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Pelosi's Speakership Give Pride to Italian Americans
The ANNOTICO Report - On Thursday, Pelosi will become the first Italian-American speaker of the House. That will be the highest office that any Italian-American has ever held in the US legislative branch, and it's the closest an Italian-American has ever come to becoming president. According to federal law, the speaker of the House is third behind the vice president to the office of the presidency. The Italian American Community are taking great pride, and the event is given them greater hope that as the last permissible target for bigotry will diminish. To some,some of the very strong pro Italian feelings expressed may come as a surprise. But it is predictable when the "greater" society has been so hostile, to the Italian Community for so long!!!! 

Berlusconi Plans University as 'Gift to Italy'
The ANNOTICO Report - The university could be named 'University of Liberal Thought', followed by Berlusconi's name. The university is intended to be an elite college, which could include former international statesmen such as ex-US Presidents George Bush and Bill Clinton, as well as former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev amongst its teachers. Berlusconi, said he wanted to contribute to the establishment of a new political class in Italy... 

Parma Italy to Rescue "Fading" Rochester NY Mall with "Made in Italy" Theme
The ANNOTICO Report - A 400,000 sq ft nearly vacant downtown Mall in Rochester NY is planned to be rescued by an "All Italy" upscale Mall. About 150 vendors would sell Italian clothing, food, furniture, and other goods. Rochester's high-tech businesses and colleges, its copious underground parking, over-built road system, and its geographical location able to attract visitors from Canada, Pennsylvania, and Ohio as the reasons for Riedman Properties and the Province of Parma, Italy to evidence interest. It is hoped that the developers would not miss the opportunity to feature Italian Culture, not only for the benefit of the Italian Community, but to better "flavor" the Mall, and make it a more strongly "Themed" Destination and more successful commercial venture...

Jeno Paulucci: Pugnacious Anti Defamation Fighter
The ANNOTICO Report - [PREFACE: I have great respect for Jeno Paulucci, especially for his creating the NIAF, and nurturing it to it's present status. BUT, I'm disappointed that NIAF seems to have become a timid shadow of Jeno's original intentions of NIAF being an aggressive Anti Defamation fighter, much in his own "pugnacious" manner.] From modest beginnings, Jeno went on to found Chun King, in the 1940s, and later Jeno's, Michelina's, Budget Gourmet, and Bundino's among 70 companies... 

Vatican Official Aspires to Compete with Italy's Football Elite
The Associated Press, Monday, December 18, 2006, VATICAN CITY - Soccer is practically a religion for many in Italy. So maybe it's no surprise the Vatican is now getting in on the game.  The Holy See is fielding a team in the Clericus Cup  a soccer tournament among seminarians which kicks off in Rome in February.  The Vatican even has a vision of forming a team capable of playing in Italy's top league, the Serie A, according to top Vatican official and soccer enthusiast Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who is credited with the idea.  "The Vatican could set up a soccer team of the caliber of Roma, Inter (Milan), Genoa or Sampdoria," Bertone, 72, said Sunday.  But he downplayed the likelihood of the Vatican fielding a professional team.

Italy Wine Export Boom in US & Globally: (Quality, Cuisine, Landscapes, Essence, & Soccer all Contribute)
The ANNOTICO Report - The Italian World Cup soccer victory, and Italy's  refusal to use wood chips in winemaking, (a practice which is allowed among Australian competitors), Italy's excellent cuisine, its perfect landscapes, and the capacity of its wine to express the country's essence, have resulted in Italian Wines attaining Leadership in the US, and third in the World. In the US, Italian wine, by volume, accounts for almost one third (31%) of the entire foreign wine market in the United States, followed closely by Australia (30%), which sells low price wine, and then by France (14%)...

For Saturday, December 2 - Click on title to view changes due to weather.

Recital Lirico Natalizio in Chicago
The Consul General of Italy in Chicago, the Honorable Eugenio Sgro`, cordially invites you to a recital with Bass Baritone Andrea Silvestrelli & Soprano Paola Antonucci accompanied on the piano by Maestro Eric Weimer.  Click on title for details.

Italy Captain Fabio Cannavaro wins Ballon d'Or - European Footballer of the Year
The ANNOTICO Report - Fabio Cannavaro  was selected ahead of countryman and Juventus goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon. Striker Thierry Henry of Arsenal, England came in third,  with last years winner Ronaldinho, the Barcelona and Brazil playmaker, fourth. Cannavaro is one of the few defenders to win the award, and  is one of seven nominated players from the Italian team that captured its fourth World Cup title. Cannavaro is 4th Italian to win the award: Gianni Rivera (1969), Paolo Rossi (1982) and Roberto Baggio (1993). After the World Cup, Cannavaro moved from Juventus to Real Madrid.

FOURTH ANNUAL HILL NATIVITY WALK The Italian Club of St. Louis and the Hill Business Association (HBA) are co-sponsoring the event to kick-off the Christmas season on The Hill and invite all of St. Louis to join in the spirit of the season and to learn more about this Italian tradition and art form. Click on title for the brochure - See Display in Highlights Column

Judge Tells Italian Americans to "Fuggedaboudit": Show to Go On - The Law is an Ass
CBS News Video Cast of Rotolo- Batavia Controversey
Breaking News: Restraining Order Filed in Batavia Fuggedaboudit Play
Italian Americans Taking Legal Action to Block Batavia School Play: Fuggedaboudit
Enrico Fermi has a splitting headache - School play about mobsters don't know from atom
Batavia Rotolo School Preaches CHARACTER - Practices Anti-Italian BIGOTRY
The ANNOTICO Report - Friday, November 10, 2006 - Sam Rotolo Middle School in Batavia, Illinois (60 miles west of Chicago) will be presenting a play entitled  Fuggedaboudit , subtitled  a little mobster comedy,  that will be performed by the  Bada  Bing Players . Apparently inspired by the HBO series, "The Sopranos", the play's plot involves characters with ITALIAN last names who are Mobsters running an ITALIAN restaurant while under surveillance by the FBI. They speak ungrammatical English with heavy New York accents.  It was written by Matthew Myers who teaches drama and communications at the school...
Italian "Mob" Stereotypes to Overwhelm "Impressionable" 12-15 year olds in Illinois School
ItaliaUSA urges you to address your complaint directly to: DONALD MCKINNEY, Principal - Phone: (630) 879-4620 - Email:

Historic Day for Italian Americans and the United States
Washington, DC-- November 8, 2006 The Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA), the nation's oldest and largest organization for men and women of Italian heritage, congratulates Hon. Nancy Pelosi on becoming first woman and the first Italian American ever elected to the highest post in the U.S. House of Representatives. A Democratic Party vote to confirm Pelosi's Speakership, to take place shortly, is virtually certain...

Bob Miriani Died Tuesday, Oct 24, 2006 at his home in St. Joseph, MO
Bob was a friend, an activist and an avid promoter and defender of the Italian heritage.  He contributed many articles to our efforts to inform the public at large and he will be sorely missed.  Our deepest condolences go to his wife Dot and to the rest of  his devoted family. 

 - Part 1: Does Your Love Life Make You More Italian?
 - Part 2: Old-Fashioned Romance Lives in Italy
 - Part 3: 5 - Ways to Win Over an Italian Man
 - Part 4: What Italian Women Want In Their Men
 - Part 5: Why I Fell in Love with an Italian Man 
 - Part 6: Keep in Touch with Your Long Distance Love
by Francesca Di Meglio - This is a series of stories called "Love, Italian Style." Occasionally, as part of this column, I will write articles to help you understand how Italian beliefs about dating, marriage and sex influence your life - even if you live abroad and even as Italian attitudes about love evolve. At the end of this article, you can find out how you can help with the research...

“Prisoners Among Us” - Friday, October 27
Marie Cuccia-Brand announces that the feature-length documentary by award-winning filmmaker Michael Angelo DiLauro and recipient of the “Grand Jury Prize” for Best Documentary at the 2005 New York International Independent Film Festival, will be shown on Friday, October 27 at Missouri Historical Society in Forest Park, beginning at 6:00 PM with a reception and followed by a question & answer session with DiLauro. The film which chronicles the assimilation of Italians into American culture from 19th century immigration through World War II is sponsored by the Italian Club of St. Louis and NIAF.

Italian Club of StL Elects New Slate of Officers
On Wednesday October 18 the following were elected by the membership. President: Marie Cuccia-Brand, Vice President: Roger Gennari, Secretary: Debbie Torpea Monolo, Treasurer: Dan Viele, Director: Sal Sutera.  Congratulations and good luck to the new officers who will take over on Januray 1, 2007.

Immigration Visa Lottery Program
The US Department of State announced that entries for the 2008 Immigration Lottery Program must be submitted electronically between noon Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4), Wednesday, October 4, 2006 and noon Eastern Standard Time (EST) (GMT-5) Sunday, December 3, 2006. Paper entries will not be accepted. Applicants are strongly encouraged not to wait until the last week of the registration period to enter. Heavy demand may result in website delays. No entries will be accepted after noon EST on December 3, 2006. Click on title above to view or download the complete instruction (17 pages).  Italy is among the eligible countries. 

US President's Speech at the NIAF Gala
From the White House web site the transcript of President George Bush speech at the annual NIAF gala...

New Goals of Minister Franco Danieli in Charge of Italians Abroad Revealed 
1. Less "galas" and more attention to "common folk"
2. Cut back travelling of delegates, less "junkets"
3. Set aside tired rhetorical tirades, more problem solving
4. Redefining the roles of COMITES and CGIE
5. A lot of reflection on the electotal law, modify as needed
6. Improvement of consular services
7. Electronic passports being introduced
8. Acquisition of citizenship by children of former citizens
9. RAI to redesign RAI International
10. No cutbacks on Italians abroad budget

Click for invitations to two public events during the Consul Generat visit to St. Louis on Thursday October 26, 2006: a luncheon at "Rose on the Hill" at 11:30 AM organized by the Hill Business Association and a lecture at 4:30 PM titled "Italy & US Trade and Investment Trends" organized by the Boeing Institute of International Business at the John Cook School of Business (Room 236 – 3674 Lindell Blvd) on the SLU campus.  Both events require reservations, the luncheon cost is $25.00 per person, the lecture at SLU is free. A third event, by invitation only, organized by the Federation of Italian-American Organizations for the same day at 6:30 PM is dinner at Dominic’s Trattoria in Clayton.  Cost is $50.00 per person.

