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IN THE NEWS ARCHIVES - 2007... (Click on titles)
Miscellanea - Rubrica d'attualita`
Selected  newsworthy archives in the world of Italian Americans from  2000 to 2005

Air France- KLM to Buy Alitalia ???
Air France - KLM, the Franco - Dutch airline  seems to be the winner in purchasing Alitalia. Rival, regional Italian airline Air One, at one time considered the front runner, and favored by many to keep Alitalia, as Italian, and  Russian airline Aeroflot, US buyout firm Matlin Patterson Global Advisers, German airline Lufthansa, and a consortium led by Italian lawyer Antonio Baldassarre all showed interest. 

Italians Top Lovers - Some Things Never Change!, the Travel Social Network, said they carried out a study, and polled 10,000 "well traveled" women: The BEST Lover Rankings showed Italy first, followed by France, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, Spain, Denmark and New Zealand. The WORST Lovers were the "selfish" Germans, also known for their poor dress sense and strange sense of humour, who beat the "quick to finish" Swedish guys. Men from Holland, who were branded as a "bit too rough" were third, while "too dominant" Americans were fourth. "Soppy" Welsh men were fifth. English crept in at 10th place because they were too fat. 

The Italian Club of St. Louis and The Hill Business Association invite you to visit the Presepio exhibits in the windows of the partecipating merchants on the St. Louis "Hill", from Saturday, November 24th through Sunday, January 6th. Select the title for the history of the event and the list and addresses of the partecipating merchants

WELCOMED 100,000+ DINERS TO 'HILL' RESTAURANTS IN 1970s, 80s and 90s.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 22/PRNewswire/ -- Caesar Joseph Valli died at his home Friday, Dec. 21, 2007, 11:00 p.m., of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), or "Lou Gehrig's disease."  Valli was 82.  For decades, Valli was a fixture at some of The Hill's most popular Italian restaurants.  As weekend Maitre D', his was the face that greeted more than 100,000 diners at Rigazzi's, Da Baldo Trattoria, formerly Da Vinci's, Bartolino's, and finally Cunetto House of Pasta.  He also served as weekend Maitre D' for seven years at Italian Gardens/Bartolino's South in South St. Louis County.

PRODI Rejects NYT'S 'Depressed' Nation Tag
Italian Premier Romano Prodi defended his nation on Friday after the New York Times said in a front page article that it was in decline on most fronts and its people were depressed. ''I'm certainly not depressed,'' Prodi told journalists  who intercepted him on his way out of an EU summit and asked  him to comment on the prestigious US daily's assessment.
NY Times Italy's Arias Sparks Fierce Response in Italy
Italian president Giorgio Napolitano moderately responded to the report by saying that "there are many problems, but you must all bet on Italy, on our traditions and our animal instincts." Italian daily La Repubblica called the report "an Attack", while Corriere della Sera said that The New York Times had "put Italy on Trial." Journalist Beppe Severgnini added that Italians too can and will be critical of the US and its disastrous war in Iraq, problems with guns, quality of presidential candidates.
NY Times Aria on Italy Hits Sour Notes
The NY Times always a denigrator of Italy, in the following article, continues that practice. Actually what Italians are saying is: We are Feed up with Greedy Worthless Politicians and the Privileged Class they Serve. In the US, we are more compliant like sheep. Where is the Angst at  a Horrendous Fraudulent Colonialistic Invasion of Iraq, Destroying an Innocent country, Death of 4,000 US Troops, the Crippling of 25,000 US Troops, and Planting of Permanent Nightmares in the Minds that serve, and it goes on 5 YEARS, (Longer than the US was in WWII), with NO end in Sight.!!!!! 

