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IN THE NEWS ARCHIVES - 2008 (Click on titles)

Elisa, on her first North America tour from Italy, will perform in the St. Louis nightclub “Off Broadway” at 3509 Lemp Avenue (see map), at 8:00 pm, doors open at 7:00 pm.  Tickets are only $12 - buy at the door or via Ticketweb ($3.75 Fee). Click on title for Elisa's official web site.

St. Louis' most famous landmark is featured in an Italian news agency article by Lino Manocchia , also mentioning Bologna as our Sister City of which this web portal creator had been an official delegate and one of the original board members. Among many more accollades the writer also credits our city for being the birth place of the ice cream cone, ice tea and the "Dr. Pepper" drink. Read it in "Notizie", in Italian.

Italian Speeders Get Stopped in Style, with Lamborghini Gallardo
I want to grow up to be a Lambocop!!
A uniform and this car, I'd have to fight the women off. 
Richard Annotico

From the Consul General of Italy in Chicago, Dr. Alessandro Motta
Italian Advanced Placement Program
 Because October represents the month when the Italian cultural heritage is celebrated, I feel compelled to bring up a very important issue for those, like me, concerned for the uncertain future of the Italian language in this Country.
 You may or may not already be familiar with the Italian Advanced Placement Program (APP) in Italian Language and Culture, a University level course of instruction that students can take while still in high school and which allows them to build college level credits recognized by almost all U.S. universities and by numerous foreign universities. This program is instrumental in helping students develop an appreciation for our great language and culture... READ

October is Italian Month in St. Louis
  • Wednesday, October 1 - Italiano per piacere  Dinner Meeting at Baldo's Restaurant
  • Sunday October 5 - La Festa at St. Ambrose on the Hill
  • Sunday October 12 - Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Columbus Statue in Tower Grove Park - 10 a.m.
  • Sunday October 12 - Columbus Day Parade and Festa at Berra Park noon – 5 p.m.
  • Wednesday, October 15th - Italian Club Dinner Meeting at Baldo's Restaurant
  • Sunday, October 26 - Italian Film "L'Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio" at Washington U., Brown Hall, 7 p.m.

  • For further information contact

    Chicago Columbus Day Parade Broadcast on ABC-TV for 2 Hours
    The 56th Chicago Columbus Day Parade was Televised for the Second year on ABC -TV for 2 hours with 100 Multi Ethnic Entries, and was presented Commercial Free. It is available in Video, in 7 parts on the ABC Web Site. It is Not the Rose Parade, BUT it was heart warming to see both the young and old Italians celebrating and taking pride, and  Non Italians alike.enjoying the occasion.

    Going to Italy? Save with the It.Card
    If you are an Italian living abroad and registered with AIRE you are entitled to a free It.Card, the card that offers discounts in many tourist attractions, notably the significant 20% off the national railroad system.  Contact your Italian Consulate for details.  If you live in the Chicago consulate jurisdiction click to register in AIRE or to obtain the It.Card

    Vaffancola Introduced in Italy to Pay Homage to Beppe Grillo's “F*ck Off” Day- September 8
    Note the serendipitous slight difference between the Italian crude swear word of "Vaffan...." and the new cola named "Vaf Fan Cola"  Grillo declared the 8th of September to be a new unofficial Italian holiday called V-Day (Vaffan.... Day), motivating some two million people in two hundred and twenty cities across Italy (and many abroad) to celebrate V-Day as an unofficial new national holiday.

    "ITALIANO PER PIACERE" meets this Wednesday
    Logo di Italiano per piacereThe Italian-Only-Spoken Club of St. Louis meets this Wednesday, August 6 at Picasso's Steak & Seafood Restaurant for their special summer  dinner meeting featuring the entertainment of restaurateur/artist/musician Nino Pippa. For reservations call Franco Giannotti at 314-373-3211 or email

    'Nightline' Platelist: Lidia Bastianich
    Italian-American Chef Breaks Bread With the Pope
    April 20, 2008 - RSS New York chef Lidia Bastianich was in awe the day she received a call from Archbishop Celestino Migliore, the Vatican's representative to the United Nations. He asked if she would consider preparing two meals for Pope Benedict XVI during his visit to New York, that is, as long as it wasn't an "imposition." The pope's New York chef and her inspiring ascension into culinary stardom.The church's humble approach touched Bastianich, who was "stunned" that they had considered her. "I know he has to eat, but certainly I didn't think it would be me," she said with characteristic modesty. "The ultimate reward, and I think blessing, is this opportunity to cook for Pope Benedict." 
    Most people, even established chefs accustomed to cooking for powerful people, might be nervous about such an undertaking, but Bastianich described an inner calm. "I feel very peaceful, like a warmth is around me," said Bastianich, who hosts a popular PBS cooking show. "The menus that we planned of course is following his wishes of simplicity, of seasonality, not too elaborate a meal." READ