Marianne Peri Sack Objects to St. Louis Post Dispatch Report on Columbus Day Parade
Marianne Peri SackAs an organizer of the St. Louis Columbus Day Corporation, I was interviewed at the park after the Columbus Day Parade by your reporter Aisha Sultan.  Her questions made it obvious that she had her own agenda that was not in keeping with what this event meant in the eyes of the Italian population in the metropolitan area. The article referred to the harm he caused the American Indians, questioned his Italian heritage and the worse insult was when she quoted an activist who said, "Having native people celebrate Columbus Day is like asking Americans to celebrate Osama bin Laden Day". Her article mentioned nothing about our honorees...

Senator Franco DanieliSenator Renato TuranoColumbus Day Parade in Chicago
Senator Franco Danieli (left), Vice Minister for Italians living abroad, and U.S. Marine Capt. Carlo Pecori will be Grand Marshals for the Columbus Day parade in Chicago Monday October 9. Newly elected Senator Renato Turano (right) will be Honorary Parade Marshal. Pasquale Caputo Is parade chairman with Paul Butera and Domenico Gambino as co-chairs.  Arisa Marie Grevan is the parade queen.

Giovanni GalatiColumbus Day Parade in St. Louis
On Sunday, October 8, Grand Marshal Giovanni Dominic Galati will lead the annual parade in the Hill section of town, accompanied by Spirit of Columbus Awardee Joe Barbaglia, Miss Italian St. Louis Julie Ronzio and her Maids of  Honor Filomena DiMartino and Melissa Fields. The parade will begin at noon at Southwest Bank and end at Berra Park where the festivities will continue late into the afternoon.

The Festa della Vendemmia (Fall Harvest Festival) is shaping up as a major event.  Plan to come before the noon Mass so you have plenty of time to browse through Italian American books,  taste dozens of varieties of wine, stomp some grapes,  squeeze some lucious fruit at the farmers market, take a passeggiata through the verdant Casa Italia campus, and perhaps visit the Italians in Chicago exhibit, the new IA Vets Museum, and Savoia's splendid Vatican replica.  Crisp fall weather with azzure skies and brilliant sunshine is also on the agenda.   Admission is free, bring the whole family for una bella giornata.

Oriana Fallaci, Writer-Provocateur, Dies at 77
Oriana FallaciNY Times - ROME, Sept. 15 — Oriana Fallaci, a dissecting interviewer of the powerful and an iconoclastic journalist turned icon herself, who in recent years wrote angrily about the threat of Islam, died today in her home city of Florence, the hospital reported. She was 77.  She had suffered from cancer for the last decade. Italian press reports said that Ms. Fallaci, who lived in New York and Florence, had checked into the Santa Chiara private clinic in Florence last week. She became famous in the 1960’s and ’70’s for her war reporting and long, aggressive and revealing interviews with prominent people. Ms. Fallaci was once labeled “the journalist to whom virtually no world figure would say no.” Among others, she interviewed Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeni, Yasir Arafat, Golda Meir, Indira Gandhi, Nguyen Van Thieu and Henry Kissinger....
The Rage and The Pride     La Rabbia e l'Orgoglio
INSHALLAHDeng Xiaoping Interview    THE AGITATOR

Italian Films and Operas -- 2006 Fall Series at the Italia-America Bocce Club
Friday, September 15 - Friday, October 13 and Friday, November 10 - See Events in the Italian Club Web Site for details

OSIA - Washington, DC-- September 7, 2006 The ABC news magazine, 20/20 will explore how Hollywood stereotypes Italian Americans tomorrow, Friday, Sept. 8 at 10 PM Eastern Standard Time during the program's 2006 season premiere.  The Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) provided the program’s producers with statistics, reports and concrete examples of how the US entertainment industry stereotypes Italian Americans. The Sons of Italy deputy executive director, Dona De Sanctis, also did an on-camera interview for the segment that was filmed at ABC’s studios in New York City in August...

Italians Humanity Makes Them Better "Peace Keepers" than Americans, British, or French 
The ANNOTICO Report - Retired Italian General Fabio Mini, former commander of the southern front for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, commanded the NATO Kosovo Force (KFOR), wrote  "The War After the War".  Mini feels that the Italians have an advantage in any "peace keeping role", in that the Italians are considered by local populaces  to be more humane and nicer than the Americans or the British, or even the French. This is also why the Italian force, which was part of the international force in Beirut after Lebanon War I, was not attacked, whereas both the Americans and the French lost hundreds of soldiers in terror attacks. "Our officers moved around in Beirut; the French and the Americans shut themselves into their bases and then the population began to relate to them as a foreign, occupying force and they started to relate to the population as enemies. This must not happen." ...

Venice to become Italy's Disneyland with City's Population Decline ?? 
The ANNOTICO Report - Venice is on course to become a city virtually without residents within the next 30 years, turning it into a sort of Disneyland - teeming with holidaymakers but devoid of inhabitants. The 1966 flood led to the ground floors of some 16,000 houses being abandoned and the growth of mass tourism, combined with rising water levels, has made living in Venice increasingly challenging. especially, since It looks like Italy's new government will suspend work on the Moses Project to build a flood barrier. While the volume of tourists, already 50,000 a day, is climbing inexorably. House prices have meanwhile soared beyond the reach of all but the richest Venetians.

Italian Films and Operas -- 2006 Fall Series at the Italia-America Bocce Club
Friday, September 15 - Friday, October 13 and Friday, November 10 - See Events in the Italian Club Web Site for details

Italian Language Program sponsored by the Federation of Italian American Organizations
Fall 2006 - Information Session and Registration Wednesday, August 23rd - 6:00 - 8:00p.m. Bishop DuBourg High School, corner of Hampton & Eichelberger Avenues. Adult Classes begin the week of September 11th and are held one night per week. Children's Classes are held on Saturdays, beginning on Saturday, September 16th. Click to see the  pdf brochure and registraton form.

Sunday, September 3, 2006
Start/Finish at St. Ambrose Church
Sponsored by Hill 2000, Inc. - First Race starts at 12:15 - CHILDREN’S RACES start at 4:15 - Registration for Children begins at 12:30 - All participants MUST wear a helmet. Click HERE for more information

Did Italy Really Win the World Cup? - Francesca Di Meglio Opines.
FIFA Penalizes Materazzi instead of "Animal" Zidane?
The ANNOTICO Report - Tuesday, July 25 - I have found Francesca Di Meglio to be one of the more entertaining commentators on the Italian and Italian American experience, who has strong feelings of well informed pride, without sacrificing accuracy.  My concerns regarding "The Incident" is why Zidane doesn't clarify EXACTLY what HE claims was said? "Trash Talking", an aspect of "psychological warfare" is a part of Every sport. No Topic is sacred. The more "Revered” the better a target. Therefore Mothers, Sisters, Wives are very popular! The video shows Materazzi in a very brief exchange with Zidane, that seemed very brief and quite restrained.  Zidane's mother, apparently thinks that Materazzi said she should Eat Materazzi's Balls.  In return she said she wanted Materazzi's "balls on a platter", not indicating what culinary style she preferred. Certainly not raw! :) A more appropriate response would have been: "I want his TONGUE on a platter", a little more lady like, and generating some sympathy, rather than her giving the appearance of a "potty mouthed" Longshoreman...

Israelis, Friends of Italy; Cheered Passionately for Azzurris World Cup Victory 
The ANNOTICO Report - The semifinal and final games of the World Cup were watched with trepidation and anxiety this past week throughout the streets of Israel's main cities. This may be only a small surprise, given that Israelis love all things Italian. The influence of il bel paese can be felt in the cafes and restaurants throughout the country. Indeed, Israelis have much in common with Italians, but it is also history, both ancient and modern, that plays a role on the Israeli psyche. When France made its first (and only) goal of the game, the crowd was stupefied. Silence pervaded. When Italy evened the score minutes later, the crowd went wild repeating "Tov" (Good). As the two teams ran up and down the field, every time the ball befell any Italian player's feet, the familiar Arabic word used frequently by Israelis "Yalla, yalla" (Go, go), was heard...

Italians Coming to US Post WWII are Snobbish to Italian Americans
The ANNOTICO Report - Sunday, July 16, 2006- Daniela Iacono Deane Arlington is a journalist for the Washington Post, and an Italian  who came to the US with her parents when she was three years old, and is grateful for the American opportunity, and proud to be a Italian American.  Daniela very candidly admits that her father was an Italian Snob, while he was otherwise a very fine man. To her dad "Gigi'", Italian Americans were one of his favorite dislikes. He complained: "They can't pronounce their own names; they don't know anything about Italy; they don't know anything about real Italian food. Then there was that whole unpleasant Mafia thing associated with them. The list was long...

Honoring Richard Lo Russo & Dr. Robert Bergamini
Please join us for as great event that benefits an even greater cause.  Proceeds from this year's Open will benefit over 30 different children's charities in the St. Louis area.  Saturday August 5 at the Westport Sheraton Chalet and Monday August 7 at the Norwood Hills Country Club; reserve by July 24.  For more information call 314-645-5656

The St. Louis Columbus Day Corporation is accepting applications for 2006-2007 Miss Italian St. Louis.  The young ladies must be of 1/4 Italian ancestry and be between the ages of 16 and 21.  Applications must be postmarked by July 16.  Please call Pauline Gianino at 314-832-7653 for information and a copy of the application

Italy recovered from the loss of an early goal to outscore France in a penalty showdown as the FIFA World Cup™ Final went the full distance for only the second time. For Zinedine Zidane there was double disappointment as his final ever game ended with a red card. 

An interview with Oriana Fallaci: The Agitator
The ANNOTICO REPORT - Oriana Fallaci, at seventy-seven (77) is STILL SO Angry, and Outrageous, that as I read her Tirades, I can't but Laugh aloud.  Example:" Berlusconi and Prodi were “two f...... idiots,” she said. “Why do the people humiliate themselves by voting? I didn’t vote. No! Because I have dignity. . . If, at a certain moment, I had closed my nose and voted for one , I would spit on my own face.” Outgoing Italian President, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, had considered giving Fallaci the title of  Senator for Life but lost his nerve. With evident delight, she noted that Ciampi’s “wife was infuriated at him” for the decision. “For some time, she didn’t speak to him.  “To me, in a sense, it was a relief,” Fallaci said. “I didn’t want to be Senator for Life, and stay in Rome. I would not know where to sit.” She hopped up to demonstrate, pointing to the left and the right sides of an imaginary aisle—she belonged to no political side... 

Italian Books at Chicago Book Fair, June 3-4, Build Your Family Italian Library
The ANNOTICO Reports - The best way to perpetuate your Italian Heritage in your family is by creating a Family Library, (Not merely by handing down family recipes:) AND by giving Italian Books as Gifts for ALL occasions!!!!!

Memorial Day in Nettuno-Anzio
Newly elected Italian senator Renato Turano from Chicago visits the American cemetery in Nettuno, Italy, burial site of fallen allied troops during the liberation of Italy in WWII.  Click here for press release in Italian.