1907 Monongah Mine Disaster Killing 171 Italians Commemorated by Italian Delegation
A large group of Italian government officials, diplomats, two Italian television crews and 300 people from Canada, Pennsylvania, Michigan, New Jersey and Chicago arrive in the small northern West Virginia town to mark the 100th anniversary of the disaster and demonstrate what the fallen men of Monongah mean to them.
Worst Industrial Accident in US History, Kills 171 Italians, 100th Anniversary
On December. 6, 1907, a mine explosion in Monongah,W VA. was  the worst industrial accident in U.S. history. Of the 361 men killed, 171 were Italians. (Also killed: 52 Hungarians; 31 Russians; 15 Austrians; 11 Africans and 85 native-born Americans.) In the age of the Robber Baron, all too often, the lives and safety conditions were of little  consequence, and Labor was treated as "expendable", and a great share of those "victims' were Italians. Too little has been documented or commemorated

ON EURO 2008
Italians, French in Same Group in Euro 2008: Bad Draw: Poor Groupings
The UEFA obviously Needs a BCS system. Who in their Right Mind would put France and Italy in the SAME Group AGAIN!!!!!!! 
Group C: Italy, France, Netherlands, Romania
Group A: Co-host Switzerland, which plays all of its group games in Basel, is in with Turkey, Portugal and the Czech Republic. 
Group B : Austria, the other co-host is in with three-time champion Germany, Poland and Croatia, The co-hosts are both based at home.
Group D : Defending champion Greece has a far easier task , starting against Sweden before facing Russia and Spain 
France coach Raymond Domenech, "I would have preferred to avoid all of the other three teams in the group, but that's what we got and we have to live with it." Italian Coach Donadoni had similar thoughts.

The Italian Club 85th Anniversary 
The Italian Club of St. Louis honors John Alberici during its 85th anniversary celebration on Sunday, December 9th at Westborough Country Club from 6:00 p.m. on.  For information and tickets write to Marie Cuccia-Brandt,

Gina Galati, daughter of Giovanni e Jackie Galati, owners of Dominic’s Restaurant on the Hill and Dominic's Trattoria in Clayton, will perform at the Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center on Friday December 7 at 8:00 PM and Saturday December 8 at 2:00 PM.  The community is encouraged to attend. Click on title for details.

Anyone who owns a home in a rural area of Italy and was exempted from taxes (ICI) due to the agricultural nature of the property MUST revalidate the exemption status prior to November 30, 2007 or incur a fine of up to €2,000, lose the exemption and start paying the ICI.  Click here for more details (in Italian)

Azzurri Debate: STILL have their Doubters!
It seems that many Euros take the greatest delight in belittling Italy. The Azzurri were only begrudgingly accepted as World Cup Champs. The English media looked at Italy's poor start and virtually branded them as a laughing stock. "How could a team like this win the World Cup?" was a common cry. Did anyone notice that NOT one of the 5 teams in the the UK made the Euro 2008 Championships? Not England, Scotland, Ireland, North Ireland, or Wales. Adding insult was Croatia captain Niko Kovac, who has done the equivalent of kicking an English donkey while it is down by claiming that winning in Wembley was "very easy". Fourteen months later who is laughing now? 
Roger Mitchell: Scot Influencial Soccer Voice, Tells Scots to Credit 
Roger Mitchell, is  founding chief executive of the Scottish Premier League,He also happens to be one of the most influential voices in Scottish football this past decade. and had his pride pricked by the misguided campaign claiming the "injustice" of losing to Roberto Donadoni's superior collection of Italian footballers.
Italy and the Tartan Army Watch "The Game" Together
The hillside town of Barga, styles itself as "the most Scottish place in Italy", every inhabitant, it seems, boasting a Scots granny or at the very least of being one of the many Italian Scots who have returned to the land of their ancestors. A screening of the Italia and Scozia contest La Partita Insieme (the game of togetherness) was held at the village of Gallicano, for all the neighboring towns, and was a spirited and friendly gathering.
"Death of the Dream" for Scotland, But a Moral Victory Comforts Them
Scotland came in third in the "Group of Death",having to battle with the two most highly regarded teams.  Scotland  Beat France Twice, were "thrilled" to be playing the World Champions Italians, Played  "The Azzurri even until the 91st minute. They had a Right to Rejoice, and will in the future look back upon their 2007 Qualifiers with Honor.
After Thoughts on Italy's Soccer Victory over Scotland, 2-1
Sporting Life Rates the performance of each of the Players
Italy 2 - Scotland 1: Italy World Cup Qualifier! Better than Sex for Scots!
"This evening's this once-in-a-lifetime encounter with Italy will produce a feeling "better than sex", according to Dr McVey, one of the country's leading psychologists. Cynthia McVey says that most of the country's adult male population would turn down a romp with Claudia Schiffer tonight, rather than miss the big game. 
European Championship without Italy and England? Could Happen!
France is put in the strange position of rooting for Italy, and knocking Scotland out of contention, and sending Italy and France to the Qualifiers.
Italy -Scot European Championship Soccer Qualifier on Saturday
Making the match particularly interesting is the Scots, who are seldom among the qualifiers, usually root for the Italians, partially because there are 50,000 Scots who are of Italian ancestry, and that the Italians have had a presence in Scotland going back to the Romans.