    Berlusconi's Bailout of Alitalia Shunned by Italians
    About three-quarters of Italians disapprove of the government's proposed 300 million, or $473 million, bailout for the carrier, despite pleas of Patriotism from  Berlusconi.  Italians are tired of Labor Unions bloated number of, and  overpaid employees, and Politicians using airline as source of Patronage.  Italians also view Berlusconi's plan as a "sweetheart" givewaway. 
    The answer would seem to be that Alitalia declare Bankruptcy, and if necessary Shut down Operations, then Sell the Assets to an Italian  Private Operator under Conditions that would always reflect favorably on Italy, New  more reasonable Union Contracts can be Negotiated, with all Airline Employees Re applying, culling out the unnecessary and shirkers.
    Generally, I am Pro -Union, but  when they defend indolent employees, and extort unreasonable wage and hiring levels, and make a profit impossible, and "over play " their hand,  then they cut their own throat.  READ

    Italians Turn to Pasta Over Pizza Which Has Become Luxury
    The ongoing crisis in food prices has made a luxury of one of the world's most iconic foods even in its affluent homeland. Italians are shirking pizza due to skyrocketing bills and turning increasingly to pasta, which remains comparatively cheap despite also seeing large increases in cost.
    "When I was a student, it was a Saturday night classic: You went out with your friends and had a pizza," said Cristina Romanelli, a 34-year-old living in Rome. "Now you spend so much you can do it only once in a while." In fact, the number of Italians who say their favorite food is pizza has dropped from 14.1 percent to 8.7 percent in the past two years, according to a survey from GPF Research Institute, a private opinion poll company.
    Rising cereal costs, experts say, are pumping up the cost of the wheat flour used to make pizza dough. Wheat costs have grown 23.2 percent since April 2007, according to the national Institute of Services for Agricultural and Food Markets. Olive oil and mozzarella, both vital components of traditional Neapolitan pies, cost more as well. Olive oil prices have risen 10.9 percent and mozzarella prices 14.3 percent since April 2007. "In 2001 the mean price of a pizza in a restaurant was 3.36 euros. Today it's 7 euros. It has grown 108 percent in seven years," Rienzi said. "Prices have been pumped up opportunistically, pizza being important in our eating habits and appealing to millions of tourists visiting our country." READ

    Venice Overwhelmed by Mega Cruise Liners
    It could be a special effect from a summer blockbuster - giant cruise liners skirt the canals of Venice, coming dangerously close to scraping the city's famed old structures. But it's the reality. A 300-metre long cruise ship is squeezing along the Giudecca Canal, inching its way between the Doge's Palace and the Basilica Santa Maria della Salute en route to the dock. 
    Cruise liner season has started in the city of gondolas and canals prompting mounting opposition from environmentalists, leftists and lifelong Venetians. 
    "Venice is crumbling" is scrawled on many canal walls. Rome's "La Repubblica" newspaper runs headlines about the "invasion of the sea monsters," and includes regular commentaries from opponents of the cruise lines and Greek ferry companies.  "They come within inches of Saint Mark's Square and endanger the historic buildings by moving great masses of water, causing vibrations and polluting the air."  More than 60,000 tourists hit Venice on May 1, including many short-term visitors who had arrived on the cruise liners. But Venice does not profit from those visitors, say critics. Only the travel agencies benefit, they say. READ

    The notorious mother and daughter duo are at it again.  Anna Anghileri on tournee from Verona, Italy, will present her "Balancing Act" (No, not Circus Flora, it's ART) at the Skif International Showroom at 2008 Marconi Ave. on the Hill (across from DiGregorio Foods), on Saturday (one day only) June 7 from 6 to 9 p.m. See attached flier.  Daughter Antonella Rastelli will instead talk at the Missouri History Museum (Lee Auditorium) on Lindell & DeBaliviere on the following Saturday, June 14 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., about her dad, Dr. Giancarlo Rastelli, a pioneer of the heart procedure that bears his name, who died when Antonella was only 4 years old.  See enclosed invitation. Plan to attend both events, free admission. 