The ANNOTICO World Cup Report
Zidane "Flunked" Mind Game of "Trash Talk"
Enclosed is one of the "whiny" articles that sympathizes with Zidane. What Planet do these people live on? I have Great respect for Zidane's Talent. You would have to be retard Not to. But as his History shows, He is Not the Master of his Emotions, BUT the Victim. Most Professional, Collegiate, High School, Little League realize that  to Excel at ANY Sport, It is as Much MIND as it is MUSCLE!!! For those who have played ANY Sport, "TRASH TALK" is a Part of getting "into the Opponents Head".  If you get the opponent "upset" or "distracted", they LOSE their FOCUS, and Commit an Error or Foul!!!! GOTCHA!!!!...

Italy World Cup Victory: In Montreal, Some Hearts Soar, Some Hearts Sink
I could understand a wild Celebration in all the cities and towns of Italy, and maybe in certain places and homes all over the world, but little did I realize that there were so many large, and in some cased huge gatherings of Italians in various cities in the USA, Australia, United Kingdom, and Canada, among so many other  places all over the world.  Montreal is the World's second largest French-speaking city, and has 70,000 French expatriates and  hundreds of thousands of francophone supporters, and a 225,000-member Italian community, (which is barely half the size of Toronto's).  So it seems like the one unique place in the World where the two Cultures are sizable and fairly equal in numbers, and they both were very vocal, very passionate, yet very civilized...

World Cup Victory Unites Italy's Regions Like No Other Event
It is soccer, and perhaps soccer alone, that can unite the nation in unbridled euphoria, make grown men cry, sane women squeal and immerse an entire national population in wild jubilation. From the prosperous north to the hardscrabble south, Italians poured into streets and plazas, danced in fountains and clambered over marble statues in an all-night party...

A Star Falters, France Fades, Italy Rejoices
BERLIN, July 9, New York Times — What could have been a glorious coronation of the soccer career of the French captain Zinédine Zidane became a shameful departure Sunday when he was ejected from the World Cup final for committing an astonishing act of unsportsmanlike behavior.

Italy recovered from the loss of an early goal to outscore France in a penalty showdown as the FIFA World Cup™ Final went the full distance for only the second time. For Zinedine Zidane there was double disappointment as his final ever game ended with a red card. 

Watch the match on ABC - July 9 at 1:00 PM CST

Fabio GrossoAlessandro Del PieroItaly maintained their 12-year cycle of FIFA World Cup™ Final appearances - 1970, 1982, 1994 and now 2006 - by scoring two late goals at the end of extra time to extinguish the hopes of a home nation who, in a tense semi-final, suffered defeat in Dortmund for the first time. Fabio Grosso: Italy 1-0. The breakthrough came as Pirlo (player of the day) bided his time in possession before ushering Grosso into space. The defender’s curling left-footer gave Lehmann no chance and with Del Piero adding a second it left Germany to contemplate the Match for Third Place while Italy have the Big Prize in their sights. 
(AP Photos/APF)

Luca ToniGianluca ZambrottaITALY 3-0 UKRAINE
Italy cruised into the semi-finals of Germany 2006 with a convincing 3-0 victory over Ukraine in Dortmund on Friday, 30 June 2006. A sixth minute strike from Gianluca Zambrotta and a second half duo from Luca Toni.  Gennaro Gattuso was Man of the Match.  Italy will play against Germany on Tuesday July 4, 2006

Italian National Team
The Italian national team listens to the national anthem prior to the Italy vs Ukraine quarterfinal World Cup 2006, soccer match, at the Hamburg stadium (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Francesco TottiITALY 1-0 AUSTRALIA
An injury-time penalty from substitute Francesco Totti took ten-man Italy past Australia and into the last eight of the 2006 FIFA World Cup™ in Kaiserslautern on Monday, 26 June 2006. Gianluigi Buffon was Man of the Match.  Italy will play against Ukraine on Friday June 30, 2006

MaterazziInzaghiITALY 2-0 CZECH Italy secured their qualification for the Round of 16 as Group E winners after beating the Czech Republic 2-0 through goals from Marco Materazzi and Filippo Inzaghi. Marco Materazzi earned the Man of the Match award. Italy will play against Australia Monday June 26, 2006.

US Team
Ghana's 2-1 victory over the US in Nuremberg booked their place in the Round of 16 and left Bruce Arena's men facing an earlier than expected flight home from the FIFA World Cup™ finals.

Red Card Festival...Italy moved a point clear at the top of Group E after drawing 1-1 with the USA in an incident-filled match in Kaiserslautern on Saturday, 17 June 2006. Alberto Gilardino headed Italy into a 22nd-minute lead but their lead last only five minutes until Christian Zaccardo turned the ball into his own net. That was the end of the scoring but a minute later the Azzurri lost Daniele De Rossi to the first of three red cards. The USA's Pablo Mastroeni then saw red in the 45th minute and Eddie Pope followed suit two minutes into the second half.

Divided Loyalties for Italian Americans as Italy faces USA at World Cup
Just as Mexican Americans Root for Mexico when they play vs USA, or French, German, English, or Israeli feel the Tugs to root for their  Ancestral Land, Italian Americans will be facing similar feelings come Saturday Afternoon when the Azzurri faces the USA.  Some will feel let off the hook, because they don't feel that the USA could possibly advance much, even with a win over Italy, whereas Italy is one of 5 teams expected to be in the Final.  It is amusing, but also heart tugging comments in the following article. One fan has shirts from Italy and the USA sewn together, half and half. Another says: my Blood is American, but my Heart is Italian.
See World Cup coverage in The ANNOTICO Report

(GRTV) E' cominciata nel migliore dei modi l'avventura dell'Italia ai Mondiali di calcio di Germania 2006. Ieri sera, ad Hannover, gli azzurri hanno infatti sconfitto il Ghana con un secco 2 a 0. A segno Pirlo, nel primo tempo con uno splendido destro dal limite, e Iaquinta nella ripresa. Confortante la prestazione di Francesco Totti, uscito in avvio di secondo tempo dopo aver rimediato una botta alla gamba sinistra. Ammoniti De Rossi, Muntari, Camoranesi, Asamoah, Iaquinta. Grande la soddisfazione del commissario tecnico Lippi a fine gara. Serata molto calda, terreno in buone condizioni, spettatori 45.000 circa. 

The World Cup according to the ANNOTICO Report
Italy vs. Brazil Final
...Italy's Hope for such a Final vs Brazil the Favorite, rests on Italy coming in First in Group E, (vs the Czech Republic, USA, Ghana). Then Italy will probably be facing in succession other favourites:first France, and then either Germany or Argentina, and if Italy beats those formidable opponents, Italy then meets Brazil in the Final, the "Dream Scenario"...
Cultural Smorgasbord
...With the rise of globalization, national identities are becoming more and more blurred. The World Cup serves to allay those feelings of cultural annihilation. In spite of the rise of globalization, each nation’s team still has unique characteristics that make for interesting comparisons. 
Ready for Italy vs. USA
...Be there for: Italy vs. the United States on June 17, at 3PM Eastern Time, A no-brainer, slam-dunk, must-attend match... 

Messaggio del Ministro D'Alema ai connazionali all'estero
19 maggio 2006 - Il Vice Presidente del Consiglio e Ministro degli Affari Esteri Massimo D'Alema ha inviato ai connazionali all'estero il seguente messaggio:
“Nell'assumere l'incarico di Ministro degli Affari Esteri della Repubblica Italiana, sono molto lieto di rivolgere un caloroso saluto ai nostri connazionali all'estero.  Le italiane e gli italiani che per necessita' o per scelta hanno fatto del mondo la loro dimora rappresentano da sempre una risorsa preziosa, anche se non sempre adeguatamente valorizzata, per il nostro Paese. Lo sono ancora di piu' adesso che, con l'esercizio del diritto di voto, e' stata finalmente loro riconosciuta pienezza di capacita' di rappresentanza politica e parlamentare. La presenza in Parlamento di una delegazione di italiani all'estero non e' pero' solo motivo di giustificato orgoglio; essa deve servire da stimolo per riqualificare ulteriormente l'azione del Governo e delle pubbliche amministrazioni, avvicinandola sempre di piu' alle esigenze ed aspettative legittime dei cittadini italiani all'estero, anche dei piu' lontani. In questo sforzo il Ministero degli Esteri intende svolgere un ruolo di vigile impulso. Tengo ad assicurare che esso si impegnera' al meglio delle sue capacita' per il raggiungimento di questo obiettivo.”

Mentre lascio I'incarico di Vice Presidente del Consiglio e Ministro degli Affari Esteri, desidero rivolgere un caloroso saluto alle collettività di italiani all'estero. L'impegno profuso assiduamente, in stretta collaborazione con il Ministro Tremaglia, per rafforzare ulteriormente i legami tra l'Italia ed i tanti italiani nel mondo, risorsa preziosa del sistema-Paese, è sicuramente stato uno dei tratti più significativi del periodo che ho avuto il privilegio di trascorrere alloa guida della nostra diplomazia. Tengo a ricordare che proprio grazie alla costanza ed all'intensità del nostro impegno, questi legami hanno adesso potuto trovare la lara espressione più alta anche nella rappresentanza parlamentare.  Portando can me il ricordo, quanto mai gradito, dei numerosi connazionali che ho avuto il piacere di incontrare nelle mie visite all'estero, desidero infine formulare a tutti i miei piu sentiti auguri di ogni successo.  Gianfranco Fini

Termina il Ministero per gli Italiani nel mondo?
FIEI - 11 maggio 2006 - Nessun caso “Italiani nel mondo” nell’Unione. La soluzione che ha Prodi è che la struttura per gli italiani all’estero sia incardinata nel MAE ed il modo di migliore di farlo sembra proprio quella di nominare un Vice Ministro per gli affari esteri delegato. Al coordinamento dell’Unione, inoltre, fanno notare come ciò “non rappresenti una novità: sono cinque anni che il Ministero così com’è serve a poco, per non dire che non serve a niente"... 

81 anni, ha ottenuto la maggioranza assoluta al quarto scrutinio, arrivando a 543 voti. 347 le schede bianche
(GRTV) 10 maggio 2006 - Giorgio Napolitano, 81 anni, è stato eletto presidente della Repubblica dal Parlamento in seduta comune, integrato dai rappresentanti delle Regioni. Quando il presidente della Camera Fausto Bertinotti ha letto per la 505/a volta il nome del senatore a vita, nell'Emiciclo si è levato un applauso. Napolitano ha ottenuto 543 voti. Schede bianche 347. Il senatore a vita diessino è il primo capo dello Stato che proviene dal Partito comunista italiano...