Enzo Biagi, 87, Dead - Veteran Journalist, Great Voice of Freedom
Enzo Biagi, 87, a veteran Italian newspaper and TV journalist and prolific author whose straightforward writing style stood out in a country where journalistic prose is often dense  and poetic, died Tuesday in Milan. For years, Biagi -- with his white hair, thick-framed eyeglasses and calm voice -- was a dinner-hour staple on Italian TV, offering his commentary on the top stories of the day. With his death, "a great voice of freedom" vanishes, President Giorgio Napolitano said.

Italy Angry About Roma/Romanian Immigrant Crime; Cracks Down 
Romanians have been arriving in Italy in droves. Romanians now constitute the largest minority nationality in Italy, with 550,000 to 600,000 residents, or about 1% of the population. Italy was more welcoming and less restrictive. That appears to have been a mistake. There appears Not to have been Criminal background checks on many entrants, besides the usual other Immigrant checks. Between January and September of this year, Romanians were believed to be responsible for 75% of serious crimes, including rapes and killings, in the capital.

NIAF Chairman Dr. A. Kenneth Ciongoli Has Choice Words for Media!!!!!
As overjoyed as NIAF Chairman Dr. A. Kenneth Ciongoli was with the success of the Annual Gala. he had pointed remarks: 1. He commented on, whenever the Press is around at an Italian affair, all they want to do is talk about Pasta, that trivializes the event. 2, He commented that "Italian Americans have risen to the top of every facet of American importance. How did it happen? We didn't choose group interests; we chose American interests. We chose to become Americans and percolated to the top." 3. He Denounced the Media's  pandering to the lowest possible denominator by their avid association of Italian Americans with the HBO television.  "No one seems to notice that these supposed Italian Americans are all vulgar beyond belief. ... The show is about nothing that we understand to be our experience," he said, to thunderous applause. show "The Sopranos" in the press. Bravo for Dr Ciongoli. !!!!!

IACC October Bulletin On Line
The Italian American Chamber of Commerce invites you to view the October Bulletin. Thanks for reading and enjoy this issue. Click here to download the Bulletin. For more information call (312) 553-9137 or send an email to

Chicago, 20 settembre 2007 - Cari Lettori, vorrei approfittare dell’ospitalità di questo portale per rivolgere a tutti i connazionali, ai cittadini americani di origine italiana e a tutti gli amici del Missouri un sincero saluto, oltre che per presentarmi e per spiegare gli obiettivi principali della mia missione, in qualità di nuovo titolare del Consolato Generale d’Italia a Chicago, l’ufficio italiano che ha giurisdizione in questo Stato. Dal punto di vista dell’Italia, il Midwest degli Stati Uniti non è più solo una delle regioni dove si sono insediate, con alterne fortune, grandi ed antiche comunità di propri cittadini emigrati. L’insieme degli Stati di questa regione, dove spicca Chicago, fa registrare tassi di crescita economica, di sviluppo degli investimenti e del commercio, fra i più elevati al mondo. Le sue città sono fra le metropoli più importanti e fra le più vivaci realtà multi-culturali del Nord America, sedi anche di Istituzioni Accademiche e scientifiche di rilevanza internazionale... LEGGI INTERO MESSAGGIO - BIOGRAFIA

