliana, Saturday 19 in Plaza Frontenac and Passione, Sunday 20 at Tivoli. For details consult the Cinema site:
A special commemorative exhibition ITALY 150: Exploring the Piedmont is open for public viewing now through Oct. 22 at the Collinsville Library, 408 West Main, Collinsville.  This multi-faceted exhibit includes a one-of-a-kind graphic presentation of Italy’s fascinating road to unity -- then focuses specifically on the Piedmont Region in Italy.  This region played an important role in Italy’s unification AND is also the region from which many Collinsville-area Italians emigrated long ago.  For more information, please contact Annette Graebe at, (618) 344-7143 or click on title.
October 5 at Baldo's Trattoria on Hampton is when the association will meet to continue its 150 Year celebration with "CANTI DEL RISORGIMENTO ITALIANO: SPERANZE, TIMORI E DELUSIONI”, featuring Anna Di Palma Amelung, Marcello Delli Zotti, board and club members.  As usual, the entire presentation and evening discussion are in Italian only. Anyone interested to attend should email
"Foxy Knoxy", Casey Anthony, & O.J. Simpson - All Not Guilty, But Not Innocent 
First Casey Anthony, now "Foxy  Knoxy". Such a Travesty !!!!!!!!! "Foxy Knoxy" is NOT what others named her, but what Amanda named herself. Not Guilty is NOT the same as INNOCENT !!!! 

Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, CEO of Ferrari,  Uncrowned King of Italy
Meet the uncrowned king of Italy, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, chairman of Ferrari, multimillionaire entrepreneur and champion of Italian culture

Balbo Drive - Petition to Erase Italian Landmark
Balbo Drive, in Chicago commemorates the historic transatlantic flight from Italy to Chicago led by General Italo Balbo of the Royal Italian Air Force (Regia Aeronautica) in 1933, the FIRST Transatlantic Flight of a  FORMATION OF AIRPLANES,(an entire squadron of 24 planes) which was planned to coincide with the Chicago?s Century of Progress World?s Fair of that year.  Some Egg Head Professor's are attempting to discredit him.

Andrew Cuomo NOT Eligible for President ...Because He is Italian American!!!
Is Senator Ball being Discriminatory, or merely stating Facts. Who is Responsible, The Movies and Media, the Ignorant American Masses, or Ourselves for Not More Vigorously Fight the Defamation and Negative Stereotyping.

11 giugno 2011 - SOSTIENE IL COMITATO DEL “NO”:
- Considerato che la nostra costituzione prevede l'istituto del referendum e prevede che i quesiti referendari siano cosa seria e che i quesiti referendari siano chiari e comprensibili a tutti;
- Appurato che i quesiti per i quali noi cittadini italiani siamo chiamati ad esprimerci con un SI o con un NO non sono affatto cosa seria perchè ovvi;
- Appurato che i quesiti per i quali noi cittadini italiani siamo chiamati ad esprimerci con un SI o con un NO non sono affatto chiari; 
- Stabilito che non andare a votare è una manifestazione di opinione; 
NON ANDATELI A VOTARE, E´ UN DIRITTO COSTITUZIONALE ANCHE QUESTO! Ultima considerazione. La scelta del non voto è legittima perchè sta a chi ha proposto i referendum l´onere di convincere la metà più uno dei cittadini dell´importanza di un voto su temi che una esigua minoranza (bastano 500.000 cittadini su 50 milioni di elettori) ha voluto proporre all´attenzione di tutti, per cambiare leggi votate dalla maggioranza parlamentare, che è già espressione della maggioranza dei cittadini, scelta con libere elezioni. Per questo i padri costituenti hanno messo un quorum così impegnativo nel caso di questo tipo di referendum...

REFERENDUM June 12 and 13, 2011: voting operations
Beginning May 25th, Italian citizens registered in AIRE (Registry for Italians living abroad), who reside in the jurisdiction of the Consulate General of Italy in Chicago (States of Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Colorado and Wyoming), will receive a packet containing the voter registration certificate,  instructions,  ballots (one for each question), a blank envelope and a pre-stamped envelope with the address of the Consulate.
Any potential voter who does not receive the packet by May 29th 2011 should contact the Consular office to verify the status of his/her voter registration and, if necessary, request the issuance of a duplicate. Voters must return the electoral ballot without delay, in such a way as to ensure its arrival at the Embassy no later than 4.00 p.m. on June 9th, 2011.
For further information, you may contact the Consulate at: E-mail: - Fax: 312-467-1335 - Tel: 312-467-1550
Click here for these instructions in English and in Italian

Click here to view the details of the procedure and the due dates to: 1. opt voting in Italy, 2. request the ballot if you don’t receive it automatically, and 3. return the ballot back to your Consulate.  READ

Informazione su Referendum 12-13 giugno 2011
Con i D.P.R. del 23 marzo 2011 pubblicati nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 77 del 4 aprile 2011 sono stati indetti i seguenti Referendum popolari abrogativi, che si terranno nei giorni 12 – 13 giugno. VEDI ALLEGATO

Italians Celebrate 150 Years of RE Unification
Tens of thousands of Italians, along with  Eighty World Leaders such as Vice President Joe Biden, joined the festivities in Rome in celebration of the Re Unification of Italy 150 years ago.