Join the celebration! 
The members of Casa Italia in Chicago cordially invite the Italian community to celebrate Senator Turano's victory at a party given in his honor on Sunday, May 21st. For additional information, please read the attached flyer. We hope that you will join us in congratulating Senator Renato Turano!

Chicago, 2 maggio 2006 - Il Consolato Generale d'Italia ci comunica informazioni e modalita` sul referendum concernente "Modifiche alla Parte II della Costituzione".  Selezionate il titolo per il testo del comunicato...

The May 1 General Strike is UnAmerican and Dangerous
General Strikes are common in Italy, France, Spain and Latin America, but almost unknown in the US. General Strikes were Not used in Civil Rights Movement. Mass Marches Yes. General Strikes, NO!! The Civil Rights Movement was asking for Equal Right, Not Special Rights. MLK was Not asking for Pardon for Trespass-Border Violation/Criminal Behavior, and Citizenship on Demand. A general strike is not to be confused with a normal strike. A normal strike takes place when workers refuse to work until a specific set of demands is met by those who have been employing them. Sometimes the workers get what they want; sometimes they reach a settlement; sometimes the strike is simply broken, as occurred during the strike of the air traffic controllers under Ronald Reagan. But the general strike is not targeted at any particular businesses or industries -- its target is the state itself. It is designed to intimidate the state...

The Italian Film Festival of St. Louis is pleased to announce that the winner of its 2006 audience choice award for Best Film is I cento passi (The Hundred Steps) by Marco Tullio Giordana.  I cento passi recounts the real-life story of Peppino Impastato, a young Sicilian activist who denounces the Mafia at a local radio station and newspaper and is brutally killed...

Raffaella Sforza - Si è da poco conclusa con successo la seconda edizione della rassegna dedicata al cinema italiano, e organizzata dall’Associazione Italian Film Festival di St. Louis. La manifestazione, che ha avuto luogo dal 31 marzo al 15 aprile presso la Brown Hall della Washington University in St. Louis, è stata realizzata grazie al generoso contributo di tre sponsor principali: l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Chicago, il Program in Film and Media Studies della Washington University di St. Louis e Videobank Communication Service Provider...

Where in the world is Gennaro Buonocore?
26 aprile 2006 - Parafrasando il popolare gioco di geografia e cultura mondiale cerchiamo di seguire le avventure umanitarie del noto giramondo il quale trova modo di sottrarre tempo prezioso alle sue molteplici attività professionali per dedicarlo ai meno fortunati, prima in Iraq (vedi MyIraqGB.pdf) ed ora in Agfanistan.  L’allegata lettera di encomio del direttore esecutivo della PARSA, ente dedicato alla riabilitazione dell’Afganistan, è un’ottima sintesi del coinvolgimento e delle capacità di questo dinamico imprenditore che annovera nel suo volontariato anche la carica di vice coordinatore U.S.A. per il Comitato Tricolore degli Italiani nel Mondo.  Alla prossima avventura quindi, Gennaro, con un sentito e caloroso bravo e ben fatto da tutti noi. 

Winners of FIAO's Sixth Annual Young Artist Competition at St. Ambrose on The Hill
April 24, 2006 - Out of the 9 finalists (7 really, as two of them were 27 and 28 years old, respectively, hardly suited for youth competition as probably determined by the judges as well) 3 stood out as winners and they are Katy Doyle who competed in Piano Level 1, celloist Monica Godbee for the Strings Section and Robin Jenkins for Piano Level 2.  Monica Godbee was also awarded the Best Overall Performance.  While all performers were excellent the event as a whole appeared a notch below that of previous years with fewer contenders, especially in the Strings section, and a greatly diminished audience in spite of the free admission intended perhaps to overcome apathy by the community...  continue

Federation of Italian-American Organizations (FIAO) presents the Sixth Annual Young Artists’ Competition
Sunday, April 23rd, at 2:00 p.m. in St. Ambrose Catholic Church the competition is free of charge and open to the public. It will have two categories: piano and strings featuring the works of Italian composers. This year’s winner for Best Overall Performance will be featured with the Gateway Symphony Orchestra on a Sunday in July at Washington University for an evening of Italian music. 

For Berlusconi, Defeat Isn't End of the Campaign
Thanks to Prof. Ben Lawton - By IAN FISHER, Published: April 20, 2006 - The New York Times Europe - ROME, April 19 — Italy's highest court on Wednesday upheld the narrow victory of Romano Prodi in last week's elections, apparently ending Silvio Berlusconi's tenure as prime minister after five years — except that the mercurial Mr. Berlusconi still would not concede defeat.  Instead, there were strong signs that he was possibly opening a new campaign: to be named the nation's president, or at least have a strong say in the choice. 

Vladimir Luxuria - Italy Elects Europe's First Transgender MP - Communist Refoundation Party 
Romano Prodi's election (he had previously promised a civil partnership law) also means that five LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community members have also been elected to Parliament.  Amongst them are Vladimir Luxuria (born Wladimiro Guadagno) considers herself neither male nor female but dresses as a woman and prefers to be called a 'she.'  Ms. Luxuria's  seat is almost  guaranteed, as her Communist Refoundation Party is expected to get at least 6% of the vote and she is top of the list for the proportional representation system. The 40 year old told Reuters: "Don't judge me by the way I look, don't judge me by my sexual orientation. Please, judge me by my ideas." "Parliament is not a theatre, it's not a discotheque. It's already revolutionary that a transgender gets into parliament. It wouldn't be useful to provoke in such a stupid way." He/She promises to work in parliament to establish full legal recognition of gay marriage, but stressed that she is not pushing for adoption rights for gays, such as exist in Spain, because "Italian society isn't ready to accept it". 

Prodi vs. Berlusconi: Cat Swallows Caiman. But Can It Be Digested ???
Mr. Berlusconi adopted his pejorative nickname-a caiman (alligator) is a relative of the crocodile - from the title of the leftist director Nanni Moretti's new film, a satirical rebuke of the prime minister's politics. Mr. Prodi was recently asked what animal he would have to be in order to beat the Caiman, and he answered with quiet assurance: "I want to be a cat. I like to purr but I can also scratch."  Thus, the Animal analogies. But more important, What now????? Mr. Prodi will have two years to make the urgent economic reforms the country badly needs to compete in the global economy. The radical left, led by Fausto Bertinotti and composed mostly of former Communists, will resist progress. However, Mr. Prodi may count on a few moderate parliamentarians to help him. For his part, Mr. Berlusconi, his former center-right coalition allies, Gianfranco Fini, of the formerly fascist National Alliance, and Pier Ferdinando Casini, of the former Christian Democrats, will undoubtedly plot against him, challenging Forza Italia for leadership of the opposition. Mr. Berlusconi has treated these men poorly, often relegating their speeches to the wee hours on his three national TV networks. >>>

ROMA\aise\ In questi ultimi due giorni, da quando cioè i loro parlamentari sono diventati ago della bilancia della maggioranza al Senato, sugli italiani all'estero, sui quotidiani italiani, è stato versato più inchiostro che nell'ultimo quarto di secolo. Prova ne sia che oggi il principale quotidiano italiano pubblica in prima pagina due titoli e all'interno dedica un'intera pagina. "Udite udite: all'estero ci sono degli italiani. La clamorosa scoperta, dopo decenni di indifferenza condita da spruzzate di retorica, ha colpito la destra come una frustata. E chi se l'immaginava che quei seggi, che parevano una concessione al patriottismo deamicisiano e alla cocciutaggine di quel testone di Tremaglia, sarebbero stati determinanti? E chi poteva pensare, dopo decenni di stereotipi gagliardi, che quei fratelli lontani regalassero la vittoria alla sinistra?" >>>

Italian Elections; Overseas Italians will decide.  But Another Election Inevitable?
Currently, the vote difference between Prodi and Berlusconi is 1/10 of 1% , out of 47 million voters, or 47,000 votes, on an 84% turnout!!! Overseas ballots have yet to be counted, which is estimated to be close to 1.1 million, or 33% of those eligible.  In the Chamber of Deputies, Romano Prodi claimed to have won with 49.8 per cent of the vote, with 49.7 per cent for current Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.  It was a different story for the Senate - Berlusconi's alliance held a one-seat lead (155 to Prodi's 154 seats) but the votes cast by Italians living abroad for six seats were still being counted on Tuesday morning. If the Houses are split, the government would definitely be paralyzed, unless a Unity government is formed, unlikely with the campaign vitriol. Another Election in November is felt highly likely. If there is even the slimmest of margins of victory for one candidate in both houses, the winning Coalition is granted 55% of the seats, which will make the government tenuously governable.  The three Articles enclosed, represent the Comments of Reuters (very revealing), Los Angeles Times, and Swiss News that  has great interest in that Switzerland has a 1/3 Italian influence,( with 1/3 each German and French). 

ITALIAN FILM FESTIVAL OF ST. LOUIS The Italian Film Festival of St. Louis, sponsored by Washington University’s Program in Film and Media Studies and the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Chicago, will feature the St. Louis premier of six recent Italian films beginning with Manuale d’amore (Manual of Love) by Giovanni Veronesi on Friday, March 31, 2006 at 8 p.m. (running time 108 minutes) and Buon giorno, notte (Good Morning, Night) by Marco Bellocchio on Saturday, April 1, 2006, at 8 p.m (running time 105 minutes). For further information, please view the Press Release and visit the festival's website or call 314-422-3102.

Deadline for the vote is April 6 - New record for this Portal: 434,323 Hits.
Three days to go - The Italian election ballots are due back to the eleven USA Consulate offices by 4:00 PM this Thursday, April 6, 2006.  The actual elections in Italy will instead take place on April 9 and 10, therefore, we will be negated the latest news and the last minute developments of what promises to be a most contested campaign. This Portal has been following the election process closely as confirmed by our readership response.  We closed March with 434,323 hits for the month, which is double what we receive in a normal month.  We will continue our coverage well after the elections in our Elezioni Parlamentari - April 2006 section and its FORUM which is open to everybody and also accessible from the top of this column.  Stay tuned.

Italy Election- Overseas Voters To Decide ??
THREE and ONE-HALF (3.5) Million new voters, many of whom have never set foot in Italy and barely speak Italian, could decide the tight race between Premier Silvio Berlusconi and challenger Romano Prodi.  In 2001, four huge electoral districts to represent Italians who live overseas were created. The geography of it all is daunting. One district represents Italians in Africa, Asia, Oceania and Antarctica. Another envelops all of Europe. A third covers North and Central America, and the fourth South America. Eighteen lawmakers will be chosen to represent this new constituency, 12 in the Chamber of Deputies and six in the Senate. While Italian politics is far more complex than in the US, the Overseas Italians add several wrinkles...