September 19, 2007 - From the Italian Consulate in Chicago we receive the following press release:
"By the wish of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, aware of the needs of the Italian citizens living abroad, this iniziative will be of benefit by offering an added incentive toward traveling to Italy. The project was realized thanks to the cooperation  of Asso Cral Italia, the Ministero dei Beni Culturali, the Ferrovie dello Stato, the Federalberghi, the Federazione of Turismo Equestre, the Touring Club and other concerns and services. We are referring to a free discount card named “IT-CARD”, which offers many benefits in Italy and other countries.  It is reserved esclusively to legal age citizen who are registered in A.I.R.E.  The card’s benefits are extended to the entire family traveling together and require the presentation of the card itself plus a valid ID. To obtain the card visit or write to the Consulate of Chicago and exhibit or include a document proving your identity. It is understood that neither the Ministry of Foreign Affairs nor the Consulate of Chicago can be held responsible for failure of merchants to provide the services listed.  For additional information it is advisable to consult the specific web site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs." It-Card, another significant A.I.R.E. benefit, inquire here

NIAF does it again
Don Fiore – Italic Institute of America, 16 September 2007, Chicago - I wish I could convince myself that the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) is essentially just a bunch of people with thick wallets who harmlessly crave the opportunity of sitting in the same room with celebrities. One that occasionally pays obligatory lip service to fighting Italian American defamation, but in fact, and despite a propensity for inflating its image and influence beyond all reality, is ineffective, inconsequential and meaningless. For all of our sakes, I wish I could convince myself of that.  But I can’t.  It’s the “inconsequential” part that doesn’t fit.  Because NIAF’s actions are indeed of significant consequence in one very critical way.  And it isn’t a good way. Once again, this star-struck group has delivered a clear message to the outside world that case against Italian American defamation is one rife with contradiction, selectivity, and shallowness... MORE

Scotland, Italy, and France Battle it out in Group B, European Soccer Championships 
The ANNOTICO Report - Italy beat Ukraine 2-1 in Kiev , and Scotland beat France 1-0 in Paris, so the standings in Group B are today ...Scotland 21 points,  Italy 20 and France 19, with 9 games played and 3 games remaining, with only the top 2 going forward in the Qualifiers !!!!!!!  [The Group also includes Ukraine (13), Lithuania (10), Georgia (7), Faroe (0)]. Group B is called "The Group of Death" with BOTH World Cup Finalists (Italy and France).The  Scots were initially very pessimistic, and could not have imagined that they would beat France, BOTH Home and Away, and be atop the group at this point 

Italy and France in Thrilling Intense Goalless Draw in European Soccer
The ANNOTICO Report - Italy drew 0-0 with France in a passionate and tough-tackling Euro 2008 qualifier on Saturday, at a sell-out San Siro where France coach Raymond Domenech was forced to watch the game from the stands because of a UEFA touchline ban. However, France now leads Group B with 19 points. Scotland is next with 18 points, followed by Italy with 17. Each team has four games remaining and only the top two in the group qualify. 

Luciano Pavarotti, Italian Tenor, Dead at 71
Suzanne Plunkett/The Associated Press/NY Times - Sept 6, 2007  - Luciano Pavarotti, the Italian singer whose ringing, pristine sound set a standard for operatic tenors of the postwar era, died early this morning at his home in Modena, in northern Italy. He was 71. His death was announced by his manager, Terri Robson. The cause was pancreatic cancer. In July 2006 he underwent surgery for the cancer in New York and had made no public appearances since then. He was hospitalized again this summer and released on Aug. 25. “The Maestro fought a long, tough battle against the pancreatic cancer which eventually took his life,” said an e-mail statement that his manager sent to The Associated Press. “In fitting with the approach that characterized his life and work, he remained positive until finally succumbing to the last stages of his illness.”

Italian American Chamber of Commerce
Their monthly Bulletin is now on-line with local news, highlights from Italy, the announcement of the forhcoming annual  "Italian Style 2007" Expo of Italian excellence from Friday September 21 to Sunday September 23 at the Navy Pier in Chicago; a prestigious program of events, which includes fashion shows, seminars, food and wine tastings, cooking classes, concerts, and more. Click on title to view.