    Italian Consul General to Visit S. Louis
    Alessandro Motta, Italian Consul General at Chicago will make his first official visit to St. Louis on June 5 and 6, 2008.  In addition to meeting with elected St. Louis and Missouri representatives, the Consul will spend time with the community at several events: a luncheon at Bartolino’s Restaurant with the Hill Business Association, a dinner at Baldo’s Restaurant with the Italian associations and a visit to the world’s renowned Salumificio John Volpi & Company.  For information and participation in the above events write to

    June 2, 2008
         On Italian Independence Day, we recognize our friendship with the nation of Italy, and we celebrate the generations of Italian Americans who have made significant contributions to our national character.
         June 2, 1946, marks the birth of the Italian Republic, the long-awaited triumph of liberty and democracy in an ancient land.  Today, Italy is a friend of the United States and an ally of freedom and peace.  Italians and Americans join together on Italian Independence Day to commemorate Italy's independence and celebrate its rich history.
         The people of our two countries share special ties rooted in history, friendship, and family.  Millions of American citizens have Italian ancestry, and they and their forebears have helped shape our way of life.  Americans are grateful for the many contributions Italians and Italian Americans have made to our history and our culture, and we are proud that our nations are allies in the cause of peace and security around the world.
         In celebrating Italian Independence Day, we commemorate the freedoms our countries hold dear, and we honor the generations of Italian Americans who came to our shores seeking opportunity.  They have helped to shape our great Nation and influenced American life for the better.
         NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2, 2008, as Italian Independence Day. I call upon all Americans to observe this day by celebrating the contributions of Italians and Italian Americans to our Nation.
         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-second.

  • In honor of Puccini’s 150th birthday, La Scala brings his incomparable Il Trittico to the stage. Luca Ronconi is the talented director able to unite, and at the same time give a different character to Il Tabarro, Suor Angelica and Gianni Schicchi. 
    Tickets are $20 for adults and $18 for seniors. For tickets, please visit the theatre box office, or 1-800-FANDANGO. 
    To arrange a group outing, please call 314-822-4520.

    On digital projection in 7 theatres, 4 in the St. Louis area and 1 each in Northern Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota.
    We are very pleased to announce this incredible event showcasing our Italian heritage and culture; all operas except one are sung in Italian with English subtitles.  Three are from La Scala in Milan and four are from the San Francisco Opera.  The 7 operas will intermix during March and April with the last one showing on May 15; some will be shown 4 days in a row, 1 performance each, some only one day, 2 performances each.  Please click on title above for exact dates and ticket cost or click to the links below for more information or on posters on the right to connect to the Wehrenberg web site. Plan to attend and tell your friends about it.
    Official Press Release
    Synopsis of La Scala Series
    La Rondine, Samson and Delilah
    Don Giovanni, Madama Butterfly

    Young Artists’ Competition in St. Louis
    The Federation of Italian-American Organizations of the Metropolitan St. Louis Area and St. Ambrose Church sponsor the eight annual Young Artists' Competition featuring the amazing performances of  talented young pianists performing works of Italian Masters. 
    It's on Sunday, April 27, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. in St. Ambrose Church, 5130 Wilson Avenue at Marconi “on the Hill”,  open to the public and free of charge.

    Italy Moves Toward 2 - Party System - From 26 to 6?
    A surprise casualty of Italy's general election was the country's bewildering maze of multi-party politics which had made it an anomaly among Western nations. The ballot box unexpectedly eliminated all but one of Italy's myriad tiny parties, ejecting Communists, neofascists, Greens and Socialists from parliament as well as various minuscule Christian Democrat formations. 
    Italian dailies used apocalyptic tones to describe the shake-up, saying parliament had been hit by an ''earthquake'' and a ''tsunami'' which would leave it with no more than six parties compared to the previous 26.