Turano bakery chief seeks Italy Senate seat
Chicago Tribune - 1/3/06 - Renato `Ron' Turano hopes to represent 350,000 Italians with dual citizenship who live in North America.  For Turano, returning to serve Italy would complete a circle that began when he first came to Chicago at age 15, leaving the city of Cosenza in southern Italy with his parents and two brothers...

CIAMPI, medaglia oro al valor civile a Fabrizio Quattrocchi
ROMA, 20 mar -(Italia Estera) -  Su proposta del ministro dell'Interno, Giuseppe Pisanu, il Presidente della Repubblica, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi  ha conferito la medaglia d'oro al valor civile alla memoria di Fabrizio Quattrocchi, sequestrato il 14 aprile del 2004 in Iraq insieme ai colleghi Salvatore Stefio, Maurizio Agliana, Umberto Cupertino, da un gruppo di terroristi definitosi Brigate Verdi di Maometto. Due giorni dopo venne ucciso, mentre gli altri tre ostaggi furono liberati il 9 maggio 2004.Prima di morire disse: “Vi faccio vedere io come muore un italiano”. >>>

Rita Pavone candidata al Senato
(GRTV) - 27 febbraio 2006 - Oltre alla notizia, che dobbiamo confermare con molto piacere, della candidatura al Senato nella lista “Per l’Italia nel Mondo con Tremaglia” di Rita Pavone per la Ripartizione Europa, si ha notizia per l’America latina, della candidatura al Senato di Franco Livini, Presidente dell’Ospedale italiano di Buenos Aires... in the World - Hit statistics for ItalySTLHalfway through March and already 180,000 Hits for this Portal
While for the past few months we have steadily hovered around 200,000 hits, and even topped 240,000 hits in February, we are now jumping to a 360,000+ hits monthly average in just the past 15 days.  It appears that our new feature: “Elezioni Parlamentari Aprile 2006” (in the “Highlights” column) is responsible for this dramatic increase in readership.  This very feature has suddenly jumped to 1st place from 7th last month in the rankings of  the most popular sites offered by this Portal.  It is not surprising that this historic event – the very first time Italians abroad can cast their vote in the Italian political elections - should receive so much attention.  In addition to the how-to instructions – much needed as the process is somewhat complicated - the site shows the seven Lists (political parties) that will compete for one Senator and two House Representatives that will represent North and Central America's Italian citizens in the Italian Parliament.  In addition to the Lists and their symbols, pictures of the candidates are displayed and, whenever available, links to their party and personal web sites to better inform the electorate at large who are faced with the difficult task of selecting only 3 people from some 37 candidates.  The photographs, the candidates' biographies, their accomplishments and their promises and the web links all contribute to painting a more personal picture of the candidate and are an effective means for comparison.  The age of the internet brings candidates closer to their constituency, but what of those who do not offer photos or links?  Well, we’ll see after the election…

Wealthy Italians Exceed those in Spain and France, Behind UK and Germany, Not by Much
The ANNOTICO Report - The Impression that the European and US Press gives is Italy as a poor southern ("hick") cousin of it's Northern  European neighbors. So wouldn't you be surprised that Mass Affluency was 11.5% in Germany, 10% in the UK, 9.8%  in Italy, with 9.2 % in France and 6% in Spain.  Italy was a mere 2/10 of 1% behind the pompous British, whose media never miss an opportunity to point out imperfections they perceive in Italy, frequently describing Italy as grand chaos, while they blow their own horn of pride, while relying on the pomp of their Monarchy , which besides being an embarrassment, is immensely archaic, and pays homage to the oppressive "Feudal" system, and is an Insult  to  Democratic Ideals!!!. 

This portal reaches 242,270 HITS for last month in the World - Hit statistics for ItalySTLWith a daily average of 8653 hits, February 2006 marks a record month for the viewing of this portal, one of the first Italian-American portals in the USA, on line since 1997.  Originally created for the immediate St. Louis area the portal quickly expanded to cover the Midwest USA and enjoys now international appeal as the statistics show. It is interesting to note that 13% of the registered hits (31,217) come from Italy thus effectively providing some of the much touted but seldom achieved "informazione di ritorno" or "feedback", intended to awake interest among Italian nationals about their compatriots residing around the world. 
While we have experienced a steady growth in readership over the years, the last few months have shown an increased yet level of interest and one of its contributors is certainly the new page dedicated to the Italian elections (See "Elezioni Parlamentari Aprile 2006" top of right column) which will take place next month; an historic event where Italian citizens around the world as well as those holding dual citizenship can vote for the first time to elect Italy's Parliament which will then have 1 Senator and 2 House Representatives residing in North America.  For more information please contact Franco Giannotti at

Substantially More Americans Identifying with ITALIAN Ancestry.... in New Census
The ANNOTICO Report - People who identified themselves as "Italian" Americans increased by 1,093,880 to 16,817,286, in the four years between 2000 and 2004.  Keep in mind that those who are of mixed Heritage, for instance Italian and Irish, German, English, Eastern European, would not ordinarily identify themselves as Italian American, not wanting to have to "choose" either of their Heritages, and being "disrespectful" to the other(s). Therefore those who "feel" attached to their Italian Heritage must be assumed to be significantly higher. This encouraging data contradicts dire predictions by Academicians of the "Twilight of Italian Ethnicity".

Il Console Generale di Chicago, Eugenio Sgro`, comunica le iniziative predisposte a livello centrale relative alla campagna informativa sul voto all'estero...

Grazie Torino, arrivederci a Vancouver
E’ stato bellissimo, un sogno divenuto realtà. Dall’intuizione di temerari sognatori tra i quali amici che non ci sono più, agli anni della complessa preparazione, fino alla faticosa rincorsa contro il tempo per dimostrare al mondo di essere all’altezza.

One of St. Louis' Seven Wonders?
It could be, if you vote it in the Post Dispatch competition, urge Hill 2000 President Tom Stremlau and Italian Club VP Marie Cuccia-Brand.  See the details in their original memo but hurry: you vote counts and must be in by February 26.  Grazie

di Manuela Zampanini - ...Dell’ astro nascente egli aveva tutti gli ingredienti, come la capacita’ di avere guadagnato molto nel corso di pochi anni, l’abilita’ di aver capitalizzato bene creando una folta schiera di corteggiatori politici e di estimatori nel campo del risparmio istituzionale, le immancabili controversie riguardo alcune delle operazioni finanziarie da lui curate, ma soprattutto la classica imagine dell’uomo di successo... 

Torino 2006: si parte
News ITALIA PRESS - 10 febbraio 2006 - Sembra ieri, quando sui giornali e le tv di tutto il globo è comparsa per la prima volta la notizia "Torino ospiterà le Olimpiadi invernali del 2006". Dopo un inizio dei lavori a rilento e sforzi incredibili, le XX Olimpiadi invernali che si inaugurano oggi non sono più le Olimpiadi torinesi, ma italiane. Abbattuto ogni confine e spazzata via ogni ombra di scetticismo, o quasi, in puro spirito olimpico, Torino è pronta oggi ad accogliere il resto del mondo...

Eccezionali le misure di sicurezza: 15.000 uomini tra militari e forze dell'ordine
(GRTV) E’ previsto per le 11,30 l’arrivo della fiaccola olimpica a Torino, che darà ufficialmente il via alla ventesima edizione dei Giochi invernali. A portarla per due giorni per le vie della città, ci saranno anche tedofori famosi come il ginnasta Sergey Bubka, l’allenatore della Juventus Fabio Capello e il calciatore Alessandro Del Piero. E ancora gli artisti Marco Berry, Luciana Littizzetto, Piero Chiambretti e Stefania Rocca. In tarda mattinata, giungerà nel capoluogo piemontese, il presidente della Repubblica Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, accompagnato dalla moglie, signora Franca. Comincerà dunque, una giornata di festa...

Come accadde a Domenico Modugno nel 1958 con "Nel blu dipinto di blu" 
Per la cantante è un sogno che si è realizzato
(GRTV) 9 febbraio 2006 - Laura Pausini ha vinto il Grammy Award, il massimo premio che gli Stati Uniti dedicano alla musica mondiale. E’ la prima cantante donna italiana ad ottenere questo riconoscimento, come accadde, nel 1958, a Domenico Modugno: miglior disco e miglior canzone con "Nel blu dipinto di blu". La consegna è avvenuta ieri notte, allo Staples Center di Los Angeles. La Pausini ha vinto nella sezione «Best latin pop album» con Escucha, l' edizione spagnola dell'album Resta in ascolto. "E' la più grande emozione della mia vita, è stata una lunga corsa durata tredici anni. Ho vinto il mio campionato del mondo partendo dalla panchina. Dedico questo premio al mio Paese, al mio pubblico e alla mia famiglia...

Carnevale:  The Italian Pre-Lenten Festival
Fun Activities for the Home or Classroom - All about Carnevale in the John D. Calandra Italian American Istitute web site. "A carnevale, ogni scherzo vale"

Friulian Earthquake of 1976 Response, Model for Recovery for New Orleans Katrina Disaster
The Friulian region (the most north eastern in Italy) was hit by a devastating earthquake in 1976, with over 1,000 people killed, and dozens of villages destroyed, in a 3,300-square-mile area.  To the credit of the Italian government who wanted tto build new large urban centers away from the villages, and likewise to the credit of the Friuli's leadership, who   said NO, and  decided immediately that,  The region be reconstituted "dov'era, com'era" -- where it was and how it was.

Washington, DC-- Jan. 31, 2006 “The Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA), the nation’s oldest and largest organization for men and women of Italian heritage, congratulates Judge Samuel A. Alito, Jr. on his appointment to serve on the United States Supreme Court. 

SU LEONARDO WORLD L’ INFO POLITICA PER GLI ITALIANI ALL’ESTERO  Al via “Volti e Voti”, la tribuna elettorale per il voto degli italiani all’estero.  Su Leonardo World, il canale prodotto dal Gruppo Sitcom, diffuso in Inghilterra, Canada, Stati Uniti, Sud America e Australia, andrà in onda dal 6 febbraio alle 22.00 (ora italiana), 10.00 p.m. (ora di New York) e 01.00 p.m. (ora di Sidney), “Volti e Voti”, il nuovo format di approfondimento politico curato da Giacomina Valenti, che ospiterà le interviste ai politici che si occupano delle tematiche inerenti gli italiani all’estero.