Giro d’Italia? Tour de France? Step aside, here comes “MoTour” - Tour of Missouri
St. Louis, Sept 9, 2007 - The inaugural bicycle Tour of Missouri will leave the start line in Kansas City on Tuesday, Sept 11, showcasing the beauty of the state and the prowess of some of the world's best endurance athletes over almost 600 miles of Missouri roads.  The tour will end in St. Louis on September 16 after 6 Stages, see graphics below.  For the individual stages and several articles on the subject see the St. Louis Post Dispatch

Italian Language Classes at Forest Park CC
New, more convenient, venue for the Italian language program sponsored by the Italian Government and administered by the St. Louis’ Federation of Italian American Organizations.  The informational and registration session will take place on the Community College campus on August 29.  Classes for adults will begin September 17.  For details and registration on-line see the FIAO web site

Anyone who owns a home in a rural area in Italy and was exempted from taxes (ICI) due to the agricultural nature of the property MUST revalidate the exemption status prior to November 30, 2007 or incur a fine of up to €2,000, lose the exemption and start paying the ICI.  Click here for more details (in Italian)

Thirty-One Days of Italians promotes Italian American Heritage Month
CARY, NC, August, 2007 – Italian Americans are the forth largest European ethnic group in America, and Italian American Heritage Month is celebrated in October. Yet, in many states, Italian American Heritage Month passes by without a mention or even a nod to Italian accomplishments. This year, to promote Italian American Heritage Month nationwide, a list of Italians and Italian Americans recognized for their extraordinary achievements has been compiled through Thirty-One Days of Italians. This grass-roots campaign – started by author, educator, and researcher Janice Therese Mancuso to educate others and celebrate Italian heritage – is gaining momentum and sponsorship throughout the Italian American community. To learn more about Thirty-One Days of Italians and for the complete list of those contributing to America click on title above or contact Janice

Venetians Teach Tourists Economics - Rudeness has a Price
Venetian Bar owners and Restaurateurs operate a three-tier pricing system: (1) one price for Italians, (2) a higher price for visitors who make a bit of an effort,..... (3) but a much higher price for visitors who are offhand and rude.

Vespa: It's Cool Again
Vespa re-entered the North American market in 2001 with cleaner, faster models. For a variety of reasons, that Vespa buzz has been gaining momentum in the US. On the practical side, the shiny little motor scooters don't need much gas, their compact size makes them easy to park and automatic transmissions make them easy to drive. 

The launch of the Fiat 500 crowns the carmaker's comeback. Will it last? Fiat itself shows, fortunes in the car industry can turn with extraordinary rapidity. Fiat hopes to maintain its winning streak by introducing over 20 new models by 2010. Yet it needs to be careful. Its brand is not yet strong enough to absorb more than a couple of slip-ups, and the re-launch of Alfa Romeo in America will be difficult and expensive. So is the 500 a dazzling digression, or confirmation that Fiat is back? With small cars back in fashion, the betting is on the latter. 

Boeing 787 "Dreamliner" Dream Began in Italy, Will Reap Rewards
...the "Dreamliner 787 would not have been possible except for Italy's Alenia/Finmeccanica focus and specialisation in composite materials since the 1980s,  which have enabled Alenia/Finmeccanica to reach "points of technological excellence" and superiority in the field. 

Who Lives Better? Italians or Americans ?
Author and Columnist Timothy Egan after seeing Michael Moore's "Sicko" has to re think what Americans take for granted, that Americans  Live Better than anyone else. He was particularly impressed that the US was rated #37, and Italy was rated #2.  In a Debate with Italian friends he had to agree that Italians won on health, family and food. The US  was better on race and opportunity. But, what about LEISURE? Americans Lunch averages 31 minutes. And the U.S. ranks DEAD LAST among 21 of the world’s richest countries when it comes to guaranteed days off. Most Americans don’t even use their allotted days of leisure. The Italians take 42 vacation days a year - No. 1 in the world.    The average American takes 13. MORE

Gennaro Buonocore is “Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem”
Gennaro Buonocore, a respected humanitarian of known virtues and dedication to the defense of the poor and oppressed was dubbed a “Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem” by the Order’s XV Grand Prior, Major General Robert C.G. Disney. The Order, in an age of democratic materialism and secular humanism, seeks, by reconstituting an ancient chivalric order, to adopt an organization of proven effectiveness in capturing the allegiance and spirit of dedicated leaders, and to show that spiritual idealism is most certainly relevant and not inconsistent with a sensibility for tradition, nor inconsistent with patriotism nor civic duty -- thus the Order's purposes include assisting and facilitating the growth of the virtues of Christian gentlemen and ladies, by endeavor with God's Grace. The members of this Order believe they have an obligation to participate in the coalescing and preservation of a constructive force similar to that which created knighthood and chivalry during the Middle Ages. MORE

"Voci di donne" at Wash U
(Voices of Women)
Monologues by Dario Fo` and Franca Rame will be performed by Washington University Advanced Italian students on Wednesday May 2nd from 3:00-5:00 PM at McMillan Cafe` Hall.  All are welcome, free of charge.