    Italy's Once Mighty Communist Party Fades to Anti Capitalistic "Movement"
     Communists in Italy were banned by Mussolini, but played a crucial role in resisting fascism and German Nazi occupation. The Italian Communist Party (PCI) was elected to parliament after the war and represented a third of the electorate in its 1970s heyday. The PCI rebranded after the Cold War, with the bulk joining the Democratic Party (PD), the newly formed centre-left party 
    In a "Rainbow Left" alliance with the Greens, the communists hoped for 6 percent to 8 percent of the vote. But squeezed out by a new centre-left Democratic Party, they scored little more than 3 percent, down from 10 percent in the 2006 election and not enough to win any seats in parliament.
    Gabriele Polo, editor of communist daily Il Manifesto, said the left now had to regroup in an anti-capitalist movement -- not necessarily a party. "We need to create a political bond, to build a credible process based on the four values we share: work, civil rights, peace and the environment"

    Berlusconi Snatches Back Power in Italy
    By Ian Fisher, April 15, 2008 - NY Times - ROME - Silvio Berlusconi, the idiosyncratic billionaire who already dominates much of Italy’s public life, snatched back political power in elections that ended Monday, heading a center-right coalition certain to make him prime minister for a third term. 
    ...But in some basic ways, the election signaled a decisive shift in a nation whose politics have been unstable because of the involvement of many small parties with narrow interests. As head of the newly born Democratic Party — the merging of the two largest center-left parties — Mr. Veltroni had refused to run with far-left parties as Mr. Prodi had done. 
    As a result, the ANSA news agency reported that the number of parties in the parliament’s lower house, the Chamber of Deputies, would drop from 26 to just 6. On both the left and right, experts said — and in some cases lamented — the election showed a shift toward a more American- or British-style system of two dominant parties...

    Il Consolato Generale Italiano di Chicago annuncia la nuova Lettera Consolare, datata Febbraio 2008 e ottenibile via email facendone richiesta alla segreteria del consolato:

    St. Louis' Italian Film FestivalThe 4th annual Italian Film Festival of St. Louis, sponsored by the Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago, Washington University's Program in Film and Media Studies, the National Italian American Foundation and the Regional Arts Commission will feature the St. Louis premier of six recent Italian films: Ma che colpa abbiamo noi (It?s Not Our Fault) by Carlo Verdoneon Friday, April 4 (89 minutes), Anche libero va bene (Along the Ridge) by Kim Rossi Stuart on Saturday, April 5 (108 minutes), La cena per farli conoscere (A Dinner to Meet Them) by Pupi Avati on Friday, April 11 (99 minutes), Quando sei nato non puoi più nasconderti (When You Are Born) by Marco Tullio Giordana on Saturday, April 12 (115 minutes), Mio fratello è figlio unico (My Brother Is An Only Child) by Daniele Luchetti on Friday, April 18(100 minutes), and Rosso come il cielo (Red Like the Sky) by Cristiano Bortone Saturday, April 19 (95 minutes) at 8 p.m. 

    Enrico GRANARA Ambasciatore d’Italia a Al Kuwait
    Roma 29 Marzo 2008 - Si rende noto, a seguito del gradimento del Governo interessato, la suddetta nomina recentemente deliberata dal Consiglio dei Ministri
    Nato ad Asmara (Eritrea), il 7 novembre 1955, si laurea in scienze politiche il 21 febbraio 1978 all’Università di Padova ed entra in carriera diplomatica nel 1983. Tra gli incarichi ricoperti nel corso della carriera, dopo essere stato assegnato alla Direzione Generale Affari Economici, dal 1984 è Secondo segretario commerciale a Maputo. Nel 1988 è reggente del consolato a Grenoble, e dal 1990 del Consolato Generale a Gedda. 
    Rientrato a Roma nel 1992, presta servizio presso la Direzione Generale per gli Affari Politici. Dal 1995 è Consigliere a Città del Messico e dal 1999 è Console Generale a Chicago. 
    Rientrato a Roma nel 2003, è alla Direzione Generale Cooperazione allo sviluppo. Nel 2003 è Consigliere Diplomatico del Ministro per l’attuazione del programma di Governo.  Nel 2005 rientra al Ministero ed è poi collocato in posizione di distacco presso il Sindacato Nazionale Dipendenti del Ministero Affari Esteri. Nel 2006 è nominato Ministro Plenipotenziario.
    ItaliaUSA, Italiano per piacere, ed i residenti della circoscrizione consolare di Chicago porgono con grande stima ed affetto congratulazioni e fervidi auguri di successo al neo Ambasciatore Granara .