The ANNOTICO Report 
Fairness in Filmaking for Italian Americans - John Zimmerman of Chicago Daily Herald
John Zimmerman of the Chicago Daily Herald reports on the courtroom "comedy" of Joey "the Clown" Lombardo, whose outside the courtroom activity has resulted in federal indictments for Lombardo and 13 others in an alleged mob conspiracy spanning four decades in which 18 people were murdered.  Zimmerman goes on to state that Not only do Italian Americans have deal with the damage to their reputation in the Courtroom, BUT  in Movies and TV, where Film Makers myopia, lack of morality (fairness and equity) and greed bombard the viewers with the typical Negative Italian American Stereotype. He calls for Italians to demand fairness in filmmaking!!!!!! 



La conferenza stampa di fine anno di Berlusconi
ROMA, 23 dic. (Italia Estera) - Due ore dieci minuti e 23 domande.  Un intenso botta e risposta con i giornalisti,  nella tradizionale conferenza stampa di fine anno a Villa Madama del Presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi. SEGUE

U.S. soldier considered suspect in killing of Italian Secret Service agent
ROME - A U.S. soldier is being investigated in the killing in March in Baghdad of an Italian Secret Service agent, a prosecutor and news reports said Thursday.
Roma - Si chiama Mario Lozano il marine USA che sparò all'auto di Nicola Calipari e che, per questo, è stato iscritto nel registro degli indagati della Procura di Roma con il reato di omicidio volontario.

Consoli e Vice: pro o contro la comunità?
Notiziario NIP - Le considerazioni del coordinatore nazionale CTIM per gli USA Antonio Cardillo che lamentano assurdità come la lingua italiana non sia necessaria per i vice consoli onorari e come questi al massimo svolgano funzioni di addetti commerciali, nonchè l'imperdonabile atteggiamento di un Console che non invita i consiglieri del Comites alla festa della Repubblica... SEGUE

Considerations by Antonio Cardillo, USA Coordinator for the CTIM, who laments the absurdity of not requiring honorary vice consuls to know the Italian language and how these people are at best commercial attaches, as well as the inescusable conduct of a Consul who does not invite members of the Comites to attend the National Day reception... 

Phoenix - 8 dicembre 2005 - Last August, I left my adoptive home, the USA, to go and serve for the Military Corps of the Italian Red Cross in Iraq. I left with a deeply troubled mind. I was leaving to uphold a peace I believed in yet I knew that our peace was just a myth bearing the scars of human history. Peace, the greatest myth of all, with its full weight of eternal contradiction. The only myth that drives all of the world’s forces in its eternal quest and, at the same time, the most elusive, false and misperceived mirage in human existence... SEGUE

Booksigning at Girasole Gifts and Imports 
Carol Faezi, a New York City-based writer and speaker who has conducted extensive research into the history, art and culture of the Italian immigrant world is the author of "The Stonecutter's Aria".  She will be conducting a booksigning at Girasole Gifts and Imports on Thursday, December 8th.

Come cambia la Costituzione italiana
(9colonne) ROMA - Scompare il bicameralismo perfetto, la Camera dei deputati sarà l'organo politico, il Senato federale rappresenterà gli interessi territoriali. Non ci sarannno piu' i senatori a vita sostituiti dai 'deputati a vita'. E ancora: cambierà il ruolo del Capo dello Stato “garante dell'unita' federale della Repubblica” e il Primo ministro (non si chiamerà più presidente del Consiglio) diventerà più forte, un super-premier. Introdotte sfiducia costruttiva e norma anti-ribaltone. E poi, entrano in costituzione devolution, federalismo fiscale, sussidiarietà e interesse nazionale. Sono queste le novità più importanti della II parte della Costituzione così come riscritta dalla Casa delle libertà. Ecco nel dettaglio i punti 'chiave': SEGUE

Il 31 Ottobre scorso si e` tenuta, presso l’ambasciata d’Italia a Washington, la riunione prevista dall’art.6 comma 2 della legge n.286 del 23 Ottobre 2003, con gli addetti dell’Ambasciata, i Consoli generali, i Consiglieri CGIE ed i presidenti dei Comites, per discutere i problemi della comunita` italiana.  Al primo punto dell’ordine del giorno c’era il voto degli italiani all’estero, dove sono stati approfonditi gli aspetti della legge 459/2001, del regolamento DPR 104/2003 e del DDL CD 2620 sulla nuova legge elettorale.Durante la riunione abbiamo avuto la piacevole sorpresa dell’intervento del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, On. Berlusconi, qui nella foto assieme allo scrivente Cesare Sassi, presidente del Comites di Miami. SEGUE

Scaricate il comunicato del Consolato sulla opzione del voto e l'apposito modulo

Acclamata la nomina del giudice Samuel Alito
Notiziario NIP -  2 novembre 2005 - La Columbus Citizens Foundation invita il Senato degli Stati Uniti a ratificare la nomina del giudice di origine italiana alla Corte Suprema di Giustizia d'America 

Washington - October 31, 2005 - The Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA), the nation's oldest and largest organization for men and women of Italian heritage, congratulates Judge Samuel A. Alito, Jr. on his nomination to the United States Supreme Court. Judge Alito has a sterling record of achievement that honors both his family and his country. The son of an Italian immigrant, he was educated at Princeton University and Yale Law School, where he excelled in his studies... 

Jews Defend Pope Pius XII vs. Character Assassination
The ANNOTICO Report -Thursday, October 27, 2005 - Overwhelming  Numbers of the Jewish Community, in the 60 plus years since WWII have heaped thanks and praise on Pope Pius XII for his Concern and Assistance to the Jews in their difficult years during WWII.  Recently a disinformation smear campaign has been mounted by misguided Jews, that according to Rabbi David Dalin are being used in what is really an intra-Catholic argument about the direction of the Church today. The Holocaust is simply the biggest club available for liberal Catholics to use against traditional Catholics in their attempt to bash the papacy and thereby to smash traditional Catholic teaching….” CONTINUES

Berlusconi company owns Italy's three national commercial television stations. Additionally, There are three RAI state owned  channels, Rai Uno, Rai Due, Rai Tre. Those three main Rai channels have long been parceled out among Italy's political parties. Rai Uno, the most important channel, is supposedly centrist but, in fact, is bitterly fought over.The Prime Minister can be sure of being treated gently on Rai Due, but Rai Tre, is controlled by the left, and is consistently hostile. Meanwhile, In the following article, Berlusconi is expressing anger at Comedians who not merely mock him along with other subjects, but those that build an entire program or series of programs dedicated to ridiculing him.

Della Nebbia: “Dal CGIE proposte concrete al Governo per “migliorare” le leggi che regolano i Comites”
CITTA’ DEL CAPO – INFORM - N. 219 - 26 ottobre 2005 - Il CGIE, nella sua funzione propositiva, dovrebbe aprire un dibattito interno che si concluda con proposte concrete al Governo per “migliorare” le leggi che regolano i Comites”. Con questa sorta di ‘appello’ a mettere mano a una situazione divenuta “insostenibile”, il Consigliere CGIE degli Usa Valter Della Nebbia ha concluso il suo intervento ai lavori della Commissione Continentale per i Paesi anglofoni extraeuropei, svoltisi a Città del Capo dal 21 al 23 ottobre. La relazione di Della Nebbia, che è anche componente del Comites di Houston, è stata incentrata sul ruolo dei Comites, che per svolgere al meglio i loro compiti abbisognano di “fondi e informazioni”. SEGUE

La “devolution” è passata alla Camera. Il provvedimento passa ora in senato.
ROMA, 20 ott. - (Italia Estera) -  L'Aula della Camera ha approvato la devolution. I 'si'' sono stati 317  e i 'no' 234. Cinque gli astenuti. La maggioranza richiesta era di 307.  Scompare il bicameralismo perfetto, la Camera dei deputati sara' l'organo politico, il Senato federale rappresentera' gli interessi territoriali. Non ci saranno piu' i senatori a vita sostituiti dai 'deputati a vita'. E ancora:cambiera' il ruolo del Capo dello Stato "garante dell'unita'federale della Repubblica" e il Primo ministro (non si chiamera' piu' presidente del Consiglio) diventera' piu' forte, un super-premier. Introdotte sfiducia costruttiva e norma anti-ribaltone. E poi, entrano in Costituzione devolution, federalismo fiscale, sussidiarieta' e interesse nazionale.

Le accuse del New York Times ed il trionfo di Tremaglia
Gente d'Italia - New York, 10 ottobre 2005 - “Perché il New York Times pubblica un attacco a Tremaglia oggi e non in occasione della parata di due anni fa? All’epoca il ministro era addirittura il grand marshall del Columbus Day e non un semplice invitato come oggi». Contattato telefonicamente dal Secolo d’Italia, il quotidiano di Alleanza Nazionale, il direttore ed editore di “Gente d’Italia”, pone una domanda per la quale ha già la risposta...

Christopher Columbus - StandsTall above the Cat Calls from the Cheap Seats
Richard Annotico - As one reads petty critiques of Columbus on Columbus Day, from the misguided and uninformed, Do we NEED to be REMINDED  that  Expert Historians "without a political agenda", ALWAYS not only INCLUDE Christopher Columbus in their Lists of the The World's Most Important Historical Figures , But ALWAYS amongst the Top Ten!!!!!!!!

L'On. Mirko Tremaglia in visita a Chicago
   Il console Generale d'Italia Eugenio Sgrò ha il pregio di annunciare che il Ministro per gli Italiani nel Mondo, Onorevole Mirko Tremaglia, in occasione della sua visita a Chicago, incontrerà la comunità italiana mercoledi, 12 ottobre 2005 alle ore 6.30 p.m. presso Casa Italia, 3800 W. Division St., Stone Park, Illinois.
   The Consul General of Italy Eugenio Sgrò has the distinct pleasure to announce that the Minister for Italians Abroad, the Honorable Mirko Tremaglia, will meet with the Italian Community on the occasion of his first visit to Chicago Wednesday, October 12, 2005, 6:30 p.m., at Casa Italia, 3800 W. Division St., Stone Park, Illinois.

Domenica 2 ottobre - Festa dei Nonni
Sarà celebrata in Italia la festa che è stata istituita recentemente dal parlamento italiano. 
Recently instituted byhe Italian Parliament the "Grandparents Day" will be celebrated in Italy on October 2.