St. Louis' Seventh Annual Young Artists’ Competition
This Sunday, April 29, at 2:00 the St. Ambrose Church on the "Hill". Admission is free.  Experience the amazing performances of these talented young pianists performing works of Italian Masters.

Barbara Klein - The Italian Film Festival of St. Louis is pleased to announce that the winner of its 2007 audience choice award for Best Film is Alla luce del sole (Come Into The Light) by Roberto Faenza.  Alla luce del sole recounts the real-life story of Father Giuseppe Puglisi, who tried to help the poor of his hometown parish in Brancaccio, Sicily; but his efforts placed him in a position of conflict with the local mafia powers and he was murdered...

The Italian Film Festival of St. Louis, sponsored by the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Chicago, Washington University’s Program in Film and Media Studies, and the National Italian American Foundation will feature the St. Louis premier of six recent Italian films: La bestia nel cuore (Don’t Tell) by Cristina Comencini on Friday, March 30, 2007, Il mio miglior nemico (My Best Enemy) by Carlo Verdone on Saturday, March 31, La febbre (The Fever) by Alessandro D’Alatri on Friday, April 6, Romanzo criminale (Crime Novel) by Michele Placido on Saturday, April 7, Alla luce del sole (Come Into The Light) by Roberto Faenza on Friday, April 13, and La terra (Our Land) by Sergio Rubini on Saturday, April 14 at 8 p.m. All films will be shown in 35mm in Italian with English subtitles. Admission is FREE and open to the general public. Click on title above for further details...

Maitland Primrose Group Announces its First Film Distribution
Phoenix, AZ - 12 marzo 2007 - A new exciting film release coming out this month from Maitland Primrose Film Distribution and Moving Pictures. This thought-provoking film, called THE AMERICAN RULING CLASS was acquired at the Tribeca Film Festival last year.  Part fiction, part documentary and part musical, THE AMERICAN RULING CLASS asks the question, “Does America really have a true ruling class?”  The answer is explored through two fictional Yale students who embark on very different life paths. One follows his dreams as an artist and the other joins Wall Street as an investment banker. The two are guided on the journey by Harper’s Magazine sagely Editor Emeritus, Lewis Lapham, who introduces our young graduates to such notable figures as Kurt Vonnegut, Walter Cronkite, James Baker, Hodding Carter and the late Robert Altman, to name only a few.  This is one of Robert Altman’s last on-camera interviews... MORE

St. Louis Post Dispatch, 02/25/2007 - ROME - Romano Prodi was given a second chance Saturday to lead Italy's government, though allies and enemies worried that his still-fragile coalition would remain divided and vulnerable to another collapse. "It's a weak solution," Daniele Capezzone, a leader of the Radical Party, which is allied with Prodi, told the ANSA news agency. "Within a month we risk finding ourselves in the same situation." On Wednesday, Prodi resigned as premier after far-left members of his diverse coalition killed a Senate vote on the government's foreign policy. Since then, Prodi has forced party leaders into line, even though the underlying ideological splits remain in place, as does his thin majority in the Senate...

Italian Prime Minister Prodi Resigns
By FRANCES D'EMILIO - Associated Press Writer - February 21, 2007 - ROME - Premier Romano Prodi resigned Wednesday after nine months in office following an embarrassing loss by his center-left government in the Senate on foreign policy, including Italy's military mission in Afghanistan. Prodi aides did not rule out the possibility that President Giorgio Napolitano would ask Prodi to try to form a new government, and from first discussions among some allies, support for another Prodi government seemed to be building... Vedi NOTIZIE IN ITALIANO