The Italian Paradox
The Paradoxes of  "aggressive- in a hurry driving and leisurely lunches", - "ultra modern stores next to centuries old architectural masterpieces", " the incredible number of churches in Italy, many which were formerly pagan sites",  "is the location of the Vatican, yet has the lowest church attendance in Europe"

Italy Elections: Berlusconi Gets Bloody Nose
In the recent Local elections throughout Italy, Silvio Berlusconi's coalition lost major battles including in his home turf of Milan.  These defeats have  sowed  discord with his important allies, the Northern League, who were critical of his campaign and may question whether their alliance with Mr Berlusconi's party is damaging them.

Simon Rodia's Watts Towers - Treasure Struggles for Recognition and Financing
The Watt's Towers, consisting of 17 structures, the tallest 100 ft. are an iconic work of folk art  built by an eccentric Italian immigrant working alone in his yard over 33 years, that is considered by some as one of the most extraordinary works of art in the nation.

Prosciutto is to Ham as Lamborghini is to a Mini Cooper
Prosciutto is made from the cured hind leg of the pig. It is cut so that one end is rounded. Then the laborious process begins: the meat is massaged with salt daily for a whole month until the salt has penetrated right through to the centre of the flesh. 

Disunity over Unification Celebration
The autonomy-minded Northern League party, and the head of the predominantly German-speaking South Tyrol, are opposed to the celebration, and there still is a strong North/South divide.

Italy's 150th Anniversary - Pres. Obama & Other  State Leaders Dignataries Invited
The specific dates and years of Italian Unification (Italian: il Risorgimento, or "The Resurgence", when agglomerated different states of the Italian peninsula into the single state of Italy in the 19th century,) is uncertain because it was accomplished in increments over a decade

Top Ten Best Italian Movie Stars; Classic Movies; Movies of 2010
No one makes movies like the Italians.

US Extends Agreement re: Looting of Italy's Archaeological Treasures
In 2001 the US and the Republic of Italy made a bilateral agreement that imposed import restrictions on archaeological material derived from Italy. The agreement was renewed in 2006, and in January 2011 the US Department of Homeland Security announced a further five year extension.

Italians are Crazy for Facebook
It is Not Surprising that since Family and Friends are so Important to Italians that of the 600 million users (utenti) of the world's most popular social networking site (sito web di reti sociali), almost 18 million are Italians, representing 30.57 percent of their country's population and 59.15 percent of Italians online.

Salve Franco, 
Mentre da noi alcuni magistrati perseverano nell'intromettersi in modo illegittimo nella vita privata dei cittadini e i giornali appaiono concentrati solo a guardare queste vicende, come dal buco della serratura, nel mondo, e più precisamente alle nostre frontiere, stanno avvenendo cambiamenti epocali.
La frustrazione, la disillusione, il risentimento che nascono dalla povertà e dalla mancanza di regole democratiche, potrebbero incanalare le proteste che si sono manifestate in Tunisia e in Egitto verso le posizioni dell'integralismo islamico e del rigetto dei valori dell¹Occidente.
Per questo anche noi abbiamo grandi responsabilità: dovremo impegnarci per estendere i benefici del progresso economico a tutti i Paesi del mondo; dovremo assecondare e sostenere una ordinata evoluzione democratica anche in quei Paesi che riescono faticosamente ad uscire da regimi e non possono contare su consolidate tradizioni liberali... LEGGI

Sciolto il Comites di Chicago - Elezioni per il rinnovo del Comites nella circoscrizione consolare di Chicago cancellate
Aggiornamento: Poiché nessun candidato o lista sono stati presentati entro il termine utile, le elezioni per il rinnovo del Comites di Chicago che dovevano tenersi mercoledì 20 aprile 2011 sono state cancellate quindi questa circoscrizione consolare non avrà un Comitato per gli Italiani all'Estero come previsto dalla legge.  Siamo in attesa di ragguagli da parte del Ministero Affari Esteri.

Sciolto il Comites di Chicago - Indizione delle elezioni per il rinnovo del Comites nella circoscrizione consolare di Chicago
Ai sensi della Legge 23 ottobre 2003, n. 286, “Norme relative alla disciplina dei Comitati degli italiani all’Estero”, e del relativo regolamento d’attuazione, DPR 29 dicembre 2003, n.395, considerato il Decreto del Ministro degli Affari Esteri n. 4500/57 del 21 dicembre 2010, con il quale e’ stato disposto lo scioglimento del Comites di Chicago, con Decreto emanato in data odierna, il Console Generale in Chicago ha indetto le elezioni per il rinnovo dei componenti del Comitato degli Italiani all’Estero della stessa circoscrizione, che dovranno tenersi il prossimo mercoledi’ 20 aprile 2011. Con tale Decreto, e’ stato altresi’ istituito presso il Consolato Generale l’Ufficio Elettorale, che avra’ competenza per le operazioni previste dalle procedure elettorali.