Elezioni Politiche 2006 per gli Italiani all’estero.
La FILE - CISAL invita tutti gli italiani residenti all'estero ad adoperarsi per l'aggiornamento dell'AIRE - Anagrafe Italiani esidenti all'Estero.
La Federazione Nazionale Italiana Lavoratori Emigranti – F.I.L.E CISAL- si mobilita con tutte le sue diramazioni, nazionali ed internazionali, in vista delle prossime Elezioni Politiche del 2006 che, per la prima volta, vedono come protagonisti gli Italiani all'estero. Infatti, come si sa, vi saranno in competizione le liste dei candidati italiani residenti all'estero per l'elezione di 12 Deputati e sei Senatori che saranno eletti nei Cinque Continenti (Europa, America, Africa, Australia e Asia), che entreranno a Montecitorio e a Palazzo Madama. SEGUE

Chicago - September 8, 2005 - The Italian Consulate announces the performance at Casa Italia, Stone Park, IL, for Sunday, October 2, 2005, at 2:00 PM.  Click below for details on the performance, the company in tournee from Italy and directions to Casa Italia. SEGUE

Lettera aperta del Presidente COMITES di Miami, Dott. Cesare Sassi, per la raccolta fondi a favore delle vittime di Katrina
Miami - 7 settembre 2005 - Il presidente del Comites di Miami annuncia che in stretta collaborazione con il Consolato Generale sta organizzando una raccolta di fondi per un pronto e significativo intervento a favore delle popolazioni colpite... SEGUE

OPERATION SMILE: Donating a moment of joy to the children hit by Katrina
The Houston COMITES in cooperation with the Italian Club of Dallas launches an initiative to alleviate the suffering of children hit by Hurricane Katrina... MORE
OPERAZIONE SORRISO: Doniamo un momento di gioia ai bambini colpiti da Katrina
Il COMITES di Houston in collaborazione con l'Italian Club di Dallas lancia un iniziativa per alleviare le soffernze dei bambini vittime dell'uragano Katrina... SEGUE

L’accorato appello alla solidarietà del presidente del COMITES di Houston, Vincenzo Arcobelli
Adesso mentre si contano i morti  e si calcolano i danni lasciati dietro da Katrina, negli stati colpiti dal catastrofico uragano e devastati alla pari di un attacco nucleare, si capisce veramente cosa vuol dire dover fronteggiare uno scontro diretto con le forze inarrestabili della natura...   Occorre pero’ non scoraggiarsi e non  rassegnarsi perche’ la storia c’ insegna che la grande democrazia americana e’ stata sempre capace di risollevarsi dopo i colpi piu’ duri ricevuti in passato tanto dagli uomini che dalle forze scatenate della natura...    Ritengo, quindi, che  tutti gli Italiani che vivono tanto in Italia che all’estero debbano partecipare a questa gara contro il tempo con la loro consueta generosita’. In circostanze come queste qualsiasi contributo, anche il piu’ piccolo, e’ importante e significativo. E’ per questo motivo che faccio appello particolarmente a tutti gli Italiani d’America...   SEGUE

Giro della Montagna 2005
(The Hill)  On Sunday, September 4, 2005, The Hill will be alive with the sounds of Blood Sweat and Gears as Hill 2000 welcomes professional cyclists to The Hill as part of the Michelob Ultra Gateway Cup Bicycle Race Series. Over 150 top ranked professional and amateur cyclists in various divisions will compete in criterium-style races (a short circuit race on a closed course).  St. Ambrose Church will be the site of the start/finish line and spectators can expect a festive atmosphere with food, drinks, music and sponsor booths.

In occasione dei referendum del 12 giugno 2005 si è riscontrato che non tutti i cittadini iscritti nello schedario consolare sono regolarmente trascritti all'AIRE (Anagrafe Italiani Residenti all'Estero) presso il proprio comune d'origine o viceversa.  Si rende quindi necessaria una operazione straordinaria di verifica anagrafica che ha lo scopo di confermare l'attuale residenza all'estero e l'esattezza dei propri dati anagrafici. SEGUE

Significant tax reductions for Italians abroad purchasing a home in Italy
Rome - August 25 - From the ordinary 7%, the preferred rate is now 3% for the "first" home purchased, or inherited, in Italy.  Also waived is the previous mandatory residence within 18 months of the purchase.  This applies to rural properties as well as dwellings under constructions. Excluded are luxury homes.

The Euro, Italy's Harridan ?? Time for Divorce ?? Or Rewriting the Vows ??
Sunday, August 07, 2005 - The ANNOTICO Report - The Euro has been a disaster for Italy.  Until 1997, Italy was the fastest-growing leading economy in Europe, consistently outperforming both Germany and France. Since 1998 it has lagged in every single year behind France and in all but two years behind Germany.  Some time between now and the Italian general election next spring, Italy's continuing membership in the eurozone will become politically incompatible with the present monetary conditions. 

HILL DAY 2005- Saturday, July 30th - noon - 8p.m. - Berra Park
On Saturday, July 30, 2005, Hill 2000 Inc. will host Hill Day at Berra Park.  Planners of the Hill Day event have cooked up recipe for a family oriented food and entertainment event. The festivities will begin at 12:00pm with the sale of food and other items from the numerous restaurants and shops. In addition to the food and drink, live entertainment will be playing throughout the day. Any proceeds of the event will be used to further the work of the neighborhood organization within The Hill community. MORE...

22 maggio 2005 - Il presidente Intercomites USA, Cesare Sassi, comunica che i Comites di tutto il mondo, allo scopo di dare rilevanza ai vari aspetti della cultura italiana, nonchè difenderne l’immagine di QUALITA’ unanimemente riconosciuta in settori importanti, hanno deciso di farsi portavoce ed organizzatori di una importante iniziativa rivolta al settore commerciale della ristorazione. SEGUE

ROMA, 24 maggio 2005 - AgenParl - Il Senato con 169 sì e 6 astenuti ha approvato il ddl che istituisce la Festa dei nonni presentato dal sen. Franco Pontone (AN) e sottoscritto da più di cento senatori di maggioranza e opposizione.

Falliti i referendum in Italia , quorum non raggiunto - L'affluenza è stata del 25,9% - All' estero ha votato il 20,28 %
ROMA - (Italia Estera) - I referendum sulla procreazione assistita non hanno raggiunto il quorum. Secondo i dati parziali, a votare sarebbe andato il 25,9% degli aventi diritto nelle 110 province interessate. SEGUE
Italy's referendums failed to achieve quorum. 50%+ needed, only 25.9% showed up (20.28% abroad)

Tutto sul Referendum 2005: Temi, modalità e opinioni.  Votare è un privilegio, un diritto ma anche un nostro dovere.  Siate informati, selezionate il titolo per visionare la pagina dedicata al Referendum 2005.  Se siete residenti a Chicago o vicinanze potrete anche usufruire di un evento informativo gratuito.  SEGUE...
Date da ricordare:
25 maggio 2005: Plichi spediti agli elettori
29 maggio 2005: Informa il Consolato per mancata ricevuta
3 giugno 2005: Evento informativo a Casa Italia, Stone Park, IL
9 giugno 2005, ore 14: Schede votate devono essere ricevute dal Consolato

The Consul General of Italy, Eugenio Sgrò, is coming to St. Louis on May 17
A welcoming dinner sponsored by the Honorary Vice Consul, the COMITES and  FIAO will take place on Tuesday May 17,2005, at the BOCCE CLUB on the Hill.  The event which marks the Consul General's first visit to St. Louis is open to everybody and will feature foods from local Italian restaurants and merchants.  The Italian Band of St. Louis will provide the entertainment.  Click here for your invitation. 

La morte di Calipari? Fu colpa degli italiani
NIP -  26 aprile 2005 - Le conclusioni della commissione congiunta d'inchiesta sulla morte dell'agente segreto italiano hanno provocato una forte indignazione in Italia. Il futuro del rapporto tra Italia e USA potrebbe riservare dei cambiamenti; a cominciare dalla presenza in Iraq
Calipari-Sgrena Debacle - Italians Reject 
American Report - Clearing up the LIES!!! 
The ANNOTICO Report - April 27, 2005 - Beyond the LIES that are used to justify the US Imperialistic Invasion and Occupation of Iraq, it seems that our Government is incapable of telling the truth. This goes beyond,  "Advancing an Agenda", or CYA (Cover your Buttocks), its more Pathological! 
Il caso Calipari divide Italia e USA
NIP - 29 aprile 2005 - In una dichiarazione congiunta del Ministero degli Affari Esteri italiano e del Dipartimento di Stato americano le conclusioni, opposte, sulla morte dell'agente del Sismi ucciso in Iraq sotto i colpi del "fuoco amico"

Borse di studio del Governo italiano
Sul sito web dell’Ambasciata a Washington sono riportate le disposizioni relative alla concessione di borse di studio del Governo italiano per cittadini italiani residenti all’estero per l’anno accademico 2005-2006. Le domande dei candidati dovranno pervenire direttamente all’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington entro e non oltre il 22 aprile 2005 via email ( o per fax 202.518.2149. In fase successiva, entro il 20 maggio 2005, i soli candidati selezionati (effettivi e di riserva) dovranno procedere all’inoltro della documentazione originale, debitamente certificata, all’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington per la trasmissione al Ministero a Roma. Per maggiori dettagli Vi invitiamo a prendere visione dell’allegato

Rome Copes Effortlessly with Pope's Funeral
The Annotico Report - In the case of the Pope's Funeral, the Rome Italian's achieved a MIRACLE. The Visitor's doubled the size of the city within 10 days, with short notice, without ANY incidents!!! 

Giovanni Paolo II: audio, video e foto
Aggiornamenti e documenti multimediali di

Elezioni regionali
INFORM - 5 aprile 2005  ROMA - I risultati del voto: netta vittoria dell'Unione che conquista 11 Regioni su 13. Alla Casa della Libertà solo la Lombardia e il Veneto Undici a due. E' questo in sintesi il risultato della consultazione che ha cambiato il volto della rappresentanza regionale in Italia.

Inaugural Italidea Golf Outing Fundraiser
Italidea's first annual golf outing will take place at the prestigious Villa Olivia Country Club in Bartlett (Chicago), IL, on Wednewsday May 11, 2005.  Invitation from Consul General of Italy Eugenio Sgrò and President of Italidea Maria Grazia Barghini is enclosed, as well as descriptive flyer, registration and sponsorship forms. Italidea is a not for profit organization with the sole purpose of promoting the Italian language and culture.  Italidea has helped finance Italian language courses in the Chicagoland area, St, Louis and Denver.  This event truly represents an important occasion for the Italian Community to come togethere and stand behind a worthwhile project.  For more information or to register download the .pdf file or contact Italidea at 312-832-4053, email 

Fifty years of the Accademia Italiana della Cucina
The Istituto Italiano di Cultura announces the grand opening of the titled exhibit at its 500 N. Michigan Ave suite 1450, Chicago office on Monday April 4 at 6pm.  See the enclosed invitation for details.