Italian American Chamber of Commerce Midwest Bulletin
This month’s Bulletin presents several important and interesting articles and I invite you to take a look. Read about the province of Bologna, home of the second largest Fiera District in Italy, and the fourth largest in Europe. See what Fairs are coming up throughout Italy this March and find up what expansion plans our sustaining member Joe DiCarlo, has for the future. In addition, our compliments go to Senator Renato Turano, who has been working with American Airlines and informs us that they will start flying non-stop to Rome from Chicago and New York beginning April 10. Read about this and more in the February Issue.
Fulvio Calcinardi, Executive Director

65 th Anniversary of "Day of Remembrance"- Executive Order 9066
On February 19, 1942 President Roosevelt signed  Executive Order 9066- the document that made it possible to intern thousands of Italian, German and Japanese Americans, and even Italian, German and Japanese Latin Americans during World War II. The article written to pander to Japanese Americans, hardly mentions the Italian and German Americans. ...I do not rejoice in, nor approve of the treatment of the Japanese Americans, BUT I highly resent their almost complete excluding  of Italians Americans from  discussion of the WWII Enemy Alien Treatment. It is Self Centered, Selfish, and Distorted...

See the Annotico Report for the reportage on FOIBE
The Foibe have been a long-neglected subject in mainstream political debate, only recently garnering broader attention with the recent publication of several scholarly books and historical studies. It is thought that after World War II, politicians of Western European countries wanted to put mutual uncomfortable "past" deeds behind  and focus on the problems the Cold War presented.

American Airlines to Fly to Rome from Chicago and New York
Italian Senator Renato Turano from Chicago informs us that American Airlines will start flying non-stop to Rome from Chicago and New York beginning April 10.  The newly elected senator to the Italian Parliament has been diligently working with the management of the airline during the past two months toward making this service a reality.  Our compliments go to the Senator and to the management of American Airlines for providing this much requested and needed service.  Flights will operate year round 4 days a week from Chicago and 3 days a week from New York.  Work is progress toward providing similar service from other major US and Canadian cities.  The press release which is in "Notizie in Italiano" also includes other accomplishments by Senator Turano during these first few months in office...  LEGGI
to here

Washington U's "Italo" Club Needs Help from "The Hill"
The ANNOTICO Report -Saturday, February 10, 2007 - "Italo" is a Student Club at Washington U in St Louis, that wisely decided against merely having "meetings", but instead are attending events, where they can practice their Italian, and also learn more about the Italian Culture, like Opera, not the cooking events they have had :).  "Italo" has had meetings with the Italian Club of Saint Louis and  Italiano Per Piacere (Italian for Pleasure). Any body with Helpful ideas??  Does St Louis U have a similar Club? Would a Collaboration be helpful??
Kudos to Richard Annotico for discovering little "Italo" in little St. Louis...  While we are at it we like to point out that Italiano per piacere go out of their way to make it easier for full time students to attend their dinner meetings, first by waiving membership dues and then by paying the restaurateur for part of their dinner. "Italo" members as well as other students are in fact often in attendance at IPP meetings... 

Soccer Hooliganism Spreads to Italy from England - Brings Strong Reaction
Sunday, February 04, 2007 - After an Italian Policeman was killed, and 70 people injured at Friday's top-flight derby match between Catania and Palermo,  the Italian Olympic Committee (CONI) suspended indefinitely all matches from children's leagues to the national team's friendly against Romania on Wednesday. (CONI) also urged all clubs to break off all relations with violent fans. The Italian government was now pondering keeping the suspension in place for at least two weeks and holding matches behind closed doors thereafter...

62 % of Italians 18 to 35 Still Live at Home !!!!!!
Thursday, February 01, 2007 -  Yes, This trend is common across the developed world, but Italy leads the way. There are several commonalities, but the one big difference is, that I believe Italians REALLY like their kids at home, where many other parents yearn to have the house to themselves!!! Young people treat their 20s as an era of exploration and experimentation. It's a hedonistic decade of self-discovery, study, work, travel and romance. Long-term thinking is deferred in favour of adventure and experiences. Living at home makes sense. For one thing it's a great way to save while studying or waiting to make the next big purchase. It is also a sanctuary for those returning from overseas trips with debt-laden credit cards, and the perfect retreat to heal a broken heart. Not to mention the full fridge, dinners on the table and laundry facilities...