    Alitalia Takeover Becomes 'Cause Celebre' in Italy, with Elections Looming
    The Air France-KLM possible "Takeover" of AlItalia has now taken on Election implications, in addition to (1) the blow to National Pride, (2) Regional "bickering" with Northern Italians concerned that many flights might be diverted  to Rome from Milan's Malpensa, (3) the Union of AlItalia workers objecting to job reductions in the 11,000 workers (7,000 claims union, 2,000 claim Air France). Berlusconi has featured himself as a "white knight" in requesting a government "bridging" loan to enable him to put together a "consortium" to "save" this National symbol. Silvio's alleged banker has stated "nothing is on the table". Walter Veltroni, Berlusconi's rival, and head of the new centre-left Democratic Party, thinks Berlusconi's actions constitute a cynical election 'ploy", and said Alitalia should be kept out of "the electoral meat grinder," adding: "I don't want to see a consortium that vanishes after the elections."

    The Italian Cultural Center honors Larry West, President and General Manager of NBC 5, Chicago, on March 1, 2008 at Alta Villa on 430 Addison Road in Addison, IL, beginning at 6:00 PM.  To purchase tickets and for further information call 708-345-5933

    Saturday, February 16 at 2 p.m., our very own Senator Renato Turano will hold an open forum in the Florentine Room. As many of you know, Senator Turano is a founding Board Member and Chairman. A leader in the Italian-American and business community, he was most recently elected an Italian senator representing North America. Other events, like exhibits and movies, are also included in our events calendar. Even though we are in the midst of winter, Casa continues to perform its mission of being the home of the Italian-American community. Please pick one or more events and join us.
    Sincerely, Leonard S. DeFranco, Casa Italia Chairman 

    Rigoletto at St. Ambrose Church
    New Opera St. Louis will stage their first production on February 15th and 17th, 2008 in the St. Ambrose Church at Wilson and Marconi on the Hill. Opera St. Louis, a non-profit organization founded in August of 2007, highlights local artists and invests in the local artist community by providing an opportunity to perform with world class talent. They are committed to enhancing public appreciation of opera in St. Louis through public participation, community outreach programs, and artists' workshops. Principals in the organizations are Kurt Heinrich, President, Nicole Menos, Secretary and Gina Galati, Artistic Director. 
    Soprano Gina Galati, the daughter of Giovanni e Jackie Galati of Dominic's restaurants, was born and raised in St. Louis, received a Bachelors of Arts and Sciences in Music from Washington University and a Masters of Opera from the University of Kansas. She earned an Artist Diploma from the Academia Verdiana in Bussetto, Italy where she performed numerous concerts throughout Northern Italy. Gina will perform as Gilda in this production of Giuseppe Verdi’s Rigoletto.
    Tickets are $20 - $24 - $28 and can be purchased by calling 314-865-0038

    ROME: Interim government won't fly; election in April
    St. Louis Post Dispatch - 02/05/2008 - Italy's Senate speaker said Monday that he could not raise enough support for an interim government to change voting rules blamed for much of Italy's political instability, clearing the way for an early election. The political crisis followed the collapse of Premier Romano Prodi's center-left government last month. It is now up to the president to dissolve Parliament and call an early election, likely to be held by mid-April. After days of talks with parties, conservative leader Silvio Berlusconi and his allies firmly rejected the possibility of any transitional government before a return to the polls. Berlusconi is hoping for a new stint in power. He last served as Italy's premier from 2001-2006, and polls suggest the center-right would win an early vote.

    "ITALIANO PER PIACERE" meets this Wednesday
    Logo di Italiano per piacereThe Italian-Only-Spoken Club of St. Louis meets this Wednesday, February 6 at Baldo's Restaurant for their bimonthly dinner meeting featuring Dr. Adriana Dusso who will discuss the importance of Vitamin D.  Italian speaking members and non-members are invited.  For reservations call Franco Giannotti at 314-373-3211 or email

    Italian Premier Romano Prodi Resigns After Vote Loss
    By FRANCES D'EMILIO, Associated Press Writer, Jan 24, 2008
    ROME (AP) -- Italian Premier Romano Prodi resigned Thursday after his center-left coalition lost a Senate confidence vote, a humiliating end to a 20-month-old government plagued by infighting.
    Calling early elections or asking a politician to try to form another government are among President Giorgio Napolitano's options as head of state. Until he decides, Prodi will stay on in a caretaker role.
    Elected in April 2006, Prodi has had a shaky government from nearly the start. It lurched toward collapse this week after a small Christian Democrat party, whose votes were vital to his Senate majority, yanked its support in the latest coalition spat.
    Prodi, a 68-year-old former economics professor, went into the vote with the numbers stacked against him after a few additional senators in his coalition parties said they would cast "no" votes.
    The government lost 161-156 after a fiery debate during which one senator was spat upon, fainted and had to be carried out on a stretcher. MORE

    Giuliani, 3rd in Florida, nears exit
    By DEVLIN BARRETT, Associated Press Writer, ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) Jan 30 -- In the end, 9/11 wasn't enough. Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, once the Republican presidential front-runner thanks to his status as "America's Mayor," suffered a debilitating defeat in Tuesday's Florida primary. He prepared Wednesday to quit the race and endorse his friendliest rival, John McCain.
    "Italian-Americans Rip Rudy as an UNCLE TOMASO," blared the Boston Herald - Washington Post
    Richard Cappozzola, author of Five Centuries of Italian Americans, single handed got the attention of two important East Coast Dailies. Richard lives near Orlando Florida, and is an unrelenting indefatigable well intentioned  Italian American Activist.  Kudos!!!!!!
    Not ALL Italian Americans are Proud of Rudy Giuliani 
    But it is his oblivious "insensitivity" to his heritage by   impersonating Mafia bosses and other wiseguy wisecracking , and THEN Despite pleas from leaders and activists of our Italian community to STOP denigrating our "Image", he Offers No Apology for indiscretion, Doesn't Stop, but BLATANTLY IGNORES their reasonable requests and Continues "Shylock" and "Step'nFetchit" type impersonations that would be justifiably shouted down by the Jewish and Black Communities. And worst of all, he STILL doesn't realize that the Italian American community that is "tepid" or even "disinterested" could have been a powerful force on his behalf.  He sure lost my vote and efforts.

    Obituary: Nicholas M.  Mazzola 
    Mazzola, Nicholas M. fortified with the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church on Fri., Jan. 18, 2008. Loving husband of Rose Mary Mazzola; beloved father Mary (Vincent) Belli, Joseph (Nancy) Mazzola, and Nina (Anthony) Fresta; dear grandfather Vincent, Dominic, and Christopher (Kristy) Belli, Julian Mazzola, and Anthony Jr., Michael (Erin) and Nicholas Fresta; dear great-grandfather of Gabriella Fresta; dear brother of Peter (Irene) and the late Angela and Vincent (Vivian) Mazzola; dear brother-in-law of Sebastian 'Buster' Palazzolo and Antoinette Moynihan; dear uncle, cousin, co-worker, and friend to many. After graduating from the St. Louis College of Pharmacy, Nicholas served his country proudly and retired from the Army Reserve as a Colonel. Most recently, Nicholas was active in the Bocce, Crusader, and Italian Clubs. Services: Funeral from COLONIAL MORTUARY HOFFMEISTER- KRIEGSHAUSER Funeral Directors, 6464 Chippewa at Watson, on Tues., Jan. 22, 2008 at 9:15 a.m. to St. Ambrose Catholic Church for a celebration of Mass at 10 a.m. Interment will follow with full military honors in Resurrection Cemetery. If desired, please make expressions of sympathy to Shrine of St. Joseph, Sick and Elderly Program of the Hill, or a charity of your choice. Visitation will be held at Colonial Mortuary on Mon. from 3-8 p.m. Please send condolences to

    We at ItaliaUSA extend our sympathy to the family of the beloved Nick Mazzola, an exemplary and respected citizen and friend of the Italian community

    Pope Cancels Speech After Protest at University
    By IAN FISHER, New York Times, January 16, 2008 - ROME - Pope Benedict XVI, in a rare papal acquiescence to protest, has canceled a speech at the prestigious Sapienza University here amid opposition by professors and students who say he is hostile to science. The pope’s speech at the university, which was founded by Pope Boniface VIII in 1303 and is now public, was to mark the start of the academic year. But professors and students objected, citing specifically a speech that Benedict gave in 1990, when he was Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, on Galileo, condemned by the Inquisition in the early 1600s for arguing that the Earth revolved around the Sun. In that speech, Cardinal Ratzinger, who would become pope in 2005, quoted the Austrian philosopher Paul Feyerabend as saying: “The church at the time was much more faithful to reason than Galileo himself, and also took into consideration the ethical and social consequences of Galileo’s doctrine. Its verdict against Galileo was rational and just.” In the speech, Cardinal Ratzinger did not argue against the validity of science generally or take the church’s position from Galileo’s time that heliocentrism was heretical. But he asserted, as he has often since elected pope, that science should not close off religion and that science has been used in destructive ways. MORE