Ciao Nicola Calipari!
*di Mimmo Pizzimenti
Qualche sera fa, ho appreso casualmente dai telegiornali la notizia della liberazione della giornalista del Manifesto Giuliana Sgrena, ad opera dei servizi segreti italiani. Dalla ridda di informazioni trapelava anche quella che riguardava la morte di uno 007 italiano, facente parte, ma poi si è saputo che era il capo della missione, del gruppo di agenti che avevano reso possibile la liberazione della donna...

PRESS RELEASE by Gennaro Buonocore, CTIM
“Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori”, i nostri antenati ci hanno spesso indicato l’impervia strada, quella meno trafficata ma piena di significati esemplari.  La strada dei sacrifici, delle decisioni ardue e dolorose, istintive ed eroiche. Quella delle decisioni irrevocabili che segnano e cambiano il destino dei popoli...

Life and Death
Gabriele Polo - "il manifesto" 05 March 2005 - A few minutes, that is how long our joy lasted. The time which goes from a phone call to another: the one telling us of Giuliana’s freedom and the one which throws us into the killing of the person who more than anybody else worked to free her. Fifteen, maximum twenty minutes, the time to save one life and lose another.... 
See also highlighted pertinent articles in the Annotico Report

"True Colors - Venice in Winter" Photo Exhibit by Stewart Halperin
You are invited to the reception on Friday, March 11, 6:00-9:30p.m. at Visions Five Gallery - 65 North Taylor (intersection of Taylor & Olive).  The exhibit will run through April 17, 2005.  The artist web site is

Italian Movies at Wash U Brown Hall
The St. Louis Italian Film Festival, sponsored by the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Chicago, Washington University’s Program in Film and Media Studies, and the Italian Club of St. Louis, will feature the St. Louis premier of three recent Italian films...

Questa volta tutti con Buonocore contro i consoli che non sanno l'italiano
AISE 14 febbraio 2005 -"la dignità di essere rappresentati da persone che conoscono l’Italia e l’italiano"...

20th Anniversary of the Istituto Italiano di Cultura of Chicago and farewell to Director Francesca Valente, headed for Los Angeles, who has made significant contributions to the Chicago Institute.  We will miss her.

10 febbraio: Giorno del Ricordo. 
Convegno Mondiale degli Esuli a Trieste.
Trieste - 10 febbraio 2005 - Gli esuli di Fiume, Istria e Dalmazia stanno arrivano da tutti i Paesi mondo per portare la loro testimonianza al Primo Convegno Mondiale degli esuli voluto e organizzato dal Ministro degli Italiani nel mondo Mirko Tremaglia con l’Alto patronato del Presidente della Repubblica Carlo Azeglio Ciampi

dal Console Generale Eugenio Sgro`- 27 gennaio 2005
Solo il possesso di notizie complete ed aggiornate sullo stato anagrafico può contribuire a consentire il Consolato Generale di erogarvi rapidamente i servizi richiesti, nonché di porvi in condizione di esercitare pienamente i vostri diritti, non ultimo quello relativo al voto per corrispondenza. 
Only the full possession of your vital records enables the Consulate to better administer its service toward fulfilling your rights, as well as granting you the privilege of voting by corrispondence,  Click here for additinal information.

Arizona: terra di sogni e di chimere
PRESS RELEASE - Gennaro Buonocore - 22 gennaio 2005
L’Arizona rappresenta lo stato nordamericano con maggiore crescita di popolazione negli ultimi dieci anni. Con la popolazione, si sa, crescono le concentrazioni urbane, le attivita’ produttive e le necessita’ sociali.  La popolazione italoamericana ed italiana e’ cresciuta prodigiosamente fino a superare le trecentomila unita’ e tremila rispettivamente nella sola Maricopa County ma il “Sistema Italia” in Arizona sta fallendo miseramente.

Messaggio di Fine Anno del Presidente della Repubblica Carlo Azeglio Ciampi agli Italiani 
Palazzo del Quirinale, 31 dicembre 2004
Care Italiane, cari Italiani, 
in ogni parte del mondo l'attesa serena del nuovo anno è stata funestata dall'immane disastro naturale nell'area dell'Oceano Indiano. Piangiamo i nostri morti, piangiamo migliaia e migliaia di morti di tante nazioni, lontane nello spazio, vicine nel lutto...

Ministro Mirko Tremaglia propone una 
"Carta per il turismo di ritorno"
15 dicembre 2005 - Today, the leader of "Italiani nel mondo" will introduce a proposal to issue a Tourist Card for Italians abroad who wish to visit Italy.  The Card will grant discounts for most tourist attractions including, museums, travel, hotels, restaurants and shopping. It is speculated that the initiative will increase tourism tenfold.  Tourism presently contributes 7% of the Italian GNP.

"I Madonnari" - The Italian Art of Street Painting
A great and inexpensive gift idea for all your friends.  This award winning calendar with beatiful full color photos of famous Madonna paintings is available for immediate shipment.  Click here for more informations and to view the photos.

Dal Console Generale d'Italia a Chicago, Eugenio Sgrò: 

ROMA\ aise\ - "Arriva il nuovo Ministro degli Esteri, l'onorevole Gianfranco Fini. Sono felice: sarà il primo Ministro ad avere il privilegio di guidare le elezioni degli Italiani all'estero nel 2006". Il Ministro per gli Italiani nel Mondo, Mirko Tremaglia, ha accolto con evidente soddisfazione la nomina di Fini come successore di Franco Frattini alla guida della Farnesina. Per Tremaglia si tratta di "un fatto storico: penso a quella legge approvata dopo 46 anni di battaglie, penso che ho cambiato due volte la Costituzione della Repubblica, penso che è nata la Circoscrizione Estero e che 4 milioni di cittadini italiani nel Mondo andranno a votare per 12 deputati e 6 senatori del Parlamento Italiano, nostri connazionali residenti all'estero. Penso che questa battaglia di civiltà porta il mio nome, che Fini sarà alla guida di questo evento eccezionale".
NIP - Fini agli Esteri, Italia a una svolta
GRTV - Gianfranco Fini Ministro degli Esteri
La Repubblica - Dal Msi alla Farnesina - La lunga marcia di Fini
Il Corriere della sera - Fini nominato ministro degli Esteri

Le elezioni americane viste nel reportage del Corriere della sera 
Bush: «L'America ha parlato»
«Sarò il presidente di tutti gli americani» ha detto George W. Bush nel discorso della vittoria. «Abbiamo avuto una lunga notte e una storica vittoria. L'America ha parlato», ha aggiunto poi il presidente riconfermato che ha parlato ai suoi sostenitori riuniti nel Ronald Reagan Center di Washington. E rivolgendosi agli elettori democratici, Bush ha detto: «Saprò conquistarmi la vostra fiducia». 

The official web site of Nino Pippa is now the home of the famed artist and owner of Nino's Restaurant in Westport, now the summer gathering place for Italiano per piacere members and friends.  Some of Nino's finest works can be admired on this site and his paintings are available from many fine art galleries on the internet such as Galleria Uno, d'Art and TeleMax Art Gallery on eBay.

CHICAGO\ aise\- 18 ottobre 2004 - “ Su Internet è la nostra sede "virtuale" e forse l'unica nostra sede in questi tempi di scarsi finanziamenti.”. Cosi’ presenta il portale del Comites Chicago il Vice presidente Franco Giannotti, il quale aggiunge subito “Non mi illudo che possa rimpiazzare calce e mattoni, però, agli italiani (più di 5,000) abitanti negli 11 stati della circoscrizione Consolare, incluso l'Illinois all'infuori della Chicago metro, la nostra sede virtuale potrebbe anche essere l'unico contatto per molti di loro, quindi esorto tutti a frequentarla e contribuire le vostre idee e comunicati.”.
Al momento , il sito prevede due pagine principali: una, si riferisce a prima delle elezioni COMITES e, quindi, riporta nominativi e soggetti pertinenti alle tre liste ed alla campagna elettorale; l’altra, quella attuale cui si accede per prima, è divisa in tre spazi . Il primo di questi è dedicato al COMITES, quello centrale alle atttualita’ e notizie, il terzo al CGIE ed alle istituzioni.
Lo spazio a destra , oltre al CGIE e le istituzioni presenza un’uscita sui "link" su quello che “dovrebbe essere – spiega Giannotti - il nostro Foro attraverso il quale la comunità comunica con noi e viceversa”. L’invito di Giannotti e’ quello di frequentare spesso il portale e di contribuire al suo sviluppo. (aise)

“Una ricorrenza che, rendendo onore al nostro Tricolore, sarà finalmente celebrata anche dall’Italia”
GRTV - 12 ottobre 2004 - Il messaggio del Ministro per gli Italiani nel Mondo per “La Giornata Nazionale di Cristoforo Colombo”.  L’iniziativa di istituire questa importante ricorrenza, per colmare una incomprensibile dimenticanza da parte dell’Italia.

Pier Ferdinando Casini incontra il COMITES di Chicago.
Chicago, 12 settembre 2004 - Il Presidente della Camera dei Deputati incontra rappresentanti eletti della circoscrizione consolare di Chicago, alla presenza dell'Ambasciatore d'Italia Sergio Vento ed il Console Generale di Chicago Eugenio Sgrò

Il 23 giugno 1946, il governo italiano stipulava un trattato che prevedeva l’invio di 2000 operai alla settimana contro l’approvvigionamento di 200 kg. di carbone per ogni giornata lavorata da ognuno di loro…  questo ignobile baratto costò la vita a 867 italiani, periti nelle miniere belghe, dal 1946 al 1963…

Eletti a Roma il Segretario Generale, i Vice Segretari Generali ed il Comitato di Presidenza che formano i 18 rappresentanti al timone del CGIE nel mondo per i prossimi cinque anni.
Confermato ancora una volta lo svizzero Franco Narducci come Segretario Generale.  Vice Segretario Generale per i paesi anglofoni extra-europei (che include gli USA)è l'australiano Marco FediSilvana Mangione si aggiudica la Presidenza nell'omonimo comitato per gli Stati Uniti d'America, Gino Bucchino e Giovanni Rapanà per il Canada. Gian Luigi Ferretti (AN) e Roberto Volpini (ACLI) concludono la rappresentanza governativa del Comitato di Presidenza. Vedi gli articoli in calce per gli altri nominativi.
28 luglio, 2004:  GRTV - NIP - INFORM
Elected in Rome the 18 leaders who will guide the CGIE for the next 5 years
The incumbent Franco Narducci from Switzerland is easily relected General Secretary.  General Vice Secretary for English speaking countries is the Australian Marco Fedi.  The President's Committee includes Silvana Mangione from USA, Gino Bucchino e Giovanni Rapanà from Canada, with Gian Luigi Ferretti (AN) and Roberto Volpini (ACLI) both representing the Italian Government in Italy.  See the linked articles above for other elected rappresentatives.