Italy Attempting to Galvanise World into Rejecting Death Penalty
Wednesday, January 31, 2007 - Italy's latest attempt to galvanise the world into rejecting the death penalty began when Marco Panella, an MEP and civil rights campaigner, went on hunger strike after hearing that Saddam Hussein was to be executed. Abolishing capital punishment is one of the few issues on which all parties in Italy's ruling centre-left coalition agree, and is also in accord with Europe's confirmed aversion to capital punishment across the world. Mr Pannella's campaign prompted Mr Prodi to take up the challenge of putting the proposal before the UN's General Assembly. But Britain shot down the proposal, saying privately that they did not wish to create difficulties for the United States. at a "delicate"  time. It is the second time that Tony Blair's government has torpedoed Italian efforts.The first was in 1999, when a last-minute British "no" killed the initiative...

Gennaro Buonocore named Town of Paradise Valley Diversity Champion
Independent, Arizona, January 15, 2007 - ... this year, resident Dr. Gennaro Buonocore will receive the award which is based on community and humanitarian spirit. Dr. Buonocore has volunteered with the local Police Department, nationally he has been a crime prevention police volunteer of the Community Emergency Response Team for Beverly Hills, CA, and has also served with the Italian Red Cross in Iraq and Afganistan, more recently in Guatemala.  In addition to his umanitarian efforts,  Dr. Buonacore has held various financial positions in Europe and fluently speaks Italian, English, Spanish and French. The photo shows Dr. Buonocore receiving the plaque from Paradise Valley Mayor Ed Winkler.  LEGGI

Italian criticism of U.S. reveals shift
By ALESSANDRA RIZZO, Associated Press Writer - Mon Jan 15 - ROME - Recent Italian criticism of U.S. policies, including a military strike in Somalia and the new American strategy for Iraq, underlines a major shift in Rome's approach to Washington under Premier Romano Prodi: the days of Italy's unconditional support are over. Relations between the two allies have been significantly altered since Prodi took power from former Premier Silvio Berlusconi after April elections. Berlusconi, who led Italy for five years and was a major supporter of the U.S.-led war in Iraq, once said he agreed with Washington regardless of what U.S. positions might be. But Prodi made clear from the outset that he had different priorities, and Italy's recent criticism of U.S. policies has shown his desire to distance his country somewhat from the United States and move more in line with other European countries...

European Chauvinism Disadvantages Italian Cultural Giants
The ANNOTICO Report - Carlo Goldoni, a playwright and poet, who died in 1793, was one of the most influential figures in Italian literary history. Many Italians would argue that Goldoni, was a crucial figure in European literature too. After all, he brought together many of the key elements of modern theatrical comedy. Even though he moved to Paris for the latter part of his highly successful writing career, Goldoni's name is rarely cited, even in France, as a European giant. The authors cite European chauvinism as the reason, and go on to cite some impressive evidence...

Italy's OK of 'Apocalypto' for Kids, Should Instead be REQUIRED
The ANNOTICO Report - Italy's Most Heralded son in the US, Christopher Columbus is Mercilessly Bashed by Native American Groups as a "Symbol" of the European Destruction of the Western Hemisphere "Tranquil Paradise". "Apocalypto" gives an insight as to how un tranquil, cruel and gruesome this so called  "Paradise" was. When "faux" Indians like Ward Chamberlain start their "rant" against Columbus, it would helpful to point out that in the Western Hemisphere, wars vs neighbors, with raping and pillaging, slavery, and all other of man's inhumanity to man was as prevalent as it was in the rest of the world, BUT with the addition of Ritual Human Sacrifices!!!!! The Misinformation Crusade vs Columbus must be answered with the Truth and Facts, Not Fairy Tales.
Not only should Italian and Italian American Kids be "Permitted" to see "Apocalypto", it should be REQUIRED Viewing!

With the report on Nancy Pelosi just below, Richard Annotico completes 3000 articles for this portal since his first submission in August of 2000.  Congratulations and a heartfelt THANK YOU to Richard for the outstanding service he has been providing to the Italian American community.  All of his articles can be viewed from his column which totals 12 volumes in all.  The articles for the past two years are also indexed by subject on